Absence protocol
- What do you do whenyou are late?
- You report tothe absence coordinator (Madam Bianca) in room 0.53. Madam Bianca registers in Magister thatyou are late. Youreceive a notetoenableyouto enter the classroom. Please walk on toyour classroom straight away.
- You hand thenote over toyour teacher, sit down quietlyandparticipate in thelesson.
- Note: It is alsopossibletobe late afterthe first hour
- What do you do whenyou are illsomeday?
- Yourparents / caretakers call school before 8.30 hrstoinformthem of yourillness (telephonenumber: 050-3210524 or mobile: 06-45444129)
- The dayyou are well again, you report to Madam Bicancawith a notefromyourparents / caretakers. On thisnote are written five things:
a)Your first and last name
b)Your class
c)The reasonyouwerenot at school
d)What dates youwerenot at school
e)Yourparents’ / caretakers’ signature
- What do you do whenyoufallill at school and want to go home?
- You go to Madam Bianca andask her ifyoucan go home
- Madam Bianca calls your Parents / caretakers
- Ifyou have permission, you go home andyoureceive a noteforyourparens / caretakerstofill in
- You hand in thisnoteto Madam Bianca whenyou are back at school before 8.40 hrs
- What is the penalty fornotstickingtotherules?
a)You are late toooften
- Afterthe 3rd time you are late youarrive at school the next morning at 8.15 hrsto do penalty work. Afterthe 6th timeyou are late youarrive at school the next morning at 8.00 hrsto do penalty work. Afterthe 9th time you are late youarrive at school the next morning at 7.45 hrsto do penalty work.
- Afterthe 3rd, 6thandthe 9th time school alsocontactsyourparents / caretakers
- Afterthe 12th time you are late theschool’s teamleader involvestheattendanceofficer. School contactsyourparents / caretakers , attendanceofficerand school conferandpenalizeyou.
b)You are absent without permission. This is calledplayingtruant. The hoursyou have missed have tobe made up forbeforeand / or afterschoolhours. Madam Bianca decideswhenyou have to do this, youdon’tdecideyourself. Madam Bianca contactsyourparents / caretakersandalsoreportsthistothecompulsoryEducationDepartment.
c)Whenthere are 5 notifications of illness we contact yourparents / caretakersandifnecessarythe school physican or thecompulsoryEducationDepartment. Of course we want youtobe well andabletocometo school in a normalmanner
- Is there a possibilityforexceptions?
- Maybeyou have to switch parttime (oranother building), or there are problemswith bus connections. In those cases you go to Madam Bianca in room 0.53 toreachan agreement on this.