SLYH Board Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: Thursday Novernber 13, 2014 ~7 pm

Location: Public Safety Building

Hamilton Street Saugus, MA 01906


Name / Title / Email / Telephone / Attend
Saugus- Lynnfield Youth Hockey Board
John Sweeney / President / / 203-550-0654 / Y
Matt Cushing / Vice President / / Y
Matt Nekoroski / Immediate Past President /
/ 781-334-4174 / Y
Derek Heaslip / Treasurer / / N
Bob Belyea / Secretary / / 781-856-6884 / Y
Tom Carney / Coaching/Clinic Director /
/ 617-216-7203 / Y
Darren Damiani / Mite Director /
/ N
Chris Drislane / Bantam Director / / 781-593-1705 / Y
April Lyn Graffeo / Fundraising Director / / N
Scott Lavey / Girls Hockey Director / / 617-905-7581 / N
Mark Maddison / Publicity Director
Webmaster / / Y
Matt Majeski / PeeWee Director
Ice Coordinator / / 781-307-3222 / N
Dana Dematteo / Secretary/Registrar /
/ 617-593-8679 / Y
Gary Giordano / Squirt Director / / 781-789-7153 / Y
Corey Cane / Ethics/Middle School Dir / / N
Derek Cipriano / PW/Squirt Director / / N
Mike Kenny / League Rep / / Y
Steve Rizzo

Next Meeting

Date/Time: TBD

Discussion/Action Items

Item / Description, Discussion and Ongoing Status Updates / Date Due/ Completed / Respon- sibility / Status
Meeting Called to Order 7:10PM
10.1 / Playdowns need to be in by Friday 11/14. Coaches have been emailed. We can have two teams from the program at each level. The league will pay for the first game. Tier are based on the number of players at a given age group. Likely on MLK weekend. / Dana
10.2 / Pride Skills will begin after Thanksgiving / Bob
10.3 / U-6 will practice with WAP in the winter on Saturday mornings / Matt N
10.4 / Matt to provide draft schedule to the board for review and try to make it more consistent. / Matt N
10.5 / LTS will be prorated down by $10 per week for new sign-ups
10.6 / LTS needs a Director. Discussion about hiring. John may contact the Boston womens team. Matt C to put together an instruction manual for the parents. We will offer free tuition to a parent. / John
10.7 / Dana needs names of new skaters for USA Registration. Matt N to email parents. / Matt N
10.8 / Safe Sports – we have 43 that have not done it yet. We have a free session scheduled a Prince on November 18th. / Dana Bob
10.9 / Player movement – start the process for a Mite move from 4 to 3. Bantams will not be moving for now. / Bob
10.10 / Sara Keegan Luke does not like WAP and his tuition will be applied toward Lorenzo’s tuition. / Derek
10.11 / Doyle we’ll look at how much he has paid. / Derek
10.12 / Duncan will pay $500 / Bob
10.13 / Fundraising discussion possible discount card / John
10.14 / Taxes are due December 15th. Saugus needs to file final taxes / Matt N
10.15 / CORI’s are in good shape / Matt N
10.16 / Paolini needs CORI and USA Hockey registration / Tom

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50pm

End of meeting minutes

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