Trinity Lutheran Church Council Meeting
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Present: Bev Jerdee , Susanne Hauge, Joanne Tupper, Ellen Franzen, Alice Wanderscheid, Pastor Kevin Frey, Andrea Strottmann, LeRoy Larson, Donna Kubesh, Kathy Babcock, Mike Babcock,

Absent: Jason Rasmussen, Lisa Rude, Rich Werner,Bob Beckman, Kim Kuennen

Vice-President, Mike Babcock called the council meeting to order at 6:50 p.m. The council members shared their joys and sorrows. Susanne Hauge gave devotions.

Officer Reports:

  • President: No Report
  • Vice President: Mike Babcock announced that he is planning to hold quarterly meetings

on Sunday mornings at which the council and congregational members can get together fordiscussions and to address any concerns that members of the congregation may have. The first meeting will be held on Sunday, January 12, 2014 following the 8:00 a.m. service.

  • Secretary: The minutes of the November 5, 2013 council meeting were reviewed.

Donna Kubesh made the motion to approve the minutes. LeRoy Larson seconded the motion. Motion approved.

  • Treasurer: Ellen Franzen presented the Treasurer’s Report.Donna Kubesh made the motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Andrea Strottmann seconded the motion. Motion approved.
  • Financial Secretary: Alice Wanderscheid presented the Financial Secretary’s Report.

She provided information on the June Hauth Estate Bequest.

Donna Kubesh made the motion to accept the Financial Secretary’s Report. LeRoyLarson seconded the motion. Motion approved.

  • Pastor’s Report: Pastor Kevin presented his written report. The following transfers were presented:

Transfer Out: Chuck & Jane Schultz to Peace United Church of Christ – Fredericksburg, Iowa

Transfer Out: Luke, Vanessa &Brooks Huber to Bethesda Lutheran Church – Ames, Iowa

Transfer In: Bonnie Keller from Zion Lutheran Church – Alta Vista, Iowa

Bev Jerdee made the motion to accept the transfer in of Bonnie Keller from Zion Lutheran Church, Alta Vista, Iowa. Kathy Babcock seconded the motion. Motion approved.

Ministry Committee Reports:

  • Youth: Pastor Kevin reported that the youth had 30 buckets of cookies left following

the cookie walk on December 8. They plan on having these available for sale the weekend of December 14. Thrivent is providing $965.00 to the youth to assist withtheir mission trip fundraising.

  • Building & Grounds: LeRoy Larson reported progress is being made on the removal of salvage from the house on the North Lot and the house will be taken down soon. The stove from the house has been moved into the church kitchen.
  • Christian Education: Joanne Tupper reported that the Sunday School Christmas

Program was held that morning and attendance was very good. She reported that

Sunday School attendance has been stable with a census of 85-90 children attending.

  • Congregational Life: Susanne Hauge reported they had recently served the annual meeting dinner and several receptions.
  • Long Range Planning: Pastor Kevin reported that the Long Range Planning Committee had met. The committee is continuing to work on a Long Range Plan for Trinity and had discussed the responses to the questionnaire that had been distributed to all council members.
  • Mutual Ministry: No Report.
  • Social Ministry: Bev Jerdee reported that the Giving Tree gifts had been delivered to the Methodist Church. The gifts will be delivered to the recipients on Saturday, December 14, 2013.
  • Stewardship: Donna Kubesh reported that the Stewardship Committee had met and reviewed the Mission Cross Projects for December and January.
  • TWELCA:Kathy Babcock reported that the quilting ladies have made over 160 quilts. Some were distributed on the adult mission trip to Hawthorn Hill and 25 will be distributed with the Giving Tree gifts. Quilting will resume on Wednesday, January 8, 2014.
  • Worship and Music: Andrea Strottmann reported that the Worship and Music committee did not hold a meeting in December. They are, however, getting organized for the Lessons and Carols services to be held on December 15. Andrea also reported that Muriel Meyer has volunteered to serve as Greeter Coordinator.

Congregational Concern/New Business:

  • Congregational Meeting – December 15: The congregational meeting for the purpose of approving the extending of a call to Pastor Cindy Krause to serve as Associate Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church and the approval of a compensation package for Pastor Krause will be held on Sunday December 15, 2013 at 11:30 in the sanctuary. It was noted that50 voting members need to be present for a quorum. Rev. Darrel Gerrietts, assistant to the Bishop, will be present from the Synod office.
  • The Endowment Committee recommendations for the distribution of the bequest from the June Hauth Estate. The following recommendations were presented:

80% - To be added to the Endowment Fund for Mission and invested by the Endowment Committee.

10% - Support of Ministries beyond the ministries of Trinity Lutheran Church ($29,117.96)

Mission Churches - $3,000.00 ($1,000.00 per church)

Oyebade’s Mission - $1,000.00

Lynn Robins Mission - $1,000.00

Homes For Haiti Project - $2,000.00

Doc’s for Hope (Guatemala Clinic) - $5,000.00

Food Pantry - $3,000.00

Ewalu - $2,000.00

Okoboji Camp - $2,000.00

Synod Benevolence Commitment - $5,000.00
ELCA Disaster Response - $3,000.00

World Hunger - $1,000.00

Mosquito Net Project - $1,000.00

K-9 Deputy - $117.96

10% - Support of Ministries at Trinity Lutheran Church ($29,117.96)

Sunday School Memorial Fund - $1,000.00

Women of the Church (Quilters) - $1,000.00

Property Improvement Fund - $15.000.00

Video (Projector/Screens) - $5,000.00

Youth Mission - $5,000.00

Computer Fund - $2,117.96

Joanne Tupper made the motion to accept the recommendations presented by the

Endowment Committee for the distribution of the bequest from the June Hauth Estate.

LeRoy Larson seconded the motion. Motion approved.

  • Video Equipment: Discussion on the video equipment was tabled until the January meeting.

LeRoy Larson made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Donna Kubesh seconded the motion.

Motion approved. The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. The council joined hands and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully Submitted,

Alice Wanderscheid for

Lisa Rude, Council Secretary