August 2014
August 4, 2014
Jonathan’s Grille, Franklin, TN
Present: Nan Holland, Jessica Roberson-Wright, Jen Thompson, Beth Huff, Ashley Gregory, Christy Hart
Absent (excused): Molly Bronaugh, Shelley Fugitt, and Wendy Williams
Call to order: 6:30pm
Approval of July 7, 2014, Minutes: Jen Thompson - motion to approve; Jessica Roberson-Wright seconded. Motion carried
Reports of officers and committees
- Current Roster = 129 members
- Board recommends no new memberships be accepted at this time. 2015 competition year memberships will be sought at Ole South and TN State Championships (reduced membership rate at that time).
- Jessica Roberson-Wright offered to assist Shelley Fugitt with stall to stall canvas during Ole South show August 22-24, 2014
- SunTrust Checking balance = $8,874 (additional $4,000 to be transferred from PayPal tomorrow which will bring balance to $12,874).
- PayPal Account balance = $2,359
- The accountant has been paid for tax document preparation
- P & L for Tennessean Express and the Tennessean were presented. Profit = $2,152.80
- P & L for May 31/June 1 Schooling Show pending
- Actual costs for ribbons, prizes and year end awards need to be determined and documented
- Outstanding expenses:
- Facility fee for Spring Fling Show at Old Hillsborough Manor
- Jessica will refer to last year’s fee & communicate with Kirstin Moltmann
- Compensate show secretary, Sherry Pride, for canceled July 19 Schooling Show?
- Jessica will contact Sherry Pride regarding status of compensation
--Ads and sponsors—
- 2 new ads have been acquired: an equine dentist & Nelson Long
- Closing date for ads for Ole South and TN State Championship program = August 19, 2014
- August 9 Schooling Show – probably sufficient, but Beth will confirm via email later this week
- Ole South & TN State Championships Thursday – Sunday, August 21-14
- Danielle Bolte will serve as Volunteer Coordinator for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
- Special need for volunteers for mounted awards (Saturday and Sunday), arena set up (Thursday) and show breakdown (Sunday).
- Bedford 4H will be helping again this year.
- Beth has obtained 10 pinnies for key volunteers (ring stewards, runners, etc.) to wear at shows. She plans to have the pinnies screen printed with CTDA on the back.
- CTDA Website Revision meeting will be Tuesday, August 5 at 5:00pm at Beth Huff’s home. Beth Huff, Jen Thompson, Christy Hart and Brandon Jackson will participate.
- Brandon Jackson, Webmaster, recommends changing the CTDA server due to recent frequent crashes.
- Jessica Roberson Wright was able to obtain the required certificate from the State of Tennessee documenting the CTDA 501c7 status. This document will be filed with CTDA tax documents. A copy of the document has been forwarded to Brandon Jackson
- eBlasts – sent frequently, at least every 2 weeks. Next eBlast will address:
- Closing date for Ole South, TN State Championships.
- Youth Team Competition form available on the CTDA website. Jessica will confirm. Beth & Jen will also confirm Youth Team Competition plans with Sandy Donovan, Show Secretary.
- Newsletter - next issue will be published after Ole South and TN State Championships
- One CTDA scholarship award winner has yet to provide the required article for the Newsletter. Beth will follow up with her.
--Recognized Shows—
- Ole South Prelude, Ole South Classic and TN State Championships will be held August 22 – 24 at the Miller Coliseum in Murfreesboro, TN.
- Brandie Heidenway has ordered the ribbons & prizes needed for Ole South & TN State Championships based on July inventory of the CTDA trailer.
- The purchasing procedure for ribbons & prizes / awards will be reviewed at the conclusion of the current competition year.
- Michael Foster Tennessee State Adult Amateur Championship Perpetual Trophy to be planned for 2015 competition year.
--Schooling Shows—
- August 9 show is full. Sherry Pride and Beth Huff are attempting to arrange continuation of the show through Sunday August 10. Competitors will be advised if the show can be extended through August 10.
- Cancelled July 19 show
- Jenni Hogan will be approached by Jen Thompson to determine if CTDA might sanction Jenni’s November 1, 2014 schooling show (waive CTDA sanction fee).
- Jen has also contacted Sherry Pride regarding the feasibility of rescheduling the show on September 6 or October 4 and is awaiting her response.
- The Board determined that CTDA should reimburse Debbie Schwartz (judge for July 19) for travel expenses. Sherry Pride, show secretary will retain the office fee. The facility will retain the facility fee.
- Rain Dates
- CTDA shall determine rain dates for 2015 Schooling Shows in advance.
- The following Schooling Show Cancellation Policy was adopted at tonight’s meeting and will be implemented in the 2015 competition year:
- “No refunds after closing date or for weather orsafety issues that require management to cancel classes or day(s) of competition. If the show is cancelled due toweather orsafety issues, management will automatically apply the class entry fee(s) towards a subsequent CTDA schooling show in the same calendar year. Otherwise, upon written request by the competitor to the show secretary, class entry fees will be refunded.
Toaccommodate for work done by the show secretary and facility,office and facility fees are not refundable or usable forfuture shows.”
- Hospitality needs for Ole South and TN State Championships:
- Morning coffee for judges – Beth Huff
- Snacks – Jen Thompson
- Lunch orders – Sandy Donovan
- Nan Holland and Beth Huff will revise the Year End Awards requirements and present to the Board at the September meeting.
Old Business
See Hospitality and Awards above
New Business
- New arenas – still pending per Jen Thompson
- L Program Part II – Approved for 2015
- Jen Thompson – Organizer
- Faculty is set
- USDF Convention – Jen Thompson will serve as the CTDA Delegate.
- USDF GMO award applications for Newsletter, Website and Photography are due August 31, 2014. CTDA will apply. Nan Holland will forward the application forms to the appropriate parties.
- BOD / Officer Job Descriptions and Succession Plan - Tabled
Next meeting: September 2, 2014 at 6:30pm (Tuesday instead on Labor Day)