2011 -2012

Friday, December 2, 2011


PRESENT:Linda Anderson, Dan Flatgard, Brian Fors, Dave Gilmore, Jane Greathouse, Dave Hammitt, Donna Marzolf, Cathy Sandmann, Lisa Schickling, Robin Schwieger, Sue Steck, Bruce White, Dan Zielske

ABSENT: Linda Beer, Tony Boehler, Laurie Oelslager, Cristen Olinger

GUEST(S):Lynn Grenz, Marc Pilcher

  1. Call to Order/ Sue Steck

Sue called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m.

  1. Additions to Agenda

Add #5.E. - Goal Area 11 – Brian Fors

Motion To Approve: Jane Greathouse

Motion Seconded: Robin Schwieger/ Passed Unanimously

  1. Approval of Minutes From Previous Meeting (November 4, 2011)

Motion To Approve: Dave Hammitt

Motion Seconded:Dan Zielske/ Passed Unanimously

Thanks to Mary and Steve Pottenger about the process of adding Curriculum materials to the web site (check on ‘search’ option).

  1. Old Business
  1. LAS / Brian Klosa (2ndREADING)
  2. COMM 160 Practicum in Forensics

GoalArea 11 is for health and wellness, not performance

Still part of the LAS program and not be a MnTC

Students who take this course will be on the speech time to focus on preparation and to give students’ academic benefit for being on the speech team

Will students be required to sign up for this course if they give speeches or will students who take this course be required to give speeches

Applies to 60 credit requirement

Trying to move away from being a club or student organization

Will elevate status of competition team

Need ‘permission’ required added to CCO (so only students who are on the speech team can register)

Can other organizations (BPA, Skills, etc.) create a course to prepare students for competitions?

Speech is traditionally connected to a course

Start spring semester, 2011-12

Motion To Approve: Jane Greathouse: accept course, but only as an elective, not a MnTC course; add permission of instructor to CCO

Motion Seconded:Dan Flatgard/ Passed Unanimously

Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday, December 2, 2011

Page 2

  1. New Business
  1. Carpentry-Cabinetmaking – Marc Pilcher
  1. Carpentry Program Diploma Redesign
  2. CARP 1120 Carpentry Safety
  3. CARP 1121 Print Reading / NO CHANGE
  4. CARP 1122 Carpentry Theory 1
  5. CARP 1123 Job Site Experience 1A
  6. CARP 1124 Job Site Experience 1B
  7. CARP 1125 Framing Square Technology / NO CHANGE
  8. CARP 1226 Stairway Technology / NO CHANGE
  9. CARP 1227 Insulation, Ventilation & Enveloping Interior Finishing 1A
  10. CARP 1228 Interior Finish 1B
  11. CARP 1229 Exterior Finish
  12. CARP 1230 Estimating and CAD / NO CHANGE

Clarified differences between program plan and CCO’s

Changed some course names

Added objectives and competencies

Needed to add more ‘green build’ courses

Corrected credit/contact hour in CARP 1120, 1121, 1122, 1123 (change action words in CARP 1121, 1122, 1123)

Change spelling of Cad to CAD in CARP1230

Suggested changing the description wording in CARP 1227 / insert ‘;’ rather than so many ‘ands’

Motion To Approve: Jane Greathouse w/ approved changes

Motion Seconded: Cathy Sandmann / Passed Unanimously

  1. Child Development – Lynn Grenz
  2. CDEV 1310 Infant-Toddler Development & Learning Experiences

Credit change from 4 to 3

Need new core abilities

Motion To Approve: Bruce White / Convert CCO’s to WIDS and suggested changes

Motion Seconded: Jane Greathouse / Passed Unanimously

  1. CDEV 1312 Preschool Development & Learning Experiences

Credit change

Need new core abilities

Motion To Approve: Dave Hammitt / Convert CCO’s to WIDS

Motion Seconded: Linda Anderson / Passed Unanimously

  1. CDEV 1250 Learning Environment & Curriculum (1stREADING)

Approved number of course

Certificate level course

Has to be a prerequisite or co-requisite, not both (does not need any pre-requisite as a certificate course)

Need new core abilities

2nd Read at Next Meeting

Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday, December 2, 2011

Page 3

  1. CDEV 2210 Observation & Assessment 2 (1stREADING)

Approved number of course

Need new core abilities

Demonstrate understanding instead of ‘understands’

With all competencies and learning objectives, take the “s” off the first word

Contact hours should be 32 not 36

2nd Read at Next Meeting

  1. CDEV 2530 Curriculum Planning (1stREADING)

Approved number of course

Needs core abilities

2nd Read at Next Meeting

  1. Child Development Advisory Committee Minutes / 11-1-11
  2. Child Development AAS Degree Program Form

Aligning curriculum with state-wide colleges

Change of credits

Will allow some observation in all degrees, diplomas, certificates

Child Development communicated with areas affected by courses being offered

  1. Child Development Tracking Sheet / AAS Degree

Technical programs can offer a 66 credit program, at this time

Remove ‘Child’ in Safety & Nutrition

  1. Child Development Tracking Sheet / Diploma
  2. Child Development Tracking Sheet / Certificate

Motion To Approve: Program Changes / Dan Zielske

Motion Seconded: Linda Anderson / Passed Unanimously

  1. LAS / Geography – Ray Schmidt
  2. GEOG 101 Intro to Physical Geography

Credit change from 3 lecture to 2 lecture and 1 lab

Is wording explicit

Needs new Core Competencies

Program Outcomes are important in LAS courses

Change on-campus lab to only lab

Change on-campus lab credits to 32

Change potential hours of instruction to 64

Motion To Approve: Jane Greathouse w/changes

Motion Seconded:Dan Flatgard/ Passed Unanimously

  1. Civil Engineering – Dan Flatgard(INFORMATION)
  2. CTLS 1110 Basic AutoCAD
  3. CTLS 2110 Statics and Strengths of Materials

Revising from CDCR

Course number and content stays the same

Change Core Compatibilities

Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
Friday, December 2, 2011

Page 4

  1. LAS Goal Area 11 – Brian Fors (DISCUSSION)

Goal area is for health and wellness requirements at SCC

  • List classes that fall under this category
  • Easier on how to track for students and make it a requirement
  • Gives greater emphasis
  • Standardize AA process

Donna will check on Goal number, she thinks there already is a Goal #11

MnSCU has 10 basic MnTC Goal Areas

  • Two-year and four-year colleges can create up to 3 more (confirm with Brian)

Concern for non-area students choosing this goal area and find out then that it does not count towards graduation credits

Add ‘non-MnTC’ to description?

How to group required courses into a system that may need to be used in the future in another area

Confusion for students in determining what counts toward graduation concerning 10 Goal areas

Adjourn @ 2:39 p.m.