Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 10 July 2013 at 7pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Abergavenny.
Present: Cllr Mrs S Woodhouse, Mayor.
Cllrs C Woodhouse, R Harris, M Hickman, Mrs M Powell, D Edwards, Ms S Dodd, J L Prosser, P Wadsworth, R Harries and N Tatam.
In attendance: The Town Clerk, and Mr A Sherwill (Press)
The Mayor asked all present to stand in silence to remember Mr Kendall Broadbank and Mrs Veronica Kirby who had both died recently.
1430. Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs M Chiplin, Miss M Toombs and R P Jordan.
1431. Declarations of interest were received from County Councillors R Harris, M Hickman, D Edwards, J L Prosser and Mrs M Powell insofar as their roles as County Councillors would affect their position as Town Councillors.
1432. The Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 12 June 2013 were received and adopted as a correct record.
1433. Matters arising.
It was agreed that the Town Clerk would pursue the issue of “No Parking at any time” markings opposite the entrance to the Market Hall.
Cllr Prosser applauded the acquisition of the Banner with QR Code on it to publicise the town`s website.
1434. The Minutes of the following Committees were received and adopted as a correct record.
a) Planning Committee held on 12 June 2013.
b) Projects Committee held on 26 June 2013
c) Finance Committee held on 3 July 2013
1435 Matters arising.
It was agreed to have the first Events Meeting at the Projects Committee on 24 July as there was relatively little business for that Projects meeting.
The following recommendations of the Finance Committee were agreed:
a) A grant of £500 be made to A4B Awards.
b) A grant of £250 be made to Love Zimbabwe. (Cllr Hickman declared an interest in this item and left the room while it was discussed)
c) A grant of £282.97 was agreed to the ACE Partnership for a greenhouse. (Cllr Harris declared an interest in this item and left the room while it was discussed).
d) That no action be taken on the CCLA investment and it be reviewed in 12 months.
e) That Mr Stuart Bees be appointed as Internal Auditor for the next year at a fee of £1150
f) That a letter of thanks be sent to Mr Clive James for his support as Auditor for the past three years.
1436. Finance Report:
a) The following payments were authorised:
M Dodd (2 receptions) £368.00
VIG Theatre Grant £1000.00
New Honours Board £888.00
Get noticed (gold lettering) £24.00
One Voice Wales (autumn conference) £130.00
Abergavenny Eisteddfod (adjudicator fees ) £56.18
I Deal Design (banner) £64.00
Thomas Fattorini (Consort`s ribbon) £26.00
Jems Catering (Civic Sunday reception) £300.00
C James (Internal Audit fee) £1100.00
Gateway Credit Union £15000.00
G M James (salary) £147.04
HMRC tax and NI £602.35
Black Mountain Jazz grant £500.00
Ricoh photocopying £100.92
Cablenews £109.00
D Eldridge (Mayor`s photos) £30.00
P Johns (expenses) £77.58
B &N Printers (Civic Service) £120.00
Merlin Waste £326.70
NR & CA Bailey (Civic functions) £247.62
St Mary`s Bakery (Gateway reception) £142.50
Solent Eagles (Carnival) £1400.00
Award Picture Framing (Mayor`s pictures) £46.16
Newport Brass Band Concert Fee £300.00
b) The Month 3 Budget and Spending statements were received and adopted.
1437. Correspondence.
1. One Voice Wales – The Voice. It was agreed to make a contribution of £250 to the Flanders Memorial.
2. Lorries in Town e-mail from Cllr Brian Jones . Noted. Cllr Mrs Powell told members of her recent meeting with the Minister from Welsh Government at Monmouth Rd, which seemed to have made an impression on the Minister. Cllr Edwards asked her to include the need for traffic calming in Union Rd West to inhibit it being used as a short cut by through traffic.
3. BBNP consultation letter was noted.
4. The GAVO letter was noted.
5. The Ombudsman`s Report for 2012/13 was received.
6. A Letter from the Chairman of the Public Services Commission was noted.
7. Papers for the AGM of the Monmouthshire and Newport One Voice Wales meeting were received.
8. Correspondence concerning engagement with the Bryn y Cwm Committee was noted. It was agreed to nominate Cllr C Woodhouse to attend on behalf of the Town Council.
9. Clerks and Councils Direct was received.
1438. Reports.
a) The report on training issues was received and noted.
b) Marking World War One.
It was agreed that we should await the outcome of National deliberations but that it is likely that our involvement would relate to a parade and commemorative service.
It was agreed that there should be involvement with schools and the “never again” theme needed to be emphasised, although this may be dealt with in four years time at the centenary of the end of the war.
c) Data Registration position.
After some discussion it was agreed that the Town Clerk would contact the officer at County who deals with this subject to ascertain our involvement with this and whether we need to register councillors individually.
d) Wind energy seminar report from Cllr Tatam
The report was received and Cllr Tatam was congratulated on the report.
1439. Agenda Items
a) Refurbishment of the original mural.
Cllr Edwards noted that the mural is now beginning to look quite faded in some light conditions and asked that consideration be given to having it refurbished next year. It was agreed that the Town Clerk ask Mrs Baines if she is prepared to do the work and at what cost so that Budget provision can be made for next year. It was also agreed that he should find out whether a protective coating would help protect it or whether it would make it more difficult to do.
b) Combination of Finance and Project Committees.
Cllr C Woodhouse suggested that as attendances at both committees left a lot to be desired, would it be a good idea to combine the two to enable members to have fewer evenings at meetings and to get business done effectively.
There then followed a detailed discussion about various concerns and options. At the end a motion was proposed that all members receive the papers sent to Finance Committee members, that both meetings remain separate but on the same evening with the start time of Finance being flexible depending how much business is to be done.Both meetings to be scheduled for existing Projects Committee dates, to start in September.
An amendment was also proposed that everything else remains the same but that all members receive the Finance Committee papers.
The amendment was put to the vote and failed by 3 votes to 7.
The proposition was then put to the vote and carried by 8 votes to 3.
The new arrangements will begin at the September cycle of meetings.
Cllr Wadsworth noted that with the new arrangements in place he would stand down from Finance Committee as he could not attend at the new time/dates given.
1440. County Councillor Reports.
Cllr Edwards noted that grants had been received for Bailey Park and Castle Meadows from the Tranquil cleaner and Greener Places Fund. He thanked the Mayor and Consort for their attendances at the School Sports Days and he thanked Laura James for organising them. The Schools are keen to include years 5 and 6 next year. He also noted that discussions are proceeding at County level about The Hill and the National Eisteddfod is possibly coming to Monmouthshire in 2016.
Cllr Mrs Powell said the Castle Meadows bridge contract would start on 29 July.
Cllr Prosser noted that the drainage planning application at Grosvenor Rd had been deferred at Planning Committee. He also noted that a Welsh Warrior 4 day event was to take place in Bailey Park over the August Bank Holiday Weekend. He wondered who had given permission for it.
He noted a request for the basketball area in Bailey Park to be tarmaced.
He noted that the car park adjacent to St Mary`s Church was currently having problems with antisocial behaviour from some car owners. The Police were dealing with it.
Cllr C Woodhouse noted that Mr G Edmunds had spoken well at the Refuse System Meeting held at St Michael`s Centre when County members had been unable to attend.
Cllr R Harris noted that Coed Glas is to be scheduled for a housing site.
1441. Members Reports.
.Cllr Tatam had carried out a number of functions including Friends of Bailey Park, Wind Seminar, a Concert, ACE Opening and the One Voice Wales Larger Local Councils Conference.
Cllr Wadsworth had attended Governors meetings.
Cllr Prosser had attended a number of meetings but there were no matters arising.
Cllr Dodd had attended the League of Friends reception, Beatles Weekend, Newport Brass Band Concert, Nevill Hall Sound concerned with Events, and tomorrow the Keep Abergavenny Tidy AGM. She asked if a letter could go to Mr Broadbank`s daughter. This was agreed.
Cllr Mrs Powell had attended Governors meetings, and the KHS Carousel production which was excellent.
Cllr Hickman had attended 2 Mayoral receptions, the Beatles weekend, 2 School Sports Days, the ACE Opening, Borough Youth Band Concert, Homestart and Pandy Show for the Mayor.
Cllr Harris had attended the ACE Opening.
Cllr C Woodhouse had attended governors meetings and attended functions with the Mayor.
.The Mayor had attended a number of functions during the month including, Young Farmers Rally, Eisteddfod, Cats Protection Shop Opening, Beatles Weekend, Civic Services, School Sports, Welsh Folk Dancing at the Castle, Abbotts Garden Open Day, Youth Brass Band Concert, Rotary President`s lunch, Womens Aid Male Mentoring, Wales in Bloom Judging, ACE Launch, Gateway Reception, Bach Concert.
1442. Other Business.
a) Cllr Tatam had queried the way in which an amendment had been dealt with at the last meeting. He had identified a discrepancy between the Model Standing Orders and the Town Council Standing Orders. After discussion it was agreed to defer any change to our Standing Orders until they are reviewed in February 2014.
b) Veterans Day Parade. It was noted that the Parade will assemble at the Castle at 2.00pm for a service in St Mary`s at 2:30pm. Members should attend the Parlour at 1:30pm to enrobe and travel to the Castle. Cllrs Edwards and Ms Dodd gave apologies. The Clerk would e-mail members to remind them.
c) Cllr Edwards asked if there was any progress on the Queen Elisabeth Playing Fields. The Clerk would pursue it with Mr Moran.
d) Cllr Prosser will ask Mr Hoggins for progress on White Horse Lane toilets when he meets him tomorrow.
The Meeting ended at 8:55pm