Title: HematologyQC / Page 1 of 2
Title: / Hematology quality control / Page: / 1 of 2
Scope: / Laboratory/Cell Dyn 1700 / Prepared by: / L. Knollmeyer
Date of Origin: / 5/21/08 / Approved By:
Date Approved: / Revised Date:

PURPOSE: To ensure accuracy of patient results; to detect problems in testing before patient samples are tested.


Abbott Hematology Controls, 3 levels

Cell Dyn 1700 hematology analyzer

PROCEDURE: (Note: Before running QC, make sure the background counts have been run and they are acceptable. Print a copy of the background counts and save it w/ QC results for a minimum of 2 years.)

  1. QC data should be uploaded into instrument (manually or from disk supplied with the controls).
  2. From MAIN MENU select SETUP
  3. Select QC SETUP
  4. Select LOW CONTROL
  5. Highlight the desired file from the 4 listed and select FILE SETUP
  6. Select MEAN/LIMITS and then either enter the information manually, or select LOAD FROM DISK if a disk was supplied with the controls.
  7. Follow any instructions on screen, then PRINT.
  8. Select RETURN 3 times.
  10. Repeat the process above from d through g.
  11. Select HIGH CONTROL
  12. Repeat the process above from d through g.
  13. Save printouts of the control values entered in a notebook or file folder for 2 years. Save package inserts in the same notebook or folder for 2 years.
  14. All 3 levels of QC should be run each day of patient testing before testing patient samples or reporting patient results.
  15. QC results must be reviewed and acceptable for at least 2 of the 3 levels before patient testing can be started.
  16. Review all 3 levels tabular data.
  17. Review all 3 levels Levey-Jennings graphs
  18. If unacceptable results occurred, move the cursor to that run and select REMOVE RESULT, which will remove the data from mathematical calculations, but not from the screen.
  19. If problems with QC occur, troubleshoot and resolve prior to testing patient samples and reporting patient results.
  20. On the last working day of the month, print out the QC Logs, both tabular and Levey-Jennings graphs, and store in a notebook or file folder. Retain this data for a minimum of 2 years.
  22. Select LOW CONTROL
  23. Using arrows to move up or down, highlight the file in use for the month.
  24. Select VIEW QC LOG
  25. Select PRINT LOG
  27. Select PRINT
  28. Hit RETURN 3 times to return to QUALITY CONTROL screen.
  30. Repeat steps c through h
  31. Select HIGH CONTROL
  32. Repeat steps c through h


  1. QC materials are supplied with 3 months dating, so each lot should last for 3 months.
  2. When a new lot of QC material arrives, select another Control File in the analyzer and enter the data as outlined above.
  3. Before the old lot number is depleted or expiresrun both the old lot number and the new lot number concurrently for at least one day. This is to ensure the reliability of the data for the new lot number before putting it into use. If the expected values are not obtained with the new lot number, contact the manufacturer to obtain new control materials.