OctoberWest • October 25 & 26, 2011
The Irvine Ranch Outdoor Education Center, Orange CA
OctoberWest is a new approach to professional development and education for camp professionals, designed to provide peer-based learning and discovery using various learning methods. The American Camp Association, Southern California/Hawaii is seeking education session presenters to support this learning - this is an opportunity for participants to learn from someone withexperience in a particular area/topicin a classroom/lecture style format. While education sessions will be the most traditional learning type offered at OctoberWest, presenters are encouraged to be creative, engaging and interactive in their approach.
Target Audience:
OctoberWest is designed specifically for Camp Directors - those individuals who are responsible for designing, planning, managing & supervising camp programs and staff.
Topic Ideas:
The following list is not exhaustive. All session proposals with topics designed to help Camp Directors gain success in their jobs are welcome.
- Social Media & Marketing
- Family Camp
- Womens'/Mens' Weekends
- Teen Camp
- Problem Solving
- Accreditation - Survive the First Visit
- Budget Busters
- Do it Yourself Upgrades
- How to Develop New Programs
- Camper Retention
- Good Staff/Great Staff Recruiting
- Grant Writing & Fundraising
- Perfecting Your Open Houses & Home Visits
- Cheap Craft Projects
- Food/Menu Development
- Staff Training Ideas
- Camp Moral...How to Get & Keep It
- Cheap Marketing
Tentative Schedule:
October 25, 2011
10:00am - 1:00pm
1:00pm – 2:15pm
2:30pm – 4:00pm
4:15pm - 5:15pm
7:00pm - 8:00pm
Welcome & Introductions, Lunch
Educational Sessions
Educational Sessions
Group Brainstorming Session
Networking Forum
Social Event
October 26, 2011
8:00am - 9:00am
9:00am - 10:15am
10:30am - 11:45am
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Educational Sessions
Educational Sessions
Educational Sessions
OctoberWest • October 25 & 26, 2011
Please complete the following information and return to ACA, Southern CA/HI by September 16, 2011
via email or fax (email & fax listed at the bottom of this form).
Presenter(s) ______
Title and Credentials______
Address______City______State____ Zip_____
Phone ______Cell Phone______
Email ______Fax ______
Presenter(s) Short Biography:
I am a (check all that apply):
Camp Professional
Professional Speaker
Camp Consultant
Other: ______
Some Detail About Your Time Spent at Camp:
Other Conferences Where You Have Spoken:
Proposed Session Title:______
Proposed Session Description:
Learning Objectives for the Session:
Objective 1:
Objective 2:
Objective 3:
OctoberWest Session Proposal pg. 2
Session Details:
Lecture Presentation
Small Group Discussion
Interactive / Hands – On
Other: ______
Audio-Visual Needs:
LCD Projector
Flip Chart/Markers
Other: ______
Room Set-Up:
Chairs Around the Perimeter
Other: ______
Days in Attendance:
Tuesday, October 25
Wednesday, October 26
Does this workshop include loud activities? Yes No
By initialing below, I am acknowledging the following details about OctoberWest and my role at the event:
- If selected, I agree to conduct the workshop presentation with the audio visual and room set up requirements as listed above and confirmed by the program committee.
- I understand that my contribution to OctoberWest is made on a volunteer basis, with no compensation or discount implied in exchange for my presentation.
- I assume all responsibility for the accuracy of information contained in my presentation and warrant that no information presented will infringe on copyright or other rights held by third parties.
- I understand that all workshops are noncommercial and are not promotional opportunities. I agree to not solicit any business or promote business during my workshop session.
In consideration of environmental efforts to reduce paper waste, speakers are encouraged to submit handouts to be posted on the OctoberWest website for participant access. If a speaker would like to share handouts during their session, they are encouraged to make their own copies to help support ACA’s efforts to keep program costs low (and in turn, registration costs low). In this case, please bring 40 copies per session. If a speaker needs documents posted on the website or handout materials reproduced by ACA, Southern CA/HI, please submit to in electronic format by October 14, 2011.
After reading the above guidelines for Education Session Presenters, please signify your agreement by initialing here:
Deadline to Submit Proposal - September 16, 2011.
Please submit Session Proposals to:
American Camp Association, Southern California/Hawaii
Attn: Lupine Reppert
; (765) 349-3521 phone; (213) 232-3229 fax