TLAC Minutes

11/8/17 10:00- 11:30 am, LRC 106


Amy Barnsley- Chair

Abby Cameron-Standerford- Secretary


David Helton

LaMart Hightower

Katherine (Katie) Menard

Josh Sharp

Kathryn Johnson

Margaret Vroman (absent)

Tom Gillespie – CTL

Gary Stark- CTL Teaching Scholar

Liz Monske- Online Teaching Scholar (absent)

Christi Edge- Online Teaching Scholar (absent)


Old Items

1. Approve Minutes from 10/4/17

2. Peer observation program

  1. Refresher course offeredTuesday, May 8 at 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. (tentative) to be led by Tom, Amy, and Gary
  2. David, LaMart, Margo will continue to check that the requests for observations are paired with responders.
  3. Thank you to Tom for making a video; send to current volunteers.

3. Conference Grant(Sub-committee: Katie, Josh, Kathryn)

  1. 6 applications received.
  2. 3 awarded: Abby Cameron-Standerford, Wendy Farkas, and Jessica Thompson.
  3. Feedback needed for those not awarded – subcommittee will provide feedback to Amy before Thursday, 11/9/17 and then Amy will contact all applicants.

4. Updated website as a committee.

  1. Clarifying the Roles of the CTL and the TLAC (with the goal of including the Extended Learning Committee Scholars as their roles become more clear to the university.)
  1. Thank you to Gary, Matt, and Katie for creating a working document for us to work from. The committee will revisit this in the future to clearly articulate how we can work together in our separate missions. The link to the Google doc can be found in the TLAC Share Drive.
  1. Teaching scholar: Update/ report from Gary. Cat talk. Roar.
  2. Faculty Developers Conference – Gary learned a lot!
  3. Gary, Amy, and CTL will work together to plan a training to support faculty in Course Outcome Assessment
  4. Gary will keep TLAC informed as to his plan for winter 2018 events.

8. Drop policy for non-attendance for online class: Draft presented to TLAC. Continue to work on this policy with a goal to gain TLAC approval and then forward to AAPC Micheal Crum, Chair by the end of the Winter 2018 semester.

9. Teaching excellence award committee: (TLAC representatives - David Helton and LaMart Hightower)

  1. Amy Barnsley and one other applicant were awarded. Congratulations, Amy!

10. TLAC Meeting Schedule for the Winter 2018

  1. Wednesdays 1/31; 2/28; 3/14; 4/25 from 10-11:30 a.m. in LRC 106
  2. Conference grant due March 1, 2018

Upcoming meetings: 11/29 10-11:30 a.m. in LRC 106