Acacia Ridge State School
79 NyngamStreet
Acacia Ridge Qld 4110
School OfficePhone(07)3717 4111
School Office Fax (07)3717 4100
Welcome toAcacia Ridge State School!
We hope ouryeartogether willberewarding andenjoyable,as weworktogethertohelpyour childgrow, learn anddevelop.
Webelievethateducationisacombinedventureof the child,parents,teacherandcommunity.
This hand book includes important information about our school. There is more information on our website (see link below). If you have another other questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 3717 4111during normal business hours.
Theschooldaycommencesat8.30amandconcludesat2.30pm. Punctualityin droppingoffandcollecting yourchildis veryimportant.
8.25am / Children to be lined up in class lines8.30am / First session - classes begin
10:30 / First break – little lunch
10:40 / Play
11:00 / Middle session
12:45 / Second break – big lunch
12:55 / Play
1:30 / Last Session
2:30 / School Finishes
There is no organised supervision of children prior to 8am. If children arrive before this time, they need to sit quietly in the courtyard area outside the office. Children are not required to be at school before 8.00am except when different arrangements have been made by teachers for Sports or Music Practice. Once children arrive at school, they are not to leave the grounds without a teacher’s permission. All children are expected to be at school by 8:25am.
At Acacia Ridge State School, we implement the Australian Curriculum for the following key learning areas:
- Mathematics
- English
- Science
- History
- Geography
Our school also offers learning programs for:
- Music
- The Arts
- Technology
- Physical education
- ICTs (Computers)
Years 4-6
- Instrumental music
Years 5 and 6
- Language other than English (LOTE)
Our distinctive curriculum offerings
- Our school has a focus on improving student learning outcomes, particularly in literacy (reading) and numeracy.
- Whole-school assessment takes place each term, to determine the support requirements and intervention for our students.
- Specialist physical education and music teachers provide weekly lessons to students and a specialist instrumental music teacher provides lessons for a number of students from Years 4-6
All schools in Queensland are committed to providing safe and supportive learning environments for all students which address their educational needs.
Acacia Ridge State School expects that all students will attend school every day during the school week.
Acacia Ridge State SchoolAttendance and Late Arrival Policy aims to:
- ensure all students are given the best opportunity to learn by outlining the responsibilities of the school, parents and students in managing attendance issues
- ensure all students, staff and parents/carers have a shared understanding of the importance of attending school
Acacia Ridge State School
- is committed to promoting the key messages of Every Day Counts
- believes all children should be enrolled at school and attend school all day, every school day
- monitors, communicates and implements strategies to improve regular school attendance
- believes truanting can place a student in unsafe situations and impact on their future employability and life choices
- believes attendance at school is the responsibility of everyone in the community.
Late Arrivals
Children who arrive after 8:30am must proceed to the office for a late note.
Anyabsencesneed to be reported in writingor by telephone to the schooloffice. If atallpossible,pleasenotifytheteacherpriortotheabsence, however,acall thatmorning isappreciated.
All absences are to beleft onourmessage bank before8:30am, on 3717 4111. Please leaveyourchild’s name;class andreasonforabsence.
Early Departure
Toensurethesafetyofyourchild,parentscollectingstudentsearlymustgoto the office and sign the EarlyDeparture Book.
Pleasenote:childrenwillnotbereleasedintothecareofanypersonwhoisnotlistedontheirenrolmentformasa parent,caregiveroremergencycontact.
Open communicationbetweenparentsandstaffcreatepositive relationshipsbasedon trustandsharedresponsibilityforyourchild’s learning.
Theschoolprotocol regardinganyissues inrelation toyourchildisthe following:-
Step2-Ifrequiredtheclassroomteacherwillreferyoutothe relevant DeputyPrincipal or Principal.
Inthefirstinstancealwaysdiscuss things withtheclassroomteacher.
A Newsletter is distributed every second week to all families. The Newsletter provides information about school activities, items of interest and weekly student awards.
All students areexpectedtowearthe school uniform at all times at school and particularly on excursions and sporting events. Please ensure your child’s clothing and belongings are clearly named.
- School Polo Shirt
- Black shorts (forboysorgirls)
- Sunsafe broad brimmed hat
- Black skirts/skorts (for girls)
- Sports shoes and socks
- Thewinteruniformconsists of:
- Black jumper with school logo or plain black jumper with no patterns or other logos
- Black tracksuit pants
All uniforms are available from the Uniform Shop which is operated by the P&C as part of the tuckshop.
Tradinghours are: - Wednesday to Fridayfrom8.15amto 1.00pm.
It is an Education Queensland requirement that all children wear a sun safe hat during play. Couldyoupleasecheckwithyourchildtoseethat theyhavetheirschoolhatintheir bag eachday.
Theonlyjewellerythat canbeworn at schoolisa watch and earrings(studsor sleepers only). Similarlyno bracelets or necklaces areto beworn (this does not include medical bracelets).
Allhairthat isshoulder length orlonger isrequiredtobe worn pulledbackand securedawayfromthefaceandshoulderswitha ‘scrunchie’,band andribbon.
The tuckshop operates Wednesday to Friday. A paid convenor and voluntary assistants staff this valuable amenity provided by the P and C Association. Profits from the tuckshop are used to fund projects approved by the P and C. The method of ordering is clearly outlined on the reverse side of the Menu/Price list. A good range of healthy foods are available for purchase.
All parents are invited to join us for our weekly parade.Prep students will attend Parade commencing Term 1. Parades are held every Friday from 8:40am in the new hall.
Events infamily life suchasa majorillness,visits ofgrandparents or otherrelatives,accidents,death ofrelatives,friends orpets can cause majorconcern orexcitementforchildrenandmarkedlyaffecttheir behaviour. Itisimportantforthehomeandteacherstoshare information thatmayaffectthechildren. Withthisinmind,wewouldappreciate parents/carersinformingteachersofanyunusual happeningsorevents.
Report Cards are issued to parents twice per year at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. Parent/teacher meetings are conducted at the end of Term 1 and Term 3 and are valuable opportunities to discuss your child’s progress and any concerns. Acacia Ridge State School values positive relationshipsbetween parentsandteachers,sofeelwelcometo discuss your child informallythroughout theyear.
Like most schools, an Assessment Framework is used to assess and measure students at regular intervals throughout the year. In-class testing is also conducted by teachers. All student data is stored on OneSchool, which allows the students achievement record to ‘travel’ should a child move to another school.
National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy tests (NAPLAN) for children in Years 3 and 5 are administered once per year Australia wide. An official NAPLAN Student Report will be issued to parents/carerstowards the end ofTerm 3.
Should you have any concerns about your child’s progress, you are invited to make an appointment to discuss the matter with the class teacher.
From time to time children become sick or suffer from accidents whilst at school. Parents will be contacted by the office if a child is unwell or has suffered an injury.
The Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students is distributed to all parents on enrolment and is also available to view on the school website. The Responsible Behaviour Plan outlines the procedures for facilitating standards of positive behaviour and responding to inappropriate behaviour.
Each teacher will have their specific class behaviour plan which will be explained to parents and children at the beginning of the year.
Acacia Ridge State School is implementing the School-wide Positive Behaviour Support process. The SWPBS process seeks to establish a positive climate in which students and staff understand, support and act on agreed behaviour norms. Please see the website for a copy of our Responsible Behaviour Plan.
Some homework may be given to consolidate work, which has been taught recentlyor to learn sounds, sight words, multiplication tables etc. Children should be able to do the set homework independently. This may require modification to the class homework for some students. Please discuss any concerns about homework with your child’s class teacher.
Classes for selected Years 5 and 6 students are conducted in Brass, Woodwind and Percussion instruments. Children audition at the end of Year 4 and may be invited to join the program. The school provides a limited number of instruments for loan to students. There is a $65 participation fee that goes towards repairs and maintenance of the instruments.
The school has access to a Guidance Officerone day per week, who is able to assess children who are experiencing difficulty with schoolwork. Parental permission must be obtained before any diagnostic testing is undertaken by the Guidance Officer.
The Support Teacher Learning Difficulties is based at the school part-time during the week and provides valuable classroom support.
The school has access to a Speech Language Pathologist on a part-time basis.
An English as an Additional Dialect Teacher and Teacher Aides provides support to refugee and migrant children, where English is their second language.
Our school also has a School Chaplain available to support our students.
Religious Education is offered each week as an ecumenical program. Parents may exempt their children with a written request to the school. Any requests for changes to attendance at Religious Instruction classes must be in writing.
Through sporting activities, the school attempts to develop a spirit of competition and sportsmanship in all children. Children in Years 5 and 6 have the opportunity to participate in inter-school sport.
Acacia Ridge State School also holds an annual Cross Country event and Inter-House Athletics Carnival.
Children are divided into three houses named after famous Australian explorers. Children are placed in houses in families according to surnames.
Swimming is a part of this school’s curriculum. Children are expected to take part unless a medical condition prevents participation. The school has a 25 metre swimming pool. A Physical Education Teacher provides a half-hour lesson per week in Terms 1 and 4.
The library is a valuable asset to the school and provides a pleasant environment conducive to good learning. We encourage our students to utilise the library and borrow books for their own pleasure.
The Association’s aim is to improve educational opportunities for the children at Acacia Ridge by providing additional facilities and equipment and participating in decision-making processes that determine the direction of the school policy and procedures. Membership is open to all members of the community over the age of eighteen years. Meetings are held every 2nd Thursday of the month at 2:45pm. All parents/carers are welcome.
Any legaldocumentation thatpertainstoyourchildmustbe given tothe school officewhereacopywillbekept onfile. Pleasebeassuredthat all documentswill remainconfidential.
All medicalconditionsandallergiesmustbemadeknowntotheschool. Additionally, any health need that may impact on school activities such as sports, outings (including camps) should also be discussed with the school.
Information should be provided in writing and any specific health plans (only to be completed and signed by the medical practitioner) should be included. Please contact the school to discuss any specific requirements.
Shouldyourchild haveanillnessthatiscontagious,pleasenotifythe schoolimmediately. Medicationprescribed byaMedicalPractitioner may onlybeadministeredwhen:
(a)Apermissionformhasbeencompleted bytheparent.Thisis obtainedfromthe main school office.
(b)The medicationis sentto school initsoriginal container,labeledbyahealthcareprofessionalorpharmacist. Thismust thenbehandedtothestaffmemberresponsibleforthe administering of medication.
AnalgesicssuchasPanadol and coughmedicines,as well asother“over thecounter” typesofmedication mustalso beaccompanied bythe permissionformand haveahealthcareprofessionalorpharmacists labelattached.
Childrenlovetocelebratetheirbirthdayatschoolwiththeirfriends. Please feelwelcometosendalonga cake orsmall cupcakestoshare.Please notifytheteacher ifyourchild has any foodallergies.
It is important that students take an active part in their community and engage in real life experiences.
The procedure for an excursion or visiting guest is:
- A permission note will be sent home explaining all the details and clearly stating the final date for payment, if required.
- A request may also be made for parent assistance. The cost will be listed on the permission form.
- Parents should send the signed permission form together with any payment required, in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, class and activity name clearly marked on the front.
If any money is to be collected for excursions or performances, you can assist us by always sending the correct amount, sealing the money in an envelope and labeling the envelope as below:
(a) child’s name
(b) the amount enclosed
(c) the purpose
NB: Please note closing date for all excursions or performances.
If you are experiencing difficulties with payment, please telephone the office as soon as possible to discuss alternative arrangements.
Please take note of and follow ALL the road rules, traffic signs and “Lollipop staff” around our school. The safety of our students and families is paramount. Please note that the Pick up/Drop off zone on Nyngam Street is not a waiting area.
- Water bottle
- School Bag
- Waterproof Library Bag
- Spare clothes in plastic bag
(underwear, shorts, and t-shirt - for accidents)
- Healthy lunch [with spoon if necessary] and drink
- A snack with packaging that your child can open. No lollies/chocolates, chips, cordial, soft drinks or energy drinks.
- Small nutritional afternoon snack
- Acacia Ridge school “sunsafe” hat (no hat, no play)
- Label all your child’s belongings clearly – please ensure each article has your child’s name written in lower case lettering.
Prep classesoperate 5days perweek,Monday toFriday, 8.30am to2.30pm. Prepdoorswill openat8.25am. Pleasebringyourchildtoschoolbythis timesothat he/shecanorganisehim/herself.
Itisimportantthatstudentsgain independenceandresponsibilityforroutinessopleaseencourage your childtounpackhis/herown bag. Schoolfinishesat2.30pm. Please ensure that a parent/sibling/other known adult comes tothe classroom to collect him/herinthe afternoon.
Prep provides the foundation for your child's success at school by developing:
- a positive approach to learning
- independence and confidence
- creativity and problem-solving skills
- physical abilities, including gross and fine motor skills.
OurPrepcurriculumisbased ontheAustralian Curriculum and EducationQueenslandEarlyYears Curriculum Guidelines. The curriculum is designedto provideawiderangeofexperiences so that each childwill developskills inthefollowingEarly Learning Areas:
- languagelearningand communication
- early mathematicalunderstandings
- social and personal learning
- healthand physical understanding
- activelearning processes
and the knowledge, understanding and skills detailed in the Australian Curriculum for:
- English,
- Mathematics,
- Science,
- History
- Geography
- Civics and Citizenship.
Learning in Prep
In Prep, your child will have opportunities to learn in many different ways. This includes active learning such as play-based and enquiry-based approaches. They make decisions, solve problems, develop thinking skills, collaborate, communicate and develop a positive sense of self.
Your child will learn about:
- speaking, listening, reading and writing
- mathematics and problem solving
- science, exploring interesting and important questions about the biological, physical and technological world
- history, beginning to examine and enquire about the past to develop curiosity and imagination.
Prep children also learn about:
- negotiating rights, roles and responsibilities and developing social skills for working and playing with others
- diverse social and cultural practices of people in their community
- making healthy choices
- experimenting with materials in a variety of creative, imaginative and innovative ways
- technology in everyday life
- music and movement.
Enrolling your child in a school
Parents intending to enrol their child in Prep are encouraged to contact their chosen school the year prior to commencement of school. To be eligible to enrol for Prep in 2015, your child needs to have been born between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011. Proof of birth date is required (Birth Certificate, Passport, Travel Documents, etc.)
When enrolling your child the school may ask you for a range of information, such as:
- your child's name, date of birth, address, phone number, parents' or carers' contact details. Documentary evidence about your child’s date of birth will be required such as passport / travel documents, court documentation or birth certificate (which can be ordered from the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages)
- information about any medical condition or medication your child has, together with your doctor's instructions and contact details
- information about any other languages that might be spoken at home
- any other information that will assist the school in providing for your child's education and welfare. This may include information from your child's previous education and care providers.
Parentsplayanimportantandvalued roleintheeducationoftheir childandso we welcomeparentstobeinvolved inPrep.
- visitingtheclassroomandjoining inthe program
- supportingtheParentCitizensAssociation and itssub committees oftheTuckshop and UniformShop.
- reading thenoticeboardsandnewsletters
- collectingjunkmaterialforcollage
- supportingand encouragingyourchild todevelopapositive feeling ofworth
- discussinganyproblemsorworries with your child’s class teacher
- offeringtoshareanyhobbies,interestorexpertiseyoumay have eg. playingamusicalinstrument,pottery,cooking,etc.
- assisting withmaintenanceand beautificationoftheschool grounds.
- volunteeringatourTuckshop
Infectious Diseases – Exclusion Table