NDT.net Guidelines for the Preparation of Manuscripts forConference Proceedings
Alfredo GUEMES 1, Gerardo ARANGUREN 2, Fernando MARTINEZ 2
1 Dpt Aeronautics, UPM. Plaza Cardenal Cisneros, 3
Madrid 28040 SPAIN
2 Dpt Electronics, UPV/EHU ( University of Basque country)
Faculty of Engineering 48013 - Bilbao (SPAIN) ,
These instructions have been prepared to assist authors in the preparation of papers for reproduction in Conference proceedings to be provided to delegates. The instructions should be followed in all matters of format including section headings, capitalization, punctuation, table and figure headings and their placement within the text. The conference proceedings will be produced as USB and Web App containing the PDF versions of the papers as well PDF of Powerpoints, Posters and Movies. These guidelines are to ensure maximum uniformity of style and reproduction without further modifications - please try to follow them as closely as possible. The material that you supply will be used exactly as it is presented. The attached pages should serve as a model. Your paper should not exceed 10 pages.
Keywords: Smart structures, Modeling, Experimental validation, Industrial applications
All conference papers will be published Open Access at NDT.net (e-journal of Non-destructive Testing ISSN 1435-4934) and in e-Proceedings (USB and Web App). The website NDT.net allows the archive and search by author or keywords of the conference papers. The authors should upload the full-length paper (max 10 pages) to the online submission system as a pdf file, using the format of this template, by May 15, 2016. Later submissions are possible, at the risk of losing the slot of time for oral presentation and be sent to the Poster sessions.
The early registration deadline is April 1st, 2016. Registration of presenting authors and conference fees paid by June 1, 2015 is mandatory for paper inclusion in the Proceedings and Conference Program. Papers unpaid after this date will be removed from the final program.
The full-length paper must be written in English and should have a maximum length of approximately 10 pages.
The first page must contain the Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s), Keywords and the Abstract. The Introduction must begin immediately below, following the format of this template.
3.1 Title
The title should be written centered, in 14pt, boldface Times, not all capital letters. It should be single spaced if the title is more than one line long.
3.2 Author
The author's name should include first name, middle initial and surname. Please include e-mail address for all authors. Departments, Affiliations, Cities and Countries should be translated in full into English, e.g., Radiography Laboratory, Faculty of Engineering, University of Lyon, Lyon, France.
3.3 Keywords
Please, write no more than six keywords.
All figures should be numbered consecutively and captioned, and should be embedded in the Paper. Please avoid to high resolution photos since these will increase the file size unnecessary.
Figure 1: Caption goes here.
A displayed equation is numbered, using Arabic numbers in parentheses. It should be centered, leaving a 6pt space above and below to separate it from the surrounding text.
The following example is a single line equation:
Ax = b / (1)The next example is a multi-line equation:
Ax = b / (2)Ax = b
All tables should be numbered consecutively and captioned.
C11 / C12 / C13 /C21 / C22 / C23 /
C31 / C32 / C33 /
C41 / C42 / C43 /
C51 / C52 / C53
Table 1: Example of the construction of a table.
References should be quoted in the text by numbers [1, 2] and grouped together at the end of the article in numerical order as shown in these instructions.
We look forward to receive your contributions for this conference.
[1] Güemes. Fibre Optic Sensors. Chapter 4 “New trends in Structural Health Monitoring”, W. Ostachowicz, A. Güemes (Eds). Springer ISBN: 9783709113899 (2012).
[2] A. Benjeddou, M. Hamdi, S. Ghanmi, Robust inverse identification of piezoelectric and dielectric effective behaviors of a bonded patch to a composite plate. Smart Structures and Systems, 12, 523-545, 2013.