Psych. 3010

Abnormal Psychology

Instructor: Todd C. Baird, Ph.D.

Office Hours: By appointment

Contact: Phone: 626-7724 (office) 920-4215 (cell)


Required Text: Carson, Robert; Butcher, James; and Mineka, Susan (2002). Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life. Boston, MA. Allyn and Bacon.

Aspects of the syllabus are subject to changes. These will be announced in class if they occur.

Course Objectives:

  1. Become familiar with and think critically about theory and research associated with the study of abnormal psychology.
  2. Understand assessment techniques associated with psychological disorders
  3. Understand and recognize diagnostic criteria associated with psychological disorders.

4. Be able to describe and differentiate between different psychological disorders.

5. Recognize effective treatments associated with each psychological disorder.


Before outlining the course requirements I want to remind you that this is an upper division course. The workload will reflect this fact.

1. Class Attendance and Participation.

To do well in this course you will need to attend class lectures. It is expected that students will attend each class period having read the material before the lecture/discussions. I want to emphasize that again. It is expected that students will attend each class period having read the material before the lecture/discussion. We will not cover all of the material in the text and you will need to come to class prepared to ask questions and clarify information from the book. It is expected that each individual in the classroom will have something to contribute, and that we will learn as we engage in discussing abnormal psychology issues. Mutual respect for each other is expected during the course. If a student continues to disrupt or disrespect others in the class (including tardiness) he/she will be asked to withdraw from the course. Related to this issue I require that cell phones and pagers be turned off during all class periods. For other issues related to student rights and responsibilities see the Student Rights and Responsibilities section on the Weber State University website.

2. Assignments. You will be required to complete 6 assignments during the semester. The purpose and details of these assignments are on the website Assignments turned in late will be deducted 8% for the first day and 2% per day thereafter that the assignment is late (including weekend days).

3. Examinations. There will be 3 exams given. The exams will consist of multiple-choice and a few essay questions. The final exam will not be comprehensive. Questions will be drawn from both the text and class lectures. If you plan on being away on school or personal business during an exam you must arrange with me to take the exam prior to your departure. Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. If you are involved in either of these behaviors you will be referred to appropriate University authorities and will receive 0 points on that assignment or exam.

Grades: Each of the three exams will be worth 100 points for a total of 300. The assignments will be worth 180 points total. This gives a combined total of 480 points possible. The breakdown of grades will be based on the percentage of points you have of the 500 total points possible. Grades will be determined as follows:

100 to 90% = A

89.9 to 80% = B

79.9 to 70% = C

69.9 to 60% = D

59.9 to 0% = F


Date Reading Assignments

(dates indicate when you should have completed the readings for the chapters)

Jan 9 Introduction to Class and Syllabus

Jan 11 Chapter 1: Abnormal Psychology Over Time

Jan 18: Chapter 2: Factors and Viewpoints in Abnormal Psych.

Jan 23: Assignment #1 Due

Jan 30: Chapter 3: Clinical Assessment and Treatment

Feb 1: Assignment #2 (Due)

Feb 13: Chapter 4: Stress Related Disorders

Assignment #3 (Due)

Feb 20: Chapter 5: Panic, Anxiety, and Their Disorders


(Take in Testing Center on or Before Feb 24)

Mar 5: Chapter 6: Mood Disorders and Suicide

Assignment #4 (Due)

Mar 22: Chapter 7: Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders

Mar 29: Chapter 8: Psychological Compromises of Physical Health

April 3: Chapter 9: Personality Disorders


(Take in Testing Center between April 5 & 7th)

April 10: Chapter 10: Substance Related and Other Addictive Disorders

April 12: Chapter 11: Sexual Variants, Abuse, and Dysfunction

April 17: Chapter 12: Schizophrenias and Delusional Disorder

April 19: Chapter 13: Brain Disorders and Other Cognitive Impairments

April 26: Chapter 14: Disorders of Childhood and Adolescent

Assignment #6 (Due)


(Take in Testing Center Before Last Day of Finals Week)