
Department Chairs Meeting

May 6, 2014

11:30 a.m.

Presidents’ Hall

In attendance: Robin Bowen, Ron Colbert, Bruce Duncan, Diane Caggiano, Brady Chen, Jeff Godin, Linda McKay, Linda LeBlanc, Mary Ann Barbato, Lisa Gim, Rala Diakite, Christine Shane, Randy Howe, Sanjay Kaul, Sean Goodlett

Absent: Meg Hoey, Stan Bucholc, Annette Sullivan

Also in Attendance: Chris Picone, Paul Weizer, Erin Kelleher, Cathy Canney, Linda Dupell, Bob Foley, Chris Cratsley, Joanne Rivard

Hospitality was provided to the Chairs at 11:30 a.m.

Dr. Bowen called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m.

Item: The Career Center—Erin Kelleher, Director

Discussion: Ms. Kelleher stated her objective with students was stressing how utilizing the Career Center was a process, focusing on the freshman, discussing their goals and objectives with them, and then building upon that over their four years. The Center works closely with other departments toward the student’s success in helping make them marketable upon their graduation. The Center also provides career counseling for alums.

Based on questions, Ms. Kelleher elaborated on their involvement with internships, career fairs, outreach to community employers, and faculty advisors. College Central is a database used for job searches. Chairs requested if they could be informed of open events. TV monitors are currently used for this. When asked how we compare to sister institutions, Ms. Kelleher responded Fitchburg State has the smallest staffing with only one director and one administrative position. Dr. Bowen commented that this would be part of the strategic plan process discussion.

With nothing further, Ms. Kelleher left the meeting.

Action: None

Item: GCE; who are they, what do they do?—Cathy Canney, Dean

Discussion: Ms. Canney provided a power point presentation detailing the departments which fall under GCE and what they do. She asked the Chairs to take notes, and she would be happy to attend a department meeting and answer any specific questions they may have. Ms. Canney also offered to share the power point with the Chairs.

It was asked if out-of-state tuition for continuing education was the same as in-state. Ms. Canney responded, yes, and there’s been no discussion to change that.

Action: None

Item: FERPA information—Linda Dupell, Registrar

Discussion: Ms. Dupell gave an overview of FERPA laws as they relate to our students and privacy of their information. She mentioned that department support staff were kept updated on the laws. There was a discussion. It was mentioned that there were more concerns with older faculty knowing the rules, as newer faculty get trained on FERPA at orientation, and it was felt that the senior faculty would benefit from a refresher course. Concerns were, for example, who can read a student’s file if you are not the faculty member or advisor. Ms. Dupell responded that all faculty have the right to look at a student’s file as they are an officer of the university. Dr. Bowen shared the rule of thumb “need to know.” Ms. Dupell stated students are encouraged in their first year to sign a FERPA form, or the parent can. These forms can be found on the web site. There were questions regarding age, custodial parents, research and assessment, and how to handle each scenario. FERPA was researched with the definition given “legitimate educational interest.”

Ms. Dupell offered to meet with individual departments and speak more on the FERPA laws.

Action: None

Item: Changes in library per construction—Bob Foley, Director

Discussion: Mr. Foley described the renovations taking place at the library, which would begin right after commencement. Mr. Foley indicated some periodicals were going to be stored off site, so if there was anything faculty needed, they should contact the library and let them know. The first and second floors were being gutted and walls were coming down, leaving no offices. The plan is to have it finished by December 2014 so people can move in in January 2015. It was asked if there were any security issues, which Mr. Foley didn’t believe so, with the exception of one entrance he would check into further. Also, Disability Services would still be able to use the elevators.

With Mr. Foley retiring soon, it was asked how the search for a new Director of the Library was going. Dr. Weizer responded the search was going well, with 9 candidates to be Skype interviewed.

Action: None

Item: Annual Assessment Reports—Christopher Cratsley, Director of Assessment

Discussion: Dr. Cratsley handed the Chairs an Annual Assessment Report Template. Together the group discussed the different sections of the template, which is to be used as a tool for responding to the NEASC report that “we use data in meaningful ways…” Dr. Weizer stated the next few years are essential for improvement per the NEASC findings.

Action: Chairs to have discussions within their department and get useful feedback

Item: Publicizing department events—Paul Weizer

Discussion: Dr. Weizer commented that as a dean, he is asked to attend events, however, is not always aware of them beforehand. He requested that the Chairs think of a way how departments can start planning on better publicizing their events, which would also lead to better-attended events.

Dr. Weizer also stated he would like to produce a Program Development Guide for Department Chairs. Dr. Bowen suggested a Department Chairs Summer Working Group and asked for volunteers; there were four.

Action: Volunteers will be contacted

Items from the Floor

Dr. Bowen, who would be vacating her position to assume the presidency at Arkansas Technical University, thanked the Chairs for their work together, and all that had been accomplished since her arrival, and was sad to miss seeing others to final fruition. The Chairs thanked Dr. Bowen for her work with them and the University.

With nothing further, the meeting was adjourned at 1:14 p.m.