Sunday 10 November 2013
Veralum School Playing Fields, Sandpit Lane,
St Albans, Herts, AL4 0BP /
Bows/Arrows / Longbow, Barebow and Recurve, sorry, no compounds. No all carbon arrows; composite, aluminium or wooden arrows only. All arrows must be identifiable. Bodkins may be shot. Barebows and Longbows may be inspected at registration.


/ Signing in from 10 a.m. GNAS cards to be produced if requested.
Assembly / 10:45 a.m.
Sighters / 11.02 a.m, following 2 minutes silence to recognise Remembrance Day
Rounds / Juniors only, 4” Wand at 100 yards.
Ladies and Gentlemen, 5” Wand at 120 yards or 6” Wand at 140 yards. 5’ scoring circle at the base of all wands. Sighters and 6 dozen arrows.
Awards / According to entry.
Rules / GNAS regulations and shooting practices apply.
Dress Code / Smart (and practical) informal.
Entry / Pre pay, pre book, £6.00, non refundable unless event cancelled. Entries on the day by prior arrangement, £7.00. Entry limited. Entrants agree to abide by the criterion and rules of the round by entering. Cheques to Abbey Bowmen (Herts) with entry form to Abbey Wand, c/o L.Adkins,
1 Green Lane Cottages, Napsbury Lane, St Albans, Herts, AL1 1DS
Facilities / Parking, toilets etc. in pavilion, free refreshments on the line all day.
Disclaimer / Abbey Bowmen, Veralum School or their agents cannot accept liability for vehicles left unattended, injury, loss or damage to equipment of participants or visitors.
Closing Date / Postal entries by 3th November 2013. Late entries by phone/email.
Enquiries, directions etc, please write to above contact. Round details and results available on : email enquiries at

ABBEY BOWMEN WAND SHOOT. 10th November 2013
Pre pay, pre book, £6.00, non refundable unless event cancelled. £7.00 on the field.

Name / Bow type / Distance /


/ GNAS Card no. / Fee
Cheque enclosed to Abbey Bowmen (Herts) for:

email contact______

Closing date for pre-entry 3 November 2013 Send to: Abbey Wand, c/o Ms L.Adkins,
1 Green Lane Cottages, Napsbury Lane, St Albans, Herts, AL1 1DS