The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Present for the meeting were CEO Guay, Commission Chair Pierce, Commissioners Rose
Nyman, Mark Sweeney and Neal Warner. Absent: Commissioner Pete Lorello
Commissioner Nyman moved to approve the stated minutes; Commissioner Warner seconded the motion.
Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Warner moved to authorize the payment of claims numbered 98306 through 98531 in the amount of $435,394.20. Motion seconded by Commissioner Nyman.
Motion carried unanimously.
Reports of Boards, Officials, Committees, etc.
Commissioner Sweeney attended Airport Board meeting last week. After last week’s Commission Meeting he rode through town with Mr. Novak to review the lighting situation.
Commissioner Nyman attended a Main Street meeting, Human Resources Council meeting in Butte, walked with Parents for Change, attended the reception for Steve Wickliffe, and reviewed the RFQ’s for the courthouse restoration.
Commissioner Warner attended the MACO training in Helena, a Health Board meeting and the veterans’ meeting Tuesday morning.
CEO Guay attended a meeting of the Golf Course Authority Board on September 30 and will attend another one tomorrow. She also attended today’s Superfund update.
Commission Chair Pierce attended the Superfund meeting today.
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October 6, 2009/page two
Public Hearing – Ordinance No. 216 to place a stop sign at the end of Stumptown Road going onto Evergreen Street
Bob Ungaretti, 2010 Washoe, stated that a stop sign on Stumptown Road is insufficient. There should also be something on Evergreen for those heading south. There are lots of four wheelers in the summer and snow cats in the winter.
Patty Ungaretti, 2010 Washoe, has lived on Washoe since 1968. Today’s traffic is very heavy, racing down Stumptown Road. Coming down from Washoe they are driving fast going right through. There should be a warning sign for the stop sign ahead.
CEO Guay said the Stumptown Road sign would stop people before they accessed Washoe or Evergreen.
Michael Greene, 2009 Washoe, stated it looks like a stock car race on the street. It is not safe. It is a blind left turn going down Evergreen. Many little children live in that neighborhood.
Andrea Greene, 2009 Washoe, stated the residents are upset about seeing the way traffic comes down Stumptown onto Evergreen. There should be a warning sign that a stop sign is coming. Speed limit signs should be posted.
Joe McKernan, 2012 Washoe, says that this has been a problem for forty years. A 15 mph speed limit sign was posted once and it had no impact. He would suggest that law enforcement make a few arrests. The officers could appear in the area now and then to provide a presence in the neighborhood.
Commissioner Sweeney asked if patrols could start going though more often.
CEO Guay stated she will contact Chief Sullivan about patrols will also ask for a sign saying stop ahead.
The Public Hearing closed.
Unfinished business
Resolution No.44, Request for Prosecutorial Assistance
The County Attorney is requesting special counsel in re State vs Holbrook
because of a potential family tie with the defendant.
Commissioner Sweeney moved to approve Resolution 09-44; seconded by Commissioner Warner.
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October 6, 2009/page three
Motion carried unanimously
Agreement between Anaconda-Deer Lodge County and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Local Lodge 88
CEO Becky Guay explained that wages increased 3% for FY 2009-2010 and 3%
on July 1 2010, and increasing pension contribution.
Union has agreed to put in the grievance procedure language. Also, in a dispute
either party can represent themselves or have an attorney. After a 10-hour day they get a meal voucher. The insurance contribution goes to $536.
Commissioner Sweeney moved to approve the agreement; seconded by Commis-
sioner Nyman.
Motion carried unanimously
Solid Waste Fee Removal for Stanley Glovan
Commissioner Warner moved to approve the request the request by Mr.
Glovan for the removal of the solid waste fee at 202 N. Dixon , seconded by Commissioner Sweeney.
Planning Director Connie Ternes Daniels stated that this is a modular home used
only as a hobby room and there are no public utilities to the building.
Motion carried 3-1; Commissioner Nyman voted against.
Task Order #10-07-5-21-006-0/WIC Program
Commissioner Nyman moved to approve the Task Order; seconded by Commissioner Warner.
Motion carried unanimously
Task Order #10-07-6-11-016-0 Emergency Preparedness
Commissioner Warner moved to approve the Task Order; seconded by Com-
missioner Sweeney.
Motion carried unanimously.
Task Order #10-07-5-21-032-0/WIC Breastfeeding
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October 6, 2009/page four
Commissioner Sweeney moved to approve the Task Order; seconded by Commis-
sioner Warner.
Motion carried unanimously.
Resolution No. 09-45, Designating Anaconda-Deer Lodge County as a Recovery Zone for Purposes of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
CEO Guay explained that this Resolution relates to Bill 645 monies set aside to
go to counties and other municipal governments for promoting development or infrastructure. By designating the county at large we would be eligible for these funds.
Commissioner Sweeney moved to approve Resolution No. 09-45; seconded by
Commissioner Warner.
Motion carried unanimously
Appointment to Planning board (Adam Vauthier has requested appointment.)
Commissioner Sweeney moved to appoint Adam Vauthier; seconded by Commis-
sioner Warner.
Motion carried unanimously.
Appointment/Reappointment to Fair Board
Commissioner Sweeney moved to reappoint Olof Billquist and appoint Norman
Johnson to the Fair Board; seconded by Commissioner Warner.
Motion carried unanimously.
None offered.
Fire/Ambulance Staff
Commissioner Sweeney stated that last week they received copies of several thank yous that were sent to the fire and ambulance people. Commissioner Sweeney said the fire on Front Street was handled very well with the wind conditions that were present on Sunday night.
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October 6, 2009/page five
Copper Village
Commissioner Nyman has been hearing complaints about the CDBG money for the new boiler at Copper Village. The public needs to be educated about how this money is distributed and why.
Librarians’ Meeting
The library is hosting a reception at 7:30 tonight in honor of librarians attending the conference in Anaconda.
Commissioners’ Attendance
Commissioner Nyman noted that according to the Administrative Code commissioners must attend meetings or be excused by the Commission Chair.
Grant Writer
Commissioner Warner stated that he is still interested in getting a grant writer for the County. At the MACO conference he discussed this and has some information from Nittany Grantworks.
Capital Improvements Plan
Commissioner Warner asked how long it has been since the County Capital Improvements Plan was reviewed. Stahley Engineering is willing to look at the plan to help us with a capital improvement plan.
CEO Guay said the proposed budget has a line item of $8000 for update of the Capital Improvements Plan. BETA did the first plan, and Alden Beard of BETA believes it can be updated for less than $8000.
Angle Parking
Commissioner Warner has had complaints about the bars using angle parking.
CEO Guay stated that when you see it you need to call the police department. There
have been citations issued in some areas and the parking has been corrected. However, she will contact Chief Sullivan for more enforcement.
Terry Montgomery stated that at least six bars have used angle parking for many
years and it has become established practice. Perhaps there should be public notice that this ordinance will be enforced.
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October 6, 2009/page six
Street Lighting
Commissioner Warner stated that he, Connie Ternes Daniels and CEO Becky
Guay met with Johnson Controls. There are lots of challenges in the lighting plan, but he does believe there is potential to save energy. One possibility is rewiring the existing street lights with solar panels on each lamp. Commissioner Warner talked with Johnson Controls today, and they have found some grants to apply for to begin this process.
CEO Becky Guay talked to them yesterday. Johnson Controls will present it to their
management and there is the possibility that Johnson Controls can do some upfront grant writing.
John O’Donnell formerly worked with Montana Power and Northwestern Energy. There are 1284 cast iron lights in Anaconda with a current inventory of about 775 standards to be set. He has been familiar with Johnson Controls and their record has set the standard.
Commissioner Sweeney asked Mr. O’Donnell if he were willing to serve on an adhoc committee. Mr. O’Donnell agreed.
Terry Montgomery represents a group of people who are interested in the street lights. He presented a list of questions from the community.
CEO Guay stated that in response to some of the questions: There are 350-400 lights in the area that is out. ADLC is still paying off the bond for the lights on the east end of town. If we keep the historic light poles, the wiring has to be underground, and therefore would increase the cost a great deal.
The property tax money does not fund the street lights. It is a special assessment for a lighting district.
If the decision is made to have Northwestern Energy do the cobra lights, they could be done by January. Available funds include $260,000 in stimulus money, with an additional $50,000 in block grant money, and the street lighting fund has approximately $100,000 available.
Gene Vuckovich reiterated that this is a priority issue because of safety and liability factors.
Commissioner Sweeney stated he would like to see the ad hoc committee appointed as soon as possible to get this resolved.
Mill Creek
CEO Guay stated that Mill Creek did get bids on the project and low bidders came in under engineers’ estimate.
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October 6, 2009/page seven
Ms. Guay stated that a because of the problems encountered with getting the certified values in the TIFID district, it appears that we will not be receiving enough revenue to go out for bonds right now in the TIFID district.
One alternative is to look at the bid just for the sewer line now and in about a year there should be enough value to issue a bond for the entire project and then add the water line in. There could still be the possibility of a $1 million EDA grant.
Another strategy of the county would be to issue short-term debt for two years. It will involve spending general fund money to where there is no cushion. It is more sensible to do the first option. She needs to discuss all these options with the bond writer. The situation changes from hour to hour.
Commissioner Nyman stated she would be concerned about short-falling the budget. She advises caution.
Old Works Golf Course
CEO Guay stated there is a Golf Course Board meeting on Wednesday to discuss extending the contract with Troon golf or go out with a Request for Proposals.
CEO Guay stated that an investigation sowed that Depatco did not hire 51% of Montana employees. Therefore $1000 to is be withheld from the payment for the contract price as a penalty. That money remains in the county water fund. They are basically done with water line work and now doing the paving work.
Courthouse Restoration
Planning Director Connie Ternes Daniels stated she received eleven responses to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ). They have agreed on three firms to interview and would like to set those up for some time the week of October 12.
None offered.
Meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
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October 6, 2009/page eight
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Wenger
Deputy Clerk of the CommissionRobert Pierce, Chair of the Commission
Commissioner Neal WarnerCommissioner Pete Lorello
Vice Chair Mark SweeneyCommissioner Rose M. Nyman