On January 1, 2015, the article “Withdrawal” was posted on my website, I spoke in more detail about the withdrawal of Yahuweh’s Spirit from the earth and what is happening as a result of it, though I had mentioned this in several articles previously. This article follows suit. It tells what is departing with Him. It also speaks about your important role now, and in the days to come. This article should encourage you greatly!
II Thessalonians 2:6-8a: “And now you know what restrains for him (the anti-messiah, the man of sin, Apollyon-“apolia”--the destroyer) to be revealed in his (appointed/mo’ed) time, for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work, only until he who now restrains comes out of the midst, and then the lawless one shall be revealed…” (Italics mine) Read in context!
Daniel 12:2: “And now at that time, Micha’el shall stand up--the great prince who is standing for the sons of your people. And there shall be a time of distress such as never was since there was a nation, until that time. And at that time your people will be delivered, everyone who is found written in the Book (of Life).” (Also Matthew 24:21-24)
Other examples of expressions that denote our time are: “that Day,” “the Day of Yahuweh,” “the latter days,” and “in that day, at that time.” The words “shall stand,” refer to Micha’el standing to one side, standing aloof, or stepping back. Micha’el has been the restrainer of evil over Israel from earliest times. In Jude 1:9 Micha’el is called the chief angel, or archangel. He is called upon to address Satan, who is highly disturbed because he can’t find Moses’ body. Because of the high position of Micha’el and the trust that Yahuweh has in him, it is most likely that he is the one who replaced Lucifer/Satan after he rebelled and took 1/3rd of the angels with him.
When it comes time for Yahuweh to give the nod to Satan to begin his days of rage, Micha’el, the restrainer, will step back and allow the evil to go forth, over Israel, and over the world.
So great is the grief of Yahuweh over having to judge the world that He goes into His throne room and even sends the angels out (Revelation 15:7-8) Notice, by a carefully reading of Revelation 15-22, that the messengers who pour out the bowls of wrath upon the earth as Messiah returns, are not angels, but blameless human beings – seven of His most trusted servants.
Once the restrainer is removed from Israel, Mazzini/Pike Plan III, and all the goals of Satan will go forward with great fury and intensity to destroy as much of Yahuweh’s creation as possible, as fast as possible.
Speaking of the assigned task given to the blameless undefiled set-apart servants of Yahuweh to judge what is defiled, Sha’ul wrote: “Do you not know that the set-apart ones will judge the world…Do you not know that we shall judge angels? - How much more the things of this life? … Do you not know that unrighteousness shall not inherit the Kingdom of Elohim?” (I Corinthians 6:2-3, 9) At the conclusion of II Corinthians 10:3-6 Sha’ul wrote concerning spiritual warfare: “…and being ready to punish all disobedience, when your obedience is complete.” All judgment has been turned over to the Son. But, in the execution of His wrath, He has chosen ones who are “complete,” and blameless before Him, who will also judge, like the two witnesses of Revelation 11. These have long ago judged themselves, so there is no judgment for them – i.e. Revelation 14:1-5 – they are blameless before Him. Don’t think blamelessness is too high a goal for you. (I Thessalonians 5:23-24) Submit to the working of His Spirit in you, and desire purity, set-apartness, and blamelessness, and He will bring it to pass! Without having to say anything, by our nature and our lifestyle that aligns to Yahuweh and Yahushua in this dark and evil world, we shine as lights, and therefore judge the darkness as we walk through our day.
Revelation 12:12: “Woe to the earth and sea, because the Devil has come down to you with great wrath, knowing that he has a little time.” [To understand how little time he is allotted, refer to: “The Abomination That Lays Waste”] Truly the days will be shortened! [To check out this time-period further, refer to: “The Season of the Coming of Messiah and Yahuweh’s Judgment on the World”/January 8, 2012] The Scriptures in this 2012 article are amazing--pointing to only one time of year that these things can happen, and the only time of the year that Messiah can return. Yahuweh does nothing haphazardly--His timing is perfect!
Michael has been restraining the powers of evil from destroying Yahuweh’s land of Israel. But, soon, he will be told to stand aside, and let the evil go forth. Also, within Yahuweh’s very nature and character are restraining forces that are leaving the earth with Him. He will allow Lucifer/Satan/the Devil/the Dragon/Serpent his time to do his worse, before Messiah descends to stop it all on “The Day of Yahuweh.”
In this article, I will list a few of these restrainers that hold back the full fury of evil over His people, so that you might be aligned with them! But, also, as a child of Yahuweh and Yahushua you are a restrainer by your new nature, which you received at your new birth. (II Corinthians 5:17) [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/August 2009 to learn the 40 things that happen to a person when they truly repent and, by faith, receive the salvation of Yahushua Messiah]
Each member of the Bridal remnant, and this remnant as a whole, is one of the main restrainers left on earth, as she awaits the coming of Yahushua, the Bridegroom. She remains full of Yahuweh’s Spirit, even as He is now ascending into His throne room to await the pouring out of His wrath. When He departed, as told in Ezekiel chapters 8-11:23, He remained with those marked and chosen ones whom He knew – i.e. Jeremiah, Daniel, Daniel’s three friends, and Ezekiel.
The restrainers are also the preservers of the earth. Messiah referred to His disciples as salt – a preserving agent. (Matthew 5:13-16) Yahushua said that if the salt has lost its saltiness it is good for nothing but to be trampled underfoot of man. Tragically, religion and cultures of ease and comfort has caused most of His people to lose their saltiness – and thus they have nothing within themselves by which to preserve the earth from destruction. They will be trampled under the feet of evil men. Messiah also refers to His children as the “lights of the world.” If our light is not shining brightly, what good are we? -- We walk in darkness just like the damned.
Malachi 3:5-6: “See, I am sending you Eliyahu the Prophet before the great and terrible Day of Yahuweh. And he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with utter destruction.”
If there is no Torah-order on the earth when He comes, the whole earth will be destroyed. In Mark 13, we read that children in our day will rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death. The same mind-programming of children to rebel against their parents, Elohim’s authority, and all righteous authority, used by Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung, is being used on American youth to train another army of fearless, cruel, and evil children and teens, with no mercy, compassion, or kindness. Military men are trained to kill an enemy. Today’s youth are being trained to kill for the fun of it. Using video games, TV, movies, action toys, etc, the Illuminati mind programming across board is teaching children the thrill of killing. Look at the list of character traits of our day in II Timothy 3:1-7, and compare them to what we are seeing across board in general in our culture.
II Timothy 3:1: “But know this, that in the last days, kelepos (Greek: raging insanity) will come.” Look at that list – it is in our face!
Therefore, if parents do not instruct their children in the Torah but turn them over to the programmers of evil, no matter how good their religious belief, they are no longer the “salt of the earth.” They have, ever so subtly, sacrificed their children to Satan. [Refer to: “Gentle Sacrifice”]
Unless, at His coming, Messiah finds children and fathers who are united, and obedient to His Kingdom instructions and teachings (Torah-Hebrew; “nomos”-Greek), He can’t set up His Kingdom. The good news is, that since He knows the end from the beginning there will be a remnant that will remain a preserver, a restrainer – the “salt of the earth.”
Luke 18:7-8: Messiah had told a parable that showed the faithful of His Father to us. But, then He asked: “But when the Son of Adam comes, will He find faith on the earth?” Yahuweh never fails to keep His promises! He never fails, period!!! But, He asks, will we remain faithful through the darkness trials of the coming days? (II Timothy 2:11-13)
From the beginning He had His restrainers and preservers of the earth – like Abel, Seth, Enoch, Methuselah, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Yitzak, Ya’cob, Moses, Joshua, the good Judges, Kings like David and Josiah, those like Nehemia and Ezra, and His trusted Prophets. After the Lamb of Elohim came, He had disciples and Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, and Pastor/shepherd Teachers, who were restrainers of evil, and preservers of the lineage of Messiah. But, all in all, the restrainers and preservers of earth have been very few. In fact, at times, this elite group of servants got down to one person on the entire earth, like with Seth and Noah. [Refer to: “The Preservation of the Royal Seed”/December 2007]
Today, there is a remnant that will be preserved, because they are restrainers, preservers, and useful obedient servants of the Master. They are very salty and very bright lights. Therefore, the Master has marked them for preservation through the tribulation. He needs these preservers, so He preserves them!!!
For a few weeks now I have been studying the Mishle (Proverbs), slowing going through each verse, using as a springboard for study the Mishle --Jewish Artscroll Commentary. It is amazing how much the words of Messiah Yahushua and of His Apostles amplify the words of the Proverbs. I am doing a lot of cross referencing, and the Spirit is amplifying more completely key meanings to me. After all, He, Yahuweh the Spirit, is the Teacher of Truth, the only One who knows absolute Truth in its most pure form! He is uniting His Spirit-taught ones, those who are now seeing “eye to eye.” To midrash with those who have the same Teacher, those who see eye to eye on all that He has taught, is like having fellowship in His Kingdom! I smile when I think that in His Kingdom everyone must be taught by Him, or by His chosen servants who teach like Him. No one will have the choice of finding a teacher who tickles their ear, and tells them what they want to hear. The lessons will be plumb line messages, so that they learn what they need to know to continue to His Kingdom! There will be strict discipline enforced. (Revelation 2:26-27) We have the privilege of His teaching now!
I Corinthians 6:19-20: When the Spirit of Yahuweh enters the spirit-temple of those who are truly born-again, He brings the fullness of Yahuweh, for He is Yahuweh. (II Corinthians 3:17-18)
He comes to purify, convict of sin, cleanse, guide and direct, to comfort, to lead into life everlasting, to teach, and to transform His children into His nature. He comes to discipline also. And, He won’t take any “back-talk” or excuses! His children either submit to His dealings, or He withdraws and leaves them to ourselves. That is very frightening! I fear Yahuweh – that is, above all fears, I fear losing His precious Presence!
His Spirit comes in with power and anointing (His Presence), to equip us to overcome the enemy. He gives us powerful spiritual weapons against our spiritual enemies. He comes in with 9 gifts to equip us to minister to others. He empowers us to live and speak like Messiah on this earth and do the “greater works” as He promised. He is the restrainer within us! He is the preserver of the earth within us! He is the salt and the light within us!
Luke 12:11-12: When you are brought before evil authorities, don’t even prepare what you are going to say, for the Spirit will tell you what you are to say. When I was dying of malaria in Musoma, Tanzania, I could not even remember my own name, for the disease produces amnesia. I had 13 of the 15 symptoms of malaria, and was in the final stages of its grip. But, my spirit was strong because the Spirit was strong within me. I could communicate from the “mind of the spirit.” I could not sit up; I was too weak. But, I was there to preach 25 meetings, and my African co-worker had preached 22 of those meetings already. I asked them to take me to the church. They carried me there, and set me in a padded chair with arm rests. They padded me with pillows. I had no memory to even remember my name. But, I heard the “still, small voice” of the Spirit within me, and I repeated what He said. I preached with great fervor and zeal, and my translator translated quickly. I preached for 2 hours. Later I came back and preached 2 hours more, and then 2 hours the next day. Then they put me on a bus for Kisumu, Kenya, an 8-hour trip. Yes, I survived and regained my memory, but through several events like that, I starkly learned the difference between the soul (mind, emotions, will, sin-prone nature, flesh, earth-bound desires) and the eternal re-born spirit that can house the Spirit of Yahuweh IF He is allowed in. Therefore, what is said in Mark 13:11 is perfectly normal to me. If I get into a dangerous situation, the Spirit will tell me what to do, what to say, how to act, and give me peace along with it.