to consult archive records

The database of interviews with survivors and witnesses, which is kept by the Holocaust Department of the Jewish Museum in Prague, is maintained, in accordance with Act No. 97/1974 Coll., as a set of records which, in view of its unique historical and documentary importance, is of permanent value. The gathering of testimonies, which contain personal data, is carried out in accordance with Act 101/2000 Coll. on the protection of personal data (under §5 (4) and §11 (5) (a) of Act No. 101/2000 Coll.). For this reason, the testimonies are to be made accessible on a completely anonymous basis.

Under §11 of Act No. 97/1974 Coll., on the keeping of archives, the Jewish Museum in Prague (address: U Staré školy 1,3, Prague 1, registration number: 60459263, designated representative: Dr. Leo Pavlát) hereby grants …………………………………………………………………………………………………..(name and address) (hereinafter „the Researcher“) permission to consult selected archive materials, i.e. the recorded interviews with shoah survivors and witnesses.

This permission is granted under the following conditions, which the Researcher hereby undertakes to fully observe.

Any publication by the Researcher of the testimonies or parts thereof, whether separately or part of an other text, requires prior written consent from the Jewish Museum in Prague.

The Researcher undertakes to use the testimonies solely for research and study purposes, specifically for …………………………………………………………………………………

The Researcher is not authorized to use the testimonies for any other purpose. In particular, the Researcher is not authorized to enable a third party to use the testimonies.

When using the testimonies, the Researcher undertakes to respect their exceptional importance. In particular, the Researcher undertakes not to quote the testimonies in inappropriate connections and not to belittle, in any other way, the survivors or the historical significance of the Holocaust.

By adding his/her signature, the Researcher takes into account the above facts and undertakes to observe the conditions of the granting of this permission and the provisions of legal regulations relating to the handling of testimonies, and, in particular, undertakes to respect the fact that the testimonies contain personal data that have been made anonymous, and to observe the provisions of Act 101 / 2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data, which regulates the handling of such data.

In the event of a breach of any of the conditions of the granting of this permission, the permission shall be terminated with immediate effect and the Researcher shall, without delay, hand over all records of the testimonies to an authorized representative of the Jewish Museum in Prague.

The Researcher shall be liable for any damage caused by infringing the above obligations.

I agree with the conditions of the granting of this permission and undertake to observe them

(Place, date)……….. ……….


The Researcher

Prague, ……….


Pavla Hermina Neuner

Curator of the Collection of Interviews