AALL Travel Grant Application Form 2014
Closing date: Open
Travel grants are available to cover expenses to foster cross-institutional initiatives or attendance at events which may lead to outcomes which would benefit a substantial fraction of AALL members. The exact number of travel grants available in any one year may vary depending on advice from the AALL Treasurer. Travel grants will normally be approved up to $1,000 AUD, unless the applicant can demonstrate a need for additional funds (e.g. travel to/from distant locations). Travel grants may be used for airfares, accommodation, registration, and other costs directly associated with travel to/from an event.
Conditions of application
- You are a financial member of AALL at the time of the application.
- Your application identifies the ways in which your travel to attend the event will benefit a substantial fraction of AALL members.
- Your application identifies the ways in which the outcomes of the travel will be disseminated to the broader AALL community.
Selection criteria
Travel applications will be assessed by a committee of between 3 and 4 representatives from the current AALL executive. The committee will consider the applications on four key grounds:
1) eligibility asa financial member;2) clear demonstration of the benefit to a substantial fraction of AALL members; 3)the proposed means of disseminatingthe outcomes of the event/initiative to AALL members;and 4) costing of fares.
The following must be enclosed with this application form:
- A one-page letter of recommendationfrom a current AALL colleague
- A 500-word (12 point, 1.5 line space) Applicant Statement in which you:
Outline why you should receive the grant
Outline how the grant will be used
– Outline how you will disseminate the outcomes of the initiative/event for which you are seeking a travel grant.
Travel Grant Application Form
Given nameFamily name
ALL position title
Tertiary institution
Centre/ Department/ Faculty
Work address
Telephone (home)
Telephone (work)
Telephone (mobile)
Outline reasons for application
Description of benefits to other AALL members
Proposed means for dissemination of outcomes of attendance
Travel costing
Receipts must be sent to the AALL Treasurer, Dai Fei Yang, within 3 months of travel
AALL Colleague
I………………………………………….. (your name) declare that the information I have given in this application is correct.
If my application is successful I agree to disseminate the outcomes of the initiative/event in the ways I have indicated in this application AND provide travel receipts to the AALL Treasurer within three months of the travel taking place.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………………….
Print Name ……………………………………………………………………………..
Date …………………………………………………………………………………….
Send completed applications to:
Post / EmailTravel Grant Committee
c/- Sally Ashton-Hay
Southern Cross University
Locked Bag 4,
Coolangatta, Qld4225
Australia / AALL Vice President
Sally Ashton-Hay
(with ‘AALL Travel Grant’ in subject line of email)
/ Attachments checklist:
- Applicant’s Statement
- Colleague’s Reference