Abstract Preparation and Submission Instructions

Abstracts may only be submitted by a conference registrant and should be submitted by the principal author/intended speaker.

The Microsoft Word abstract template and example can be downloaded here:

Download NP 2018 Abstract templateRegister/Submit Abstract Now

  • Please follow the guidelines carefully. In particular, be sure to select standard US letter size paper (8.5 in x 11.0 in), not A4 style paper. This is selected under Page Layout.
  • Abstracts must fit on no more than two pages, with the designated margins (1.0 inch top/bottom, 1.0 inch left/right)
  • Save your file and name it in the format LastName-NP2016.doc (e.g., Smith-NP2016.doc); if multiple abstracts are submitted by the same principal author/intended speaker, please add a numerical identifier to the file name, i.e. Smith-NP2016-1.doc, Smith-NP2016-2.doc...
  • Create a PDF file (LastName-NP2016.pdf)

Once you have your PDF file upload your abstract via the online registration system.

Abstract due date: January 15, 2018

To submit your abstract as you are registering for the conference, please select “Yes” to the question “Are you submitting an abstract?” The system will then prompt you to upload your abstract file. Follow the rest of the prompts to complete your conference registration and abstract submission.
To submit your abstract after you have already registered for the conference:
1. Gohere
2. Enter your email address and registration confirmation number
3. Click the “Modify” button
4. In the Modify column, click “Information”. This will bring up your registration information page
5. Select “Yes” to the question “Are you submitting an abstract?”
6. Upload your abstract file and click the “Next” button
7. Follow the rest of the prompts to finish updating your registration record

Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presentations

Oral Presentations

All speakers are strongly encouraged to load their presentation on the conference PC as early as possible, but at least 4 hours before their session. Once transferred, speakers should preview their presentation to make sure it displays as intended.
The total time allocations are ... minutes for Invited presentations and ... minutes for Contributed presentations. These durations include 3 minutes for questions and answers.

All oral sessions will be equipped with a projector, a Windows-based PC laptop, microphone, a laser pointer, and a remote to advance slides.

All speakers must give their presentations from the computer systems set up in the meeting room. Speakers are highly discouraged from using their own computers. They must notify the local organizing team prior to their presentation if they plan to use their own computer.

Poster Presentations

Posters will be displayed for all the duration of the conference. On Tuesday, June ..., from 19:00 to 22:00 there will be a dedicated poster session. During this session the poster presenter is expected to remain at the poster site. Each poster presentation has been assigned a number, and it must be mounted on the appropriately numbered board. Presenters can check the number by referring to the printed or on-line program.

Posters must fit within ... cm width x ... cm height and will be mounted by T-pins (?), which will be supplied. Participants must bring their printed poster with them, as poster printers will not be available at the conference. Posters may be mounted on Monday. Please remove all posters on Friday before noon.

Thank you!
Local Organizing Committee