Action Research Project Proposal

About the Centre for Inspiring Minds (CIM)

Using an evidence–informed approach to improving learner outcomes and advancing professional growth, CIMsupports inter-campus, practitioner-led action research projects that contribute to campus-level education strategies, and advance the ACS International SchoolsVision, Values, Philosophy of Education and Expected School-wide Learning Results.

Please complete this form and return it to the CIM office by Monday, 23 April 2018.

Research project Information
Project name / Start date
End date (anticipated)
Project leader information
Name / Position
Campus / Mobile number
Project team member information
Please list the names of proposed team members. All project teams must include two or more people (including the team leader), and should include team members from at least two campuses.
Name / Campus
Name / Campus
Name / Campus
Research project design
Problem of practice
A problem of practice is a statement that identifies a specific aspect of your professional practice, such as a curricular approach or teaching strategy (among others), that needs to be modified or changed in a way that enables you to see how the new practice contributes to learner outcomes (preferred), improved teacher effectiveness or school performance.
Evidence refers to patterns in student academic progress data, student survey data or recorded teacher reflections, or feedback from peer coaches or performance evaluators, or other sources of documented quantitative or qualitative data about student learning outcomes, teaching effectiveness or school development, that has informed your description of the problem of practice.
Problem tree and objective tree
Please attach a problem tree and objective tree to this proposal. Follow the directions provided with the templates, or work with a CIM staff member to complete this task. The information from the objective tree is needed to describe your theory of action (below).
completed (see attached)
Theory of action
If this project (outputs from the objective tree) / then (learner outcomes from the objective tree)
Research project summary
Research question
A good research question: focuses onspecific explanations and relationships; is manageable and can be completed; is grounded in the team members’ teaching practice and experience;provides an opportunity to apply or challenge current practice; and provides a deeper understanding of a topic that is meaningful to the project team and the school. Use the prompt to write your research question.
How will (describe the action you will take)
with (describe the target learners)
improve (describe the learner outcome)
The purpose plausibly and tangibly links your research question to the problem of practice. It is an explanation of how the research project will contribute to student learning (preferred), teaching effectiveness or school development.
An outcome is a measurable change in student learning (preferred), teacher effectiveness or school performance. This is a brief narrative summary of the learner outcomes described in the theory of action.
The process is a brief synopsis of the sequence of activities that will be implemented to achieve the outcome(s) and the approach that will be taken.This is a brief narrative summary of the outputs described in the theory of action.
Resource needs
Will you need cover to attend one-hour, biweekly meetings with the CIM project support team?
 yes no
Will you need an external consultant to write your literature review?
 yes no
Will you need time outside the school day to complete your project?
 yes no
Will you need additional training to carry out this project?
 yes no
Will you need to attend professional meetings to carry out this project?
 yes no
Will your team members need cover to participate in team meetings?
 yes no
Will your team members need cover to work on the project?
 yes no
Will your team members need air travel and accommodation to attend team meetings?
 yes no
Will you be able to get the educational resources you need from your campus or division?
 yes no
Are there other costs – not covered above – that you anticipate?
 yes no
Professional practice
Please describe your relevant knowledge of or experience with educational research methods and/or leading professional collaboration.
Please describe your personal interest in the topic of your proposal.
Please describe the knowledge, understandings, skills or dispositions you bring to this project.
Please describe the knowledge, understandings, skills or dispositions you would like to develop through this project.

Project proposals will be reviewed by the Heads of School Committee. Successful proposals will be announced on 17 May 2018.


Practitioner-led Action Research Project Proposal – January 2018