About Villeroy & Boch

Villeroy & Boch with headquarters in Mettlach/Germany has production facilities in Europe, Mexico and Thailand. Our Divisions, "Bathroom and Wellness" and "Tableware" together secured annual sales of Euro 745 million in 2013. The company is a leading lifestyle provider which is represented in 125 countries and employs a total of 7,400 persons around the world.

SC Mondial SA,as part of the Villeroy & Boch group,is a ceramic production site with a history of more than 40 years on the local market.

We offer you:

Junior Academy – a two-year paid professional development program
You will have the opportunity to undergo a two years’ professional training in a unique environment, that of the sanitary ware.
You will receive theoretical knowledge as well as develop key skills, both internally and externally.
We will provide a six-month training in each of the production areas.
A mentor will support you during the professional development program.
You will have the opportunity to take part in and also be in charge of projects.
- Recent Technical University graduate;
- Strong communication skills (both verbal and written);
- Computer literate (Word, Excel, Power Point);
- Strong presentation skills;
- Fluent in English;
- Very organized, able to coordinate multiple projects and to work with deadlines;
- Creative and innovative.
At the successful conclusion of the development program, you will secure a long-term career in our organization. This is a remarkable opportunity to join Mondial’s team and to be part of an international company with a strategic investment and long-term presence in Romania.
Inginer automatist junior
În calitate de Inginer automatist junior, veţi fi responsabil de modernizarea, automatizarea şi întreţinerea instalaţiilor şi echipamentelor de lucru existente în incinta fabricii.
- Modernizarea şi automatizarea instalaţiilor şi echipamentelor de lucru existente;
- Întreţinerea şi optimizarea programelor de monitorizare a parametrilor tehnologici;
- Analiza, proiectarea, programarea, testarea, implementarea şi întreţinerea software-ului de aplicaţie a sistemelor de automatizare cu PLC;
- Analiza, proiectarea, programarea, testarea, implementarea şi întreţinerea software-ului HMI;
- Participarea la realizarea de specificaţii tehnice pentru aplicaţii hardware şi software realizate de terţe firme;
- Supervizarea şi preluarea aplicaţiilor software realizate de terţe firme.
Cerinţele postului:
- absolvent de studii superioare în domeniul automatizării sau electonicii (Automatizări şi calculatoare, Electronică, Mecatronică)
- cunoştinţe de bază de programare PLC şi aplicaţii HMI (software: Omron, Siemens, Allen Brendley)
- cunoştinţe medii despre hardware ale sistemelor de automatizare (Omron, Siemens, Allen Brendley)
- cunoştinţe de programare a cel puţin un soft panel view (Omron - CX Designer; Siemens WinCC Flexibile, Telemecanique – XBTL etc.)
- noţiuni despre programe tip Scada (Omron - CX Supervizor)
- cunoştinţe în domeniul electric – citire scheme electrice, execuţie scheme electrice, depanări
- cunoaşterea unui soft de execuţie scheme electrice (Eplan, SEE, ElectricCad etc.)
- cunoştinţe generale de pneumatică, mecanică, hidraulică, instalaţii
- cunoştinţe de limba engleză nivel mediu – obligatoriu; limba germană reprezintă un avantaj

If you are interested in applying for the open positions in our company, please send your resume and intent letter at , mentioning the title of the position for which you apply.