public health
Acheson 1988
The aim of the public health team is to lead, co-ordinate and facilitate consistent, evidence based approach to PublicHealthCity wide, in order to reduce health inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of the population of AberdeenCity.
Lead responsibility for ensuring the delivery of the health improvement objectives of the CHP health system, in co-operation with local authority partners and ensuring that these are based on research, evidence and assessed need within an evaluative culture.
As part of the NHS Grampian Public Health function, ensure the CHP is fully informed and informs the public health agenda (nationally and locally) and has the necessary information to assist decision making around public health issues.
Translating and incorporating this information into CHP plans and strategies thus contributing to the development of the CHP as a public health organisation.
To balance the need for local and whole system public health through active participation in the NHSG Public Health Network to ensure that effort and resources are focused for the maximum impact on population health improvement.
This post supports the Public Health Lead in progressing activity in relation to health outcomes across the Single Outcome Agreement. Working with partners in influencing multi-agency plans and policies to reduce health inequalities within Aberdeen City
The post also provides specialist health improvement advice to community planning partners and integrated services to support planning; development, monitoring and evaluation of health improvement and health inequality outcomes in plans and policies.
The role or the Public Health Co-ordinators was defined in the document ‘Nursing for Health: A review of the contribution of Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors to improving the public’s health in Scotland’.
The public health co-ordinators are responsible for providing the lead in the development, implementation and evaluation of local and citywide public health programmes aimed at whole population and specific communities for improving health and well-being and reducing health inequalities of the population, with a particular focus on health professionals in primary care.
Working through the 4 GP clusters, the role is to improve the health and wellbeing of the population by acting as a catalyst for change, working with professionals and agencies inside and outside the CHP to develop public health capacity in its widest sense acting as a link between primary care, local community planning partners and the third sector.
Two whole time equivalent joint funded posts between NHS Grampian and Aberdeen City Council exist within the Aberdeen Community Health Partnership. The posts aim to provide guidance and support to all schools in Aberdeen to develop the health and wellbeing in schools using the health promoting school framework. The posts aim to work in partnership with others in developing and implementing city wide health initiatives in schools.
The posts are working with schools to implement the Health Promotion and Nutrition Act. They also aim to strengthen the links between health and education and work with partners to improve the health of children and young people in Aberdeen.
The role of the post is to support and facilitate promotion of positive mental health and wellbeing and in particular, enable those working with children and young people in school/community settings:
- To adopt a holistic approach to promoting positive mental health and well being through early intervention and prevention.
- To encourage partners who work with children and young people to be confident in identifying and referring/signposting them to relevant services.
- To inform future planning for mental health and well being in educational and community settings (school/community).
To co-ordinate the development and implementation of the health improvement component of the Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) strategic action plan in AberdeenCity in support of the Single Outcome Agreement (SOA) through the Alcohol & Drug Delivery Reform agenda.
Working in partnership with colleagues across the voluntary and statutory sectors on a local, regional and national basis, undertaking both population and targeted approach to address drug and alcohol misuse within AberdeenCity, ensuring progress is monitored through the identification of baseline and outcome indicators. To work collaboratively to improve health and reduce health inequalities through supporting community involvement and capacity building in addressing needs and issues as reflected in the neighbourhood community planning process. Support the recovery process for substance misuse health improvement including the review of Alcohol and Drug training needs.
The role of the post is to develop and facilitate the health professional’s role in health improvement within primary care and the wider community setting, in particular neighbourhoods. Taking an asset based approach the role supports community engagement and provides professional health improvement guidance to the community through multi-agency partnership working,
Support community capacity building (geographic and communities of interest) around the health improvement agenda and to contribute to health improvement training including: mental health, Health Issues in the Community, Drug Proof Your Kids, tobacco and Sexual Health and Relationship Education (SHARE).
The role of the Community Health Worker is to work in partnership with others to encourage and support community led health - enabling and supportinglocal communities to identify and prioritise their own health and health-related needs and address areas of health inequalities.
The post is central to the Community Health Partnership’s role in involving local people in informing and influencing decisions that affect their health, wellbeing, improving access to health services and information and improving the life circumstances and lifestyles of individuals, groups and local communities. The community health worker delivers practical foodskills courses and supports walking for health programmes.
The main aim of the post is to work in partnership with groups, agencies and community projects to organise, develop and deliver nutrition health improvement programmes across AberdeenCity. These programmes aim to reduce health inequalities and improve the health of Aberdeen by implementing local and national nutrition policy. The post works within the four identified themes, primarily working in the community with children and their families but also other vulnerable groups e.g. accommodated young people, family centres and ethnic minorities.
Aberdeen City CHP is currently working towards UNICEF Baby Friendly accreditation for community settings. The co-ordinator is responsible for the co-ordination delivery and audit of the approved staff training programme to ensure the Baby Friendly standards are implemented logically and efficiently across the city. Collate and provide evidence which shows that each stage of the initiative is being achieved and maintained. An integral part of the role is to work with other key members of staff to ensure that Aberdeen City CHP achieves full accreditation within the appropriate timescale.
Childsmile is the national Oral Health Promotion programme for children, being rolled out across Scotland from 2009.
The programme aims to reduce the level of dental decay in pre and school age children, by providing oral health education, advice and support to professionals and staff working indental, education and primary care. The programme includes supporting the delivery of children tooth brushing in all nurseries and some schools, delivery of oral health education for those working with children and the topical application of fluoride varnish in clinical and nursery and school settings. The programme also provides support for children and their families to register with and receive support from a dental practice.
The programmeis universal through Dental Practice as well as targeting families and children requiring additional support within the community.
Health Improvement Officer – Tobacco Control (Part-time)
The main focus is to work towards achieving a tobacco free generation by 2034, through a 5 year plan for action across the key themes of, prevention, protection, cessation and health inequalities.
Health COACHES (Two)
Delivery of Grow Well Choices Programme in Aberdeen City.