Geology Semester Exam

Chapters 5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,29,30

Reviews from Check-off Sheet

1. matter
2. electron
3. molecule
4. element
5. atom
6. atomic number
7. atomic mass
8. isotope
9. compound
10. ion
11. mixture
12. covalent bond
ionic bond
13. mineral
14. rock
15. Pangaea
16. intrusion
17. extrusion
18. batholith
19. laccolith
20. sill
21. dike
22. aa
23. pahoehoe
24. cauldera
25. epicenter
26. mechanical weathering
27. chemical weathering
28. talus
29. creep
30. slump
31. butte
32. tributary
33. divide
34. water table
35. aquifer
36. sinkhole
37. stalactite
38. stalagmite
39. snowline
40. firn
41. regulation
42. iceberg
43. crevasse
44. cirque
45. tarn
46. arête
47. col
48. horn
49. hanging valley
50. fjord
51. roche moutonee
52. striations
53. till
54. moraine
55. drumlin
56. erratic
57. esker
58. kettle
59. kame
60. relative age
61. half-life
1. halite
2. pyrite
3. quartz
4. feldspar
5. hornblend
6. mica
7. gypsum
8. calcite
9. Pumice
10. Obsidian
11. basalt
12.. porphyry
13. sandstone
14. limestone
15. conglomerate
16. breccia
17. brachipod
18. mollusk ( pelecypod, gastropod, cephalopod)
19. arthropod-trilobite
20. echinoderm
21. coelenterate
22. slate
23. shale
24. quartzite
25. gneiss
27. schist
28. granite


1. 3 parts of an atom & where they are located
2. 2 most common element in atmosphere
3. mass vs weight
5. 9 tests to identify minerals and describe each in detail
6. Moh’s scale- use and what #1 and #10 are
7. Hardness of penny, glass, streak plate, fingernail, iron nail
8. Know minerals with following properties- salty, magnetic, double image, used in talcum powder, used in wallboard, fools gold, sand, used for sandpaper, mineral in rubies and sapphires
9. Plate Tectonics- what is it and 6 proofs
10. 3 kinds of plate boundaries and how they move- example where each are found
11. 3 kinds of places where volcanoes are found
12. 2 types of igneous rocks and describe
13. 3 factors that affect texture of igneous rock
14. 3 kinds of igneous rock texture
15. 3 types of volcanic cones
16. Describe these famous volcanic eruptions Mt. St. Helens; Krakatoa;el Paricutin, Vesuvius, Mt.Pinnatuba., Mauna Loa
17. where pillow lavas form
18. major cause of volcanoes
19. 3 kinds of earthquake waves- type of wave and speed comparison
20. Describe how Earthquakes are located
21. Describe Richter Scale and tell value for major damage
22. 4 ways to predict coming Earthquake
23. 5 agents of mechanical weathering
24. 4 agents of chemical weathering
25. 3 factors that affect the rate of weathering
26. 3 steps in water cycle
27. 3 stages in life of river and describe
28. alluvial fan- where and what
29. delta- where and what
30. spring- where in relation to water table
31. artesian well- were in relation to water table and draw diagram of formation
32. describe what happens in a geyser
33. Karst Topography- what and where
34. 2 kinds of glaciers- where found and effect on land
35. Different kinds of moraines and where they are found
36. Name 4 erosional features left by glaciers
37. name 4 depositional features left by glaciers
38. Principle of Uniform process
39. Law of Superposition
40. 3 different kinds of Unconformities and describe
41. Law of crosscutting relationships
42. 4 ways to determine the absolute age of a fossil
43. 5 different ways fossils are preserved
44. half-life problem
45. describe how you will recognize the following phylum
Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterate, Bryozoan, Brachipod, Mollusk, Annelid, Arthropod, Echinoderm, Graptolites
46. Geologic Time scale in order
47. Tell age of the following
Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish, Invertebrates, No fossils