Abbot Alphege Academy
29thNovember 2017
Newsletter 5 – Term 2 – Autumn 2017
Dear Parent
- WASPS & Abbot Alphege Christmas Fair - Please note that the timings for the Christmas Fair on Friday, 1st December are 4.00pm to6.00pm and not 5-7pm as previously mentioned. As you are aware, Abbot Alphege Academy parents are planning to join WASPS with a stall of their own. All families are warmly invited to get involved with the planning and preparation. Please let your child’s class teacher know if you are able to help. Profits will go towards the children’s live theatre performances and garden equipment for Abbot Alphege Academy.
- Calling all Parent Singers – Christmas Fair, Carols under the Canopy - We would like to invite any parents with an interest in singing to join us for Carols under the Canopy – our final performance of the Christmas Fair night! Miss Gray will be playing traditional Christmas carols on the piano (and providing a song sheet) and would like to welcome anyone along to join in a good old fashioned sing song. Mrs Collings will be singing alongside you – please come and join in the festive singing.
The timetable for live performances for the Christmas Fair is as follows:
4.30pm to 4.50pm - Gospel Choir
5.00pm to 5.15pm - Little WASPS Choir
5.30pm to 6.00pm - Parents’ Choir – Carols under the Canopy
- Father Christmas is Coming to WASPS, Story Time With Santa - There are still a few places available for Story Time with Santa in the Log Cabin on Saturday, 9th December as follows: 11.45am, 12.45, 1.00pm, 1.45pm, 2.00pm, 2.15pm, 2.30pm and 2.45pm
You will be able to book your child’s place via ParentPay at a cost of £3.50 per child. Select your child’sname and this will take you to the screen listing payment items relevant to your child. Please note thatyou will not be issued with a ticket. Santa's Helpers will have a list of children booked in to each slot. Please note that children in Years 0-4 and younger need to be accompanied by an adult.
- WASPS CD with Guest Recording by Pupils of Abbot Alphege Academy
The WASPS CD is still available to order at a cost of £5 per CD (payable via Parentpay).Please see the order form attached.
Procedure for Severe Weather Conditions and Other Similar Emergencies
If there should be bad weather conditions, such as a heavy fall of snow during the night, please either:
• tune to Radio Bristol (94.9 FM or 104.6 FM) or Heart FM (103 FM) early morning local
schools’ broadcast information bulletin.
• check the information on the BANES Council website under ‘school closures’
• check your mobile for a message - if you have entered your mobile phone number on
Parentpay we will hopefully be able to send you a text message.
We recognise that some families live quite a distance from the school. Parents are expected to make their own decision as to whether to travel when the weather is bad. There is no need to telephone if you decide not to bring your child/children to school. However, an absence note will be required on their return. Where school has opened in the morning but weather conditions deteriorate during the day, parents may wish to collect their children before 3.20pm. There is no need to telephone first, but it helps if you do, so that we can direct you to where your child(ren) will be.
Yours sincerely
Dr Anne Bull, Headteacher
WASPS/Abbot Alphege CD Order Form
Child’s name: …………………………...... ……………….………..……………… Class: …………….……..
* Please tick as appropriate:
I would like to order (state number) …….….. CDs at a cost of £5.00 each.
I confirm that I have made the appropriate payment via Parentpay.
Signed: ……………………………………………………...... …..………………… Date: ……………………