Personal information:

Name:Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli.


Date of birth: 22 May 1975 – 11/05/1395 H.

Place of birth:Yemen, Taiz.

Marital Status: Married (1999) with four children.

Mobile: + 966500401831.

E. Mail:


Languages: Arabic, English,Russian.


9/2001 – 4/2005

- (Ph. D., Engineering Science).

-Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics (Ukraine)

– Specialty: Computerized Control Automated Systems and Progressive Information Technology.

9\1999 – 7/2000

-Degree of Master of Science in Engineering.

– KharkivStateTechnicalUniversity of Radioelectronics (Ukraine).

-Specialty: Computer Intellect Systems and Network.

9/1995 – 7/1999

- Degree of Bachelor of science.

– KharkivStateTechnicalUniversity of Radioelectronics (Ukraine).

– Specialty: Computer Engineering.

Training courses:

19/10/2004 – 25/01/2005

– Course in English Language, Intermediate plus Level. London, UK.

Course in Oracle.

– KharkivStateTechnicalUniversity of Radioelectronics (Ukraine)

Work experience:

Current Position:

–Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.

10/2008 to 2012.

–Head of Department of Applied Natural Science in Community College in ALaflaj - KingSaudUniversity.

9/2006 to 2012.

–Chairman of Computer Science Department in Community College in ALaflaj - KingSaudUniversity.

–Teaching the following subjects:

–Computer Network.


–Visual programming.

–Advanced programming using VB

–Introduction to Information technology

– Computer Skills.

–Operations Research.

–Computer maintenance.

–Assembly Language programing.

9/2010 to 9/2012.

–Chairman of Computer Science Department in College of Sciences and Humanities-Alaflaj - Salman Bin Abdulaziz University

9/2005 to 8/2006.

–Chairman of Computer Science Department in University of Science and Technology.

–Teaching the following subjects:

– Network.

– System analysis.

–Software Engineering.

Yemen - Taiz

Tel: +9674205790. e. mail:


–A teacher at Arab gate web Site (distance learning).


–A teacher in Arawda school, elementary and preparatory stages

–Yemen – taiz.

Administrative committee.

–Panel chairman of information and annual report.

–Member of the accreditation committee of Al-AflajCommunity College.

–Member of Evaluation committee Faculty's members.

–Panel chairman of Commission laboratories and equipment of College of Sciences and Humanities-Alaflaj.

–Member of development Committee for Community College in Alaflaj.

Conferences & workshops:

–Attend the workshop titled "Develop Academic programs (Departments) and form it to accreditation", King Saud University, Riyadh 2/2009.

–Attend the International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT’2009), Jordan . - 2009.

–Attend the strategic planning project for KSU workshop, King Saud University, Riyadh 3/2008

–Attend the workshop titled "Preparation of program self-study”, Alkharj University, Alkharj May/2011

–Attend the workshop titled "Description of Field Experince”, Salman Bin Abdulaziz University, Alaflaj April/2012

–Attend the workshop titled "Programme Self Study” Salman Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, October/2011

–Attend the workshop titled "Good Examination Specifications” Salman Bin Abdulaziz University, Alaflaj, December, 2011

–Attend the workshop titled "Leadership In Administrative Quality Assurance” Salman Bin Abdulaziz University, Alaflaj, Mart, 2013

–Attend the workshop titled "Constructive Teaching Strategy” Salman Bin Abdulaziz University, Alaflaj, Feb, 2013

Research and publications

  1. Abed Saif Alghawli,Comparative Analysis of TCP-Protocol Operation Algorithms in Self-Similar Traffic// Communications and Network. - May 2013. - Vol.5 No.2,ISSN Online: 1947-3826
  2. L. Kirichenko, T. Radivilova, Abed Saif Alghawli, Mathematical simulation of self-similar network traffic with aimed parameters// Annals. Computer Science Series, (Appearance: June 2013). Tome 11, Fasc. 1, ISSN 2221-4283
  3. Abed Saif Alghawli, Presenting Organization’s Business Processes on the Basis of Text Mining Technology// Asian Transactions on Science & Technology.- January 2012. - Volume: 01, Issue: 06, ISSN 2221-4283
  4. Abed Saif Alghawli, Computer-Based Intelligent Physiological Stimulator (Supported Research from Research center of community college in Alaflaj ), 2008. report 28-28H
  1. Mashhour M. Bani Amer, Abed Saif Alghawli, A Hybrid Intelligent System for Diagnosis of Diabetes // International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT’2009), Jordan . - 2009.
  2. Shamsha B.V., Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli, Khrestoiva L.A. Development the modified algorithm of forecasting stochastic time series in dialing information systems// The East Europe magazine of advanced technologies. – 2004. – № 4(10). – P. 54-57.
  3. Shamsha B.V., Intellectual system with decision-making in dialing operations// The bulletin of National university " the Lvov polyengineering ".– 2002. – № 443.– P. 224-227.
  4. Antonov V.A., Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli, Shamsha B.V. Construction mathematical models in dialing information systems on fundamental factors // the Automated control systems and devices of automatics. All Ukariniane scientific and technical collection . – Kharkov. – 2003. - № 125.– P. 67-75.
  5. Shamsha B.V., Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli. Estimation adequacy models of forecasting in dialing information systems // the Bulletin of national technical university "KHPI". – Kharkov. – 2003. – № 23.– P. 162-167.
  6. Shamsha B.V., Antonov V.A., Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli. Estimation efficiency methods of forecasting in dialing information systems // The bulletin of national technical university "KHPI". – Kharkov. – 2004. – № 39. – P.13-22.
  7. Boris Shamsha., Abed Saif Ahmed Al-Ghawli. The Intellectual System on Decision Making in Dilyng Operations // Modern problems of radio engineering, telecommunications and computer science «Proceeding of the International Conference TCSET’2002». – Lviv. – 2002. – p.279.
  8. Shamsha B.V., Fedorov E.G., Abed Saif Ahmed Al-Ghawli. The estimation of Forecasting Models Adequacy in Dealing Information Systems // Modern problems of radio engineering, telecommunications and computer science «Proceeding of the International Conference TCSET’2004». – Lviv. – 2004.– p.368-371.
  9. Shamsha B.V., Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli. Modelingofdecision-makingindialinginformationsystems // Urgent problems and prospects of development finance-credit of system of Ukraine. The collection of scientific clauses. – Kharkov. – 2001.– P. 265-266.
  10. Shamsha B.V., Antonov V.A., Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli. Classificationconditionofexchangeindialingsystems // 9-thinternational conference "Theory and engineering of transfer, reception and processing of the information ". – Kharkov – Tupase. – 2003. – P. 427-428.
  11. Shamsha B.V., Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli, Fedorov E.G. Application neural networks in forecasting dialing of operations // 9-thinternational conference "Theory and engineering of transfer, reception and processing of the information ". – Kharkov – Tupase. – 2003. – P. 375-376.
  12. Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli, Shamsha B.V., SavrapolskyV.L. Constructionmodelsofelementsofthetechnicalanalysisindialinginformationsystems // 8-thinternational conference "Theory and engineering of transfer, reception and processing of the information ". – Kharkov. – 2002. – P. 466-468.
  13. Shamsha B.V., Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli, Khrestoiva L.A. The modified algorithm forecasting of stochastic time series in dialing information systems // 10-th an Anniversary international conference "Theory and engineering of transfer, reception and processing of the information". – Kharkov. – 2004. – P. 219-220.
  14. Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli, Antonov V.A., Fedorov E.G. Forecasting тренда in dialing information systems// 10-th an Anniversary international conference "Theory and engineering of transfer, reception and processing of the information". – 2004. – P. 221-222.

Abed Saif Ahmed Alghawli

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