AC21 Members at the time of approval of the two Consensus Reports
n Patricia Layton, Clemson University (Chair)
n Daryl Buss, University of Wisconsin Veterinary School
n Leon Corzine, Farmer
n Carole Cramer, Virginia Tech
n Dick Crowder, American Seed Trade Association
n Michael Dykes, Monsanto
n Juan Enriquez-Cabot, Biotechonomy
n Randal Giroux, Cargill
n Duane Grant, Farmer
n David Hoisington, CIMMYT
n Gregory Jaffe, Center for Science in the Public Interest
n Carol Tucker Foreman, Consumer Federation of America
n Terry Medley, DuPont
n Margaret Mellon, Union of Concerned Scientists
n Ronald Olson, General Mills
n Jerome Slocum, Farmer and Grain Elevator Operator
n Keith Triebwasser, Procter and Gamble
n Lisa Zannoni, BASF