NAME : ……………………………………………………………………………………….
DESIGNATION : ……………………………………………………………………………………….
REGD. E-MAIL : ……………………………………………………………………………………….
IOS - LM / ASM NO : …………………..CONFERENCE REGN. NO. (Mandatory) :...………………...
MOBILE NO : …………………………………………………………………………………….…
POSTAL ADDRESS : ……………………………………………………………………………………….
1. TYPE OF PRESENTATION: (Please mention)
i. PAPER PRESENTATION – Research/ Clinical/ Clinical Innovation: ______
ii. E-POSTER PRESENTATION – Research/ Clinical/ General: ______
iii. TABLE CLINIC – Research/ Clinical: ______
TITLE : ______
(ABSTRACT) – (Not Exceeding 200 Words)
Note: Please use a separate sheet for submission of Complete Manuscript (MS Word)
1. Presentation can be done by IOS life members (LM)& Associate Members (ASM) only. One member can present only ONE PAPER or ONE POSTER or ONE TABLE CLINIC. In case of multiple entries, only the first one will be considered for inclusion in the competitive section.
2. All submissions should be accompanied with the complete manuscript (Not Exceeding 3500 words) to be sent to with subject line: 52nd IOC ABSTRACT
3. In case of more than one contributor, Certificate will be given to the First Author (lead presenter) ONLY.
4. Paper Presentation:The presentation should be an original work; any conflict arising regarding plagiarism will be directed to the Ethics Committee of the IOS
5. Poster Presentation:Only E-poster shall be accepted. The name of the first author has to be at the lower right corner.(Total presentation of poster should be of 60 seconds with Maximum of 3 Slides inauto-transition).
6. Oral presentation may get converted to poster presentation as per the judges’ decision and hence, abstract should contain pertinent details.
7. These applications will be scrutinized by the head office and finalized for presentation. Schedule for the same will be put up on the website (www.52ndioc.com) by October 1st 2017.
8. The Speakers are requested to furnish consent to publish the presentation in the Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society or the New Journal of IOS.
9. Only entries by email on ill be accepted. Last date for receiving entries is August31st2017; any entries received thereafter will be not considered.
10. Review paper shall NOT be accepted; incomplete forms will not be considered.
I / we hereby give consent to the IOS to publish the presentation in JIOS or Journal of Contemporary Orthodontics (new journal of IOS) if selected.
Authors Name & Signature(Scanned):
i. ______
ii. ______
iii. ______
iv. ______
v. ______