Cape Fear Shag Club
PO Box 3762
Wilmington, NC 28406
Abe Walston, President – Keith Thompson, Vice President –
Donnie Davis, Secretary,Linda Gordon, Treasurer –
Yogi Wilson, Sergeant at Arms
Cape Fear Shag Club Monthly Meeting
Saturday November 14th, 2015
Location…The Soundbar
**Abe Walston, president, opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking them for coming.
He introduced our guest entertainers for the evening (Rick Strickland and Lesa Hudson) and announced that they would be performing all evening along with Eddie Baker our DJ of the evening.
**Shag Lessons were given earlier from 6:30 to 7:00 by Maggie Landreth and Grey Welborne.
***New Business:
The Cape Fear Shag Club will have a Christmas Party on Saturday December 12th at the Shrine Club. Dinner will be catered by Middle of the Isle. Tickets are $15 for Non-Annual Members (those members who pay $10 at each monthly meeting) $5 for Annual Members ( those who paid $100 for their re-up and don’t pay at the door) and $20 for all Guests.
Tickets may be purchased by contacting Lynne Willis (social director) or any of the Board Members listed at the top. The DEADLNE is DEC. 6th.
So, tell all of your friends and get your tickets soon before they sell out! (Lynne sold over 50 tickets on Saturday night)
**CFSC is participating in the Carolina Beach Christmas Parade on Friday December 4th and would like for everyone that can to come and be a part of the float. We would like to have lots of shaggers dancing and walking with the float. We will need volunteers to help with decorating the float or if you have something that you think would look really cute on the float… Contact LynneWillis for more info.
**These NewMembers were voted in :
Terry Pate, Donald Pemberton, Debbie Bradshaw, and Joann Bender
(motion made by Johnie Davis and seconded by Grey Welborne)
**The Membership voted to accept the slate of New Officers as presented:
Keith Thompson …President
Donnie Davis……..Vice President
Pat Ellis……………..Secretary
Linda Gordon………Treasurer
Bob Cancro…………..Sergeant at Arms
Barry Jordan ……….Member at Large
Abe Walston………….Member at Large
There was a Quorum present at time of voting with 51 members.
Motion to accept the vote by Helen Green and seconded by Maggie Landreth
Motion to adjourn by Keith Thompson and seconded by Lloyd Bowden
**November Birthdays were announced and a birthday dance was played and a FUN TIME was had by all!
Respectfully Submitted,
Donnie Davis
CFSC Secretary 2015
***Treasurers Report: