About the Supplemental Text Material

I have prepared supplemental text material to accompany the 7thedition of Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. This material consists of (1) additional background reading on some aspects of statistics and statistical quality control and improvement, (2) extensions of and elaboration on some textbook topics and (3) some new topics that I could not easily find a “home” for in the text without making the book much too long.

Much of this material has been prepared in at least partial response to the many excellent and very helpful suggestions that have been made over the years by textbook users. However, sometimes there just wasn’t any way to easily accommodate their suggestions directly in the book. Some of the supplemental material is also in response to FAQ’s or “frequently asked questions” from students. I have also provided a list of references for this supplemental material that are not cited in the textbook.

Feedback from my colleagues indicates that this book is used in a variety of ways. Most often, it is used as the textbook in an upper-division undergraduate course on statistical quality control and improvement. However, there are a significant number of instructors that use the book as the basis of a graduate-level course, or offer a course taken by a mixture of advanced undergraduates and graduate students. Obviously the topical content and depth of coverage varies widely in these courses. Consequently, I have included some supplemental material on topics that might be of interest in a more advanced undergraduate or graduate-level course.

There is considerable personal “bias” in my selection of topics for the supplemental material. The coverage is far from comprehensive.

I have not felt as constrained about mathematical level or statistical background of the readers in the supplemental material as I have tried to be in writing the textbook. There are sections of the supplemental material that will require more background in statistics than is required to read the text material. However, I think that many instructors will be able to use selected portions of this supplement material in their courses quite effectively, depending on the maturity and background of the students.

Supplemental Text Material Contents

Chapter 3

S3-1.Independent Random Variables

S3-2.Development of the Poisson Distribution

S3-3.The Mean and Variance of the Normal Distribution

S3-4. More about the Lognormal Distribution

S3-5.More about the Gamma Distribution

S3-6.The Failure Rate for the Exponential Distribution

S3-7.The Failure Rate for the Weibull Distribution

Chapter 4

S4-1. Random Samples

S4-2. Expected Value and Variance Operators

S4-3.Proof That

S4-4. More about Parameter Estimation

S4-5.Proof That

S4-6. More about Checking Assumptions in the t-Test

S4-7. Expected Mean Squares in the Single-Factor Analysis of Variance

Chapter 5

S5-1. A Simple Alternative to Runs Rules on the Chart

Chapter 6

S6-1.s2 is not Always an Unbiased Estimator of 2

S5-2.Should We Use or in Estimating via the Range Method?

S6-3. Determining When the Process has Shifted

S6-4. More about Monitoring Variability with Individual Observations

S6-5. Detecting Drifts versus Shifts in the Process Mean

S56-6. The Mean Square Successive Difference as an Estimator of 2

Chapter 7

S7-1. Probability Limits on Control Charts

Chapter 8

S8-1.Fixed Versus Random Factors in the Analysis of Variance

S8-2.More about Analysis of Variance Methods for Measurement Systems Capability Studies

Chapter 9

S9-1. The Markov Chain Approach for Finding the ARLsfor CUSUM and EWMA Control Charts

S9-2. Integral Equations versus Markov Chains for Finding the ARL

Chapter 10

S10-1. Difference Control Charts

S10-2. Control Charts for Contrasts

S10-3. Run Sum and Zone Control Charts

S10-4. More about Adaptive Control Charts

Chapter 11

S-11.1 Multivariate CUSUM Control Charts

Chapter 13

S13-1. Guidelines for Planning Experiments

S13-2. Using a t-Test for Detecting Curvature

S13-3. Blocking in Designed Experiments

S13-4. More about Expected Mean Squares in the Analysis of Variance

Chapter 14

S14-1. Response Surface Designs

S14-2.More about Robust Design and Process Robustness Studies

Chapter 15

S15-1. A Lot Sensitive Compliance (LTPD) Sampling Plan

S15-2. Consideration of Inspection Errors