
Re: Regular Meeting at 7:00 p.m.

The Chairman called the meeting to order and welcomed all citizens in



Re: Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

Supervisor Finney gave the Invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Re: Approval of Agenda

Upon motion of Mr. Finney, seconded by Mr. Tyler, and unanimously

carried, the Board approved the agenda with the following changes:

·  Move Special Presentations before Public Hearings

·  Add under Appointments

§  Lake Gaston Weed Control Council

Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None.


Re: Public Hearings – 7:00 p.m.

Rezoning Case #07-008 – Lawrence and Deborah Bridgeforth – Business (B-1) to Residential (R-1)

Mrs. Sullivan, Director of Planning, stated that the subject property is located on

the east side of Christanna Highway (State Highway 46), approximately 0.2 of a mile

south of the intersection with Governor Harrison Parkway (U.S. Highway 58), in the

Totaro Magisterial District, identified as Tax Map 62 Parcel 47H.

The applicants are requesting to rezone the subject property (0.74 acres) from

Business (B-1) to Residential (R-1) to expand/enlarge a legal non-conforming single-

family dwelling.

The Planning Commission recommends approval of the application as


The Chairman opened the public hearing. No one spoke in favor of or in

opposition to the request. After giving all citizens an opportunity to speak, the

Chairman closed the public hearing.

Upon motion of Mr. Conner, seconded by Mr. Finney, and unanimously

carried, the Board approved Rezoning Case #07-008 as recommended by the Planning

Commission, including the refund of the application fee.

Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None.


Rezoning Case #07-009 – Michael and Donna Gregory – Residential (R-1) to

Business (B-1)

Mrs. Sullivan, Director of Planning, stated that the subject property is located at

the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Hendricks Mill Road (State Route 903) and

Marina Road (a private drive), in the Meherrin Magisterial District, identified as Tax Map

97 Parcel 7 and Tax Map 97C-((1)) Parcel A.

The applicants are requesting to rezone the subject property, known as Poplar

Creek Marina, from Residential (R-1) to Business (B-1) to bring the subject property into

conformance with the existing land use and for possible future expansion.

The Planning Commission recommends approval of the application as


The Chairman opened the public hearing. The following citizens spoke:

·  Dorothy Thomas, Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism spoke in support of the application.

After giving all citizens an opportunity to speak, the Chairman closed the public


Upon motion of Mr. Conner, seconded by Mr. Finney, and unanimously

carried, the Board approved Rezoning Case #07-009 as recommended by the Planning


Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None.


Conditional Rezoning Case #07-010 – Roger and Irene Kibler – Agricultural (A-1)

to Business (B-1)

Mrs. Sullivan, Director of Planning, stated that the subject property is located on

the southwest side of Christanna Highway (State Highway 46), as it intersects with

Western Mill Road (State Route 670), in the Powellton Magisterial District, identified as

Tax Map 93 Parcel 21.

The applicants are requesting to conditionally rezone the approximately 2.00

acres of a 25 acre parcel from Agricultural (A-1) to Business (B-1) to utilize the existing

older single-family structure for the rental of professional office space.

The Planning Commission recommends approval of the application subject to

the proffered condition as follows:

·  The only permitted use on the subject property will be for the rental of professional office space.

The Chairman opened the public hearing. No one spoke in favor of or in

opposition to the request. After giving all citizens an opportunity to speak, the Chairman

closed the public hearing.

Upon motion of Mr. Tyler, seconded by Mr. Finney, and unanimously

carried, the Board approved Conditional Rezoning Case #07-010 subject to the

condition proffered by the applicant and as recommended by the Planning Commission.

Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None.


Proposed Ordinance Text Amendment Case #07-011 – Michael and Donna Gregory – Use Not Provided For

Mrs. Sullivan, Director of Planning, stated that the subject property is located at

the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Hendricks Mill Road (State Route 903)

and Marina Road (a private drive), in the Meherrin Magisterial District, identified as Tax

Map 97 Parcel 7 and Tax Map 97C-((1)) Parcel A.

The applicants are requesting that the Business (B-1) Zoning District of the

Brunswick County Zoning Ordinance be amended to permit “marinas” as a permitted


The Planning Commission recommends approval of the application as


The Chairman opened the public hearing. No one spoke in favor of or in

opposition to the request. After giving all citizens an opportunity to speak, the Chairman

closed the public hearing.

Upon motion of Mr. Conner, seconded by Mr. Tyler, and unanimously

carried, the Board approved the Ordinance Text Amendment Case #07-011 as

recommended by the Planning Commission.

Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None.


Re: Virginia Department of Transportation

Mr. Moody, Assistant Resident Engineer, presented his monthly report as


Construction Report

·  Rural Rustic Program 2007-08

o  Route 719 – Walkers Run Road from Route 685 to end state maintenance – Environmental process started

o  Route 672 – Durham Road from Route 611 to 670 North – Environmental process started

·  Rural Rustic Program 2008-09

o  Route 747 – Dillard Road from Route 611 to end state maintenance

o  Route 755 – Wilson Creek Lane from Route 712 to end state maintenance

o  Route 648 – Great Creek Road from Route 46 to Route 644

Spot Stabilization

·  2007-08 Program

o  Route 626 – Robinson Ferry Road from Route 903 to Route 644

o  Route 644 – Robinson Ferry Road from Route 626 to Route 58

·  2008-09 Program

o  Route 606 – Brooks Crossing from Route 670 to Route 612

o  Route 673 – Reavis Gin Road from Route 611 to Route 715

Maintenance Forces

·  Mowing on primary and interstate, replacing pipe, patching, and cleaning intersections.

Revenue Sharing Program

·  Application received; tentative approval

Turnkey Asset Management for Interstate Maintenance

·  Effective July 1, 2007

·  24/7 Telephone number – 1-866-378-7743 (smart traffic)

Supervisor Conner expressed concern regarding individuals placing campaign signs

in VDOT right of ways. Mr. Moody indicated that individuals may contact VDOT to

determine the right of way.


Re: Approval of Minutes – June 14, 2007, Adjourned Meeting; June 20, 2007, Regular Meeting; June 28, 2007, Special Meeting

Upon motion of Mr. Tyler, seconded by Mr. Conner, and carried, the Board

approved the minutes of the meetings with one correction in the June 20, 2007,


Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None


Re: Department/Agency Requests

Fort Christanna Update – Nathaniel Neblett

Mr. Nathaniel Neblett stated that many tourists are visiting the site. He added

that the gates are being set and will have the ability to be locked. He stated that the trail

is complete and the reception kiosk is near completion.

Mr. Neblett stated that he plans to schedule a meeting with the County

Administrator to discuss operational guidelines.


Lake Country Bicycle Plan – Carol Corker

Tammy Newcomb, Assistant to the County Administrator, stated that the Lake

Country Bicycle Plan was developed to identify routes that would be desirable for

bicycle use and provide a strategy for implementation. The goals of the Lake County

Bicycle Plan are as follows:

·  Provide the region’s citizens with a first-class system of trails and bikeways that meet their transportation, recreational, and health needs, and improves their quality of life.

·  Ensure that existing and future bikeways and trails provide safe alternatives to motorized transportation.

·  Increase bicycle safety, awareness of the benefits of bicycling, walking, and other outdoor recreation through education, law enforcement, advocacy and public information.

·  Develop a community facility that will assist in economic and tourism development.

The Southside Planning District Commission developed this Plan for Halifax,

Mecklenburg and Brunswick Counties and is requesting the adoption in each of

the counties to create a regional document for the Southside Planning District. A grant

from the Virginia Department of Transportation is funding the preparation of the bike


Upon motion of Mr. Conner, seconded by Mr. Finney, and unanimously carried,

the Board approved the Lake Country Bicycle Plan as presented.

Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None.


National Association of Counties Bus Tour Update – Bobby Conner

Bobby Conner, Brunswick County/Lake Gaston Tourism, stated that the Bus

Tour at the National Association of Counties was a huge success. He thanked the

Board for their support with this project.


Brunswick County Food and Agricultural Council – Disaster Designation – Taylor Clarke

Taylor Clarke, Virginia Cooperative Extension, stated that the drought over the

past several months has proven to be challenging to the Brunswick County Agricultural

Commodity Producers.

The Brunswick County Food and Agricultural Council (FAC) met on June 27,

2007, to discuss concerns that have been monitored over the past several months. The

drought situation in Brunswick County has reached a point where crop losses are being

observed in corn, soybeans, hay, pastures, tobacco, and cotton. The County has been

below the normal average precipitation levels since December 2006.

The Brunswick County Food and Agricultural Council recommends that the

Board of Supervisors consider requesting a disaster designation from the Governor in

order that Agricultural Commodity Producers in Brunswick County may be eligible to

seek assistance from the United States Department of Agriculture.

Upon motion of Mr. Conner, seconded by Mr. Finney, and unanimously carried,

the Board adopted a Resolution declaring Brunswick County a disaster area due to

drought conditions and authorized the County Administrator to draft a letter to the

Governor for the Chairman’s signature requesting assistance as appropriate.

WHEREAS, Southside Virginia has endured a drought during the 2007 growing season; and,

WHEREAS, the drought conditions in Brunswick County have caused significant losses in tobacco, hay, corn, soybeans and other stored forages, as well as grazing resources necessary for livestock operations; and,

WHEREAS, all of these supplies are vital to the continued growth of Brunswick County, as well as Southside Virginia; and,

WHEREAS, the Brunswick County Board of Supervisors desires and the Commonwealth of Virginia statutes require the adoption of appropriate measures to allow for federal assistance to aid our local farmers and livestock producers; and,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Brunswick County Board of Supervisors hereby declare Brunswick County as a disaster area due to drought conditions experienced during the 2007 growing season and requests the Governor’s assistance as appropriate.

Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None.


Re: Citizen Comments

The Chairman opened the citizen comment period and advised that each citizen

will be allotted three (3) minutes to speak. The following citizens spoke:

·  Nathaniel Neblett, 116 Hebron Lane, Lawrenceville, Virginia, spoke regarding economic development efforts in Brunswick County.

·  Jean McCarter, 300 Kelly Drive, Gasburg, Virginia, stated that she feels that the speed limit should be lowered on a section of Gasburg Road. She also stated that there is graffiti on bridges over Lake Gaston. Ms. McCarter requested that the Board consider tax relief for citizens 65 years and older. She specifically requested that any home purchased in Brunswick County as a primary residence, if the owner is 65 or older, that the real estate tax remains the same at the time of closing on that property unless major improvements are made.

·  Jerry Marston, 2024 Iron Bridge Road, Lawrenceville, Virginia, stated that he supports the request for Disaster Designation. He also stated that the Meherrin River is being marred with litter.

After giving all citizens an opportunity to express their views, the Chairman

closed the citizen comment period. Chairman Jones thanked all citizens for their



Re: Consent Calendar of Reports

Upon motion of Mr. Conner, seconded by Mr. Finney, and unanimously

carried, the Board approved the Consent Calendar of Reports as presented for the

following organizations:

A. Lawrenceville-Brunswick Airport Report

B. Brunswick County Sheriff’s Department Monthly Report

C. Roanoke River Regional Service Authority Minutes – May 22, 2007

D. Southside Community Services Board Minutes – May 15, 2007

E. Brunswick County Industrial Development Authority Minutes - June 15, 2007

F. Brunswick County Planning Commission Minutes – June 12, 2007

Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None.


Re: Finance Director’s Report

Approval of Disbursements

Upon motion of Mr. Finney, seconded by Mr. Tyler, and carried, the Board

approved system checks dated June 21, 2007, in the amount of $2,250.00,

system checks dated July 11, 2007, in the amount of $97,711.54 (FY07), system

checks dated July 16, 2007, (FY07) in the amount of $26,584.62, system checks dated

July 17, 2007 (FY07), in the amount of $314,775,42, and system checks dated July 18,

2007 (FY07), in the amount of $809,593.14, for a total amount of $565,518.81.

Ayes: Conner, Finney, Tyler, Jones; Nays: None.


Re-appropriation and Appropriation of Grant Funds – Fire & Rescue

Mrs. Marilyn Brammer, Director of Finance stated that in order to balance the

Fire & Rescue Services FY07 budget the following actions need to be taken by the

Board of Supervisors:

·  Re-appropriate unexpended FY06 grant funds in the amount of $56,307.49 to their “Miscellaneous Grants–Equipment/Training” line item.

·  Accept revenues and appropriate expenditures for FY07 grant funds in the amount of $15,746.00 to “Miscellaneous Grants-Equipment/Training” line item.

·  Approve the transfer of $1,930.00 from “Emergency Services Board” line item to “Miscellaneous Grants-Equipment/Training” line item.