English 102: College Writing II


Spring 2013

English 102-01: College Writing II Instructor: Michael Bedsole

Spring 2013 Email:

MWF 10:00-10:50 Office: MHRA 3210A

Classroom: BRYN 204 Office Hours: Mon/Wed, 11-12

(Or by appointment)

I: General Overview

Course Description and Objectives:

Writing is a conversational act, a kind of intervention into an ongoing discussion. It is a rhetorical act, as well, for what you argue will always be determined by the constraints of the context within which you operate. To argue well, you must understand the parameters of the conversation you wish to enter. You must have a sense of the other voices engaged in the discussion. For this, research (and the skills it requires) is essential. In this course,then, we will approach writing with a sensitivity to its dialogical and rhetorical foundations, and we will approach research in terms of its own essentially rhetorical nature (i.e., as engagement in a particular conversation). Through focused, themed readings, we will enter into a number of cultural discussions, and, through essays, research projects, and class exchanges, we will intervene in those discussions ourselves.

English 102 satisfies three of the six hours of the Reasoning and Discourse (GRD) requirement at UNCG, which asserts that students “gain skills in intellectual discourse, including constructing cogent arguments, locating , synthesizing and analyzing documents, and writing and speaking clearly, coherently, and effectively” (http://web.uncg.edu/reg/Bulletin/Current/UnivReq/GECDescription.aspx).

In addition, English 102 is designed to meet Learning Goal #1 (LG1) in the UNCG General Education Program. This is the ability to “think critically, communicate effectively, and develop appropriate fundamental skills in quantitative and information literacies” (http://web.uncg.edu/reg/Bulletin/Current/UnivReq/GECProgram.aspx).

The following are English 102 student learning outcomes (SLOs), each of which corresponds to both the GRD goals and to LG1:

At the completion of this course, students will be able to:

1)Locate and evaluate primary and/or secondary sources;

2)Employ sources to advance an informed, cogent argument;

3)Construct research-based writing projects that demonstrate focused, independent inquiry.

Required Texts:

Wooten, Courtney Adams, Sally Smits and Lavina Ensor, Eds. Rhetorical Approaches to College

Writing. Plymouth, MI: Hayden-McNeil, 2012. (ISBN: 978-0-7380-5304-2)

Graff, Gerald, Cathy Birkenstein, and Russel Durst.They Say/I Say With Readings. 2nded. New

York:Norton, 2008. (ISBN: 978-0-393-91275-3)

II: Class Expectations

General Expectations:

As college students, you are expected to conduct yourselves as adults. You must come each day prepared for class. This means bringing writing materials and copies of that day’s readings. If you come to class unprepared, I reserve the right to count you absent for that day. I expect professional, courteous behavior towards myself and your fellow classmates. This course is intended to encourage student involvement and dialogue. Inappropriate behavior detracts from this goal. Accordingly, I expect you to respect when others are speaking, and to listen and engage in the classroom conversation. Sleeping in class is unacceptable, as is engaging in non-class related activities, such as doing work for another class or pleasure reading. Cell phones/iphones or other hand-held devices must be turned off, as no texting or calls are allowed. Laptops use is reserved for workshop days. At no other time are they permitted. (See me if you have an individual concern.) When in use, laptops may only be used for class-related activities (i.e. working on your papers). Any other use will result in the forfeiture of your ability to use a laptop in this class.

Academic Integrity:

“Academic integrity is founded upon and encompasses the following five values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Violations include, for example, cheating, plagiarism, misuse of academic resources, falsification, and facilitating academic dishonesty. If knowledge is to be gained and properly evaluated, it must be pursued under conditions free from dishonesty. Deceit and misrepresentations are incompatible with the fundamental activity of this academic institution and shall not be tolerated” (from UNCG’s Academic Integrity Policy). To ensure that you understand the university’s policy on academic integrity, review the guidelines and list of violations at <http://academicintegrity.uncg.edu>. I expect you to abide by the Academic Integrity Policy. Should you not, you risk severe penalties, including a zero on the assignment or a zero for the course.

Attendance Policy:

You are expected to be present and punctual for each class. Entering the room after class has begun is distracting and detracts from the learning experience. Do not come to class if you will be more than ten minutes late. This will count as one of your absences. Also, three tardies will equal one absence. You are allowed up to three absences. Each absence after three will result in your final class grade being lowered by half a letter grade. Per department policy, missing six classes will result in a zero for the course. This is not intended to be punitive, but merely to reinforce the importance of class attendance. If you do miss class, it is your responsibility to discover what assignments you missed, and to make up any missed work immediately. Late paper submissions due to absences will be subject to penalty (see below). Lastly, I must inform you that, by state law, you are permitted “two excused absences due to religious holidays, which do not count toward your total allowed absences.” However, you must inform me of these holidays prior to your absence.

III: Assignments


We will be writing constantly in this course, both in and out of class. You are expected to turn in work when it is due, and will be deducted one letter grade for each day your assignment is late. Class assignments consist of several components, each to be evaluated as follows:

Term Paper: 30%

Major Essays: 30%

Multiple Short Writing Assignments/Research Exercises/Quizzes: 25%

Participation and Group Work: 10%

Presentations: 5%

Term Paper:

(SLOs 1-3)

This course will include a ten-page term paper, due on the last day of class, which will involve a well-developed argument, research, and synthesis and analysis of materials. Stemming in part from our readings, the paper will build on the themes and issues we discuss in class. That is to say, in this paper, you will enter into the cultural conversation regarding one of the issues we will explore during the course of the semester. While you will need to narrow down your topic, you might choose to write on, for example, the value of pop culture (i.e., the effectson individual and social consciousness of social media, text messaging, television, film, or video games). You might also seek to focus on the debate over technology’s value—its social/interpersonal effects, underlying ideologies, and culturally and socially transformative capacities. Or, you might choose a topic involving the American social/political project and its underlying ideologies, particularly as embodied in the notion of the American Dream. In this regard, you might enter the debate over economic inequality, American labor conditions, or even the role of education. You will take a position on the issue you select, while at the same time locating yourself within the conversation by referencing and engaging with other views and voices on your topic. Indeed, this engagement with others is perhaps the heart of the assignment, in that it foregrounds the dialogical nature of writing and of argument. This is a research essay, and you will be expected to incorporate no less thanfive sources into your paper (none of these sources may be drawn from our class readings, although you may draw on our readings as supplemental material). We will discuss this project further as the semester develops.


(SLOs 1-3)

In addition to the term paper, expect three major essays this semester, each 5-6 pages in length. For Essay 1, you will perform a rhetorical analysis of twoopposing essays (i.e., two essays arguing opposite sides of an issue),in which you evaluate the rhetorical strategies, strengths, and weaknesses of each. This is an evaluative essay, intended to improve your ability to analyze source materials. For Essay 2, you will build on this exercise, and again select two opposing essays. But here you will stake your own position, and argue for and against the two source essays. For the final of the three essays (and in part in preparation for the term paper), you will select an essay (and thus a topic) with which you disagree, and you will find two other sources which corroborate this view. You will present this view in your paper in a responsible and fair manner, and then construct an argument in which you lay out your own opposed position, drawing on at least three other sources to support your claims.

For each of these three essays, as well as for the term paper, you will be expected to prepare a draft copy (for work-shopping purposes) as well as a revised copy for me to grade. Pay attention to due dates, both for drafts and revisions. If you neglect to bring your drafts to class on workshop days, your revised copy will be penalized two letter grades. All papers must be typed and submitted in MLA format. Use Times New Roman 12 point font, and make sure to double space. I do not accept papers via email.

I will provide more information for each of these essays (as well as the peer revision process) as the semester unfolds.

Short Writing Assignments/Research Exercises/Quizzes:

(SLOs 1-2)

In addition to your major essays, you will be responsible for numerous shorter writing assignments and research exercises. Some of these will be in-class, others out-of-class. Many will involve peer revisions of some sort. Be prepared, too, for pop quizzes based on our readings or discussions.

Participation and Group Work:

You will spend a great deal of this class in groups and in peer workshops. As such, it is imperative that you come to class prepared to participate. I accept that participation takes many forms, but make sure that it is clear that you are engaged.


(SLOs 1-3)

You will be responsible for one formal presentationthis semester, based on your term paper, of approximately five to ten minutes. More information to follow.

Student-Teacher Conferences:

At least once during the semester, I will meet with each of you to discuss your progress in the course. These sessions will be opportunities for you to discuss your work in the class, so you will need to come prepared with questions or concerns. Because we will be cancelling class for these conferences, if you miss your conference or neglect to schedule one, it will count as an absence.

IV: Other

Disability Services:

Students with documentation of special needs should arrange to see me about accommodations as soon as possible. If you believe you could benefit from such accommodations, you must first register with the Office of Disability Services on campus before such accommodations can be made. The office is located on the second floor of the Elliott University Center (EUC) in Suite 215, and the office is open 8am to 5pm, Monday – Friday. Telephone: 334-5440; email: .

The Writing Center:

If you feel you need additional assistance during any part of the writing process, from outlines to polished drafts, Writing Center tutors are always available to work with you one-on-one. Along with your questions, please make sure to bring a hard-copy of your paper with you to each session. Please use this service!

Location: MHRA 3211

Phone: 334-3125

Website: http://www.uncg.edu/eng/writingcenter/

V: Course Schedule

BB: Blackboard

RA: Rhetorical Approaches

TSIS: They Say/I Say

*This schedule is subject to change.

*Additional readings may be assigned

*Short writing assignments will be scheduled throughout the semester.

Day / In-Class / Readings / Major Assignments
Week 1:
Mon., Jan.14 / Introduction to the Course
Wed., Jan. 16 / Academic Discourse and its Dialogical Foundations / TSIS: “Introduction: Entering the Conversation,” 1-17
TSIS: “Reading for the Conversation,” 145-155
Fri., Jan. 18 / Introducing Rhetoric:General Concepts and Definitions / RA: “An Introduction to Rhetoric and the Rhetorical Triangle,” 3-12
RA: “Writing with the Rhetorical Appeals,” 13-20
RA: “Reading for the Rhetorical Appeals,” 21-29
Week 2:
Mon., Jan. 21 / Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday: Class Cancelled
Wed., Jan. 23 / RA: “The Canons of Rhetoric as Phases of Composition,” 30-39;
BB: Gorgias’ “Encomium of Helen”
Fri., Jan. 25 / TSIS: Frank, “Income Inequality: Too Big to Ignore,” 580-585
TSIS: Krugman, “Confronting Inequality,” 586-605
Week 3:
Mon., Jan. 28 / Rhetorical Analysis:
Audience and Purpose;
Thesis / RA: “Developing an Idea of the Audience,” 83-88
RA: “How the Thesis Guides Effective Writing,” 67-71
Wed., Jan. 30 / Voice and Tone / RA: Webb, “Understanding Tone” 93-97
RA: Bufter, “Understanding Voice,” 98-102
TSIS: “Ain’t So/Is Not,” 121-128
Fri., Feb. 1 / Peer Revision Workshop: Essay 1 / Essay 1 Drafts Due
(SLOs 1)
Week 4:
Mon., Feb. 4 / RA: Laminack’s “Rhetorical Analysis and Visual Media” 167-173
RA: Burns’ “Analyzing Film Rhetoric” 174-185
Wed., Feb. 6 / Introduction to Research Methodology / RA: Benson and Lyda, “Researching Rhetorically,” 116-120
RA: Wooten, Finding a Conversation to Find Research,” 111-115
Fri., Feb. 8 / Making Sense of Sources / Essay 1 Due
(SLOs 1)
Week 5:
Mon., Feb. 11 / Evaluating and Incorporating Sources I: Quotations and Paraphrasing / TSIS: “Her Point Is” and “As He Himself Puts It,” 30-52
RA: Ray, “The Art of Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting,” 127-133
TSIS: Obama, “A More Perfect Union,” 347-664
Wed., Feb. 13 / Analyzing Arguments / TSIS: Gladwell, “Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted,” 312-328
Fri., Feb. 15 / Analyzing Arguments / TSIS: Johnson, “Watching TV Makes You Smarter” 277-294
TSIS: Stevens, “Thinking Outside the Idiot Box” 295-298
Week 6:
Mon., Feb. 18 / Entering the Conversation / TSIS: “I Say,” 53-77
TSIS: “They Say,” 19-29
Wed., Feb. 20 / Peer Revision Workshop: Essay 2 / Essay 2 Drafts Due
(SLOs 1,2)
Fri., Feb. 22 / TSIS: Olsson, “Up Against Wal-Mart,” 606-619
TSIS: Mallaby, “Progressive Wal-Mart. Really.,” 620-623
BB: “Walmart’s Internal Compensation Documents Reveal Systematic Limit on Advancement”
Week 7:
Mon., Feb. 25 / Entering the Conversation: Incorporating Skeptics / TSIS: “Skeptics May Object,” 78-91
Wed., Feb. 27 / TSIS: “As a Result,” 105-120 TSIS: “But Don’t Get Me Wrong,” 129- 138 / Essay 2 Due
(SLOs 1,2)
Fri., Mar. 1 / What’s the Point: “Saying Why It Matters”
Week 8:
Mon., Mar. 4 / Class Cancelled for Student Conferences / Student Conference Prep Work
Wed., Mar. 6 / Class Cancelled for Student Conferences / Student Conference Prep Work
Fri., Mar. 8
Last Day to Drop w/o Academic Penalty / Class Cancelled for Student Conferences / Student Conference Prep Work
Week 9:
Mon., Mar. 11 / Spring Break: Classes Cancelled
Wed., Mar. 13 / Spring Break: Classes Cancelled
Fri., Mar. 15 / Spring Break: Classes Cancelled
Week 10:
Mon., Mar.18 / Views on the American PoliticalExperiment / TSIS: Herbert, “Hiding from Reality,” 564-567
TSIS: Thomas, “Is the American Dream Over?” 568-571
Wed., Mar.20 / TSIS: Ruzich and Grant, “Predatory Lending and the Devouring of the American Dream,” 624-646
Fri., Mar. 22 / TSIS: King, “The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on Hold?” 572-579
Week 11:
Mon., Mar. 25 / BB: Sklar, “The Growing Gulf between the Rich and the Rest of Us”
BB: Bartlett, “The Truth about Wages”
Wed., Mar. 27 / Peer Revision Workshop: Essay 3 / Essay 3 Drafts Due
(SLOs 1,2,3)
Fri., Mar. 29 / Spring Holiday: Classes Cancelled
Week 12:
Mon., Apr. 1 / American Pop Culture and the Ideology of Technology / BB: Turkle, “Can You Hear Me Now?”
Wed., Mar. 3 / TSIS: Peacocke, “Family Guy and Freud,” 299-311
Fri., Apr. 5 / TSIS: Baron, “Reforming Egypt in 140 Characters?” 329-334 / Essay 3 Due
(SLOs 1,2,3)
Week 13:
Mon., Apr. 8 / BB: Carr, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”
Wed., Apr. 10 / Online: Zimmer, “How Google Is Making Us Smarter”

Fri., Apr. 12 / BB: Rosen, “People of the Screen”
Week 14:
Mon., Apr. 15 / TSIS: Bissell, “Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter,” 349-362
Wed., Apr. 17 / TSIS: Zinser, “The Good, the Bad, and The Daily Show,” 363-379
Fri., Apr. 19 / Peer Revision Workshop: Term Paper / Term Paper Drafts Due
(SLOs 1,2,3)
Week 15:
Mon., Apr. 22 / Presentations / Term Paper
(SLOs 1,2,3)
Wed., Apr. 24 / Presentations / Term Paper
(SLOs 1,2,3)
Fri., Apr. 26 / Presentations / Term Paper Presentations
(SLOs 1,2,3)
Week 16:
Mon., Apr. 29 / Summarizing the Semester I: Reflections and Review
Tue., Apr. 30
Last Day of Classes (Friday Schedule) / Term Paper Due
(SLOs 1,2,3)
Mon., May 6
12:00-3:00 / Final Exam Session