AACT Four Year Academic Plan

End of Course Test Results





Last Name: First Name: Date: 10/3/2016

Student Review: Class of

Counselor Review: Type of Diploma:

Parent Review:

English (4 credits) / English:English 1-2English 1-2 H / English:English 3-4English 3-4 H / English:English 5-6AP English 5-6 / English:English 7-8AP English 7-8
Math (4 credits) / Math:Algebra 1GeometryFormal GeomAlgebra 2 / Math:Algebra 1GeometryFormal Geometry Trig/Pre-CalcProb & Stats / Math:GeometryFormal GeomAlgebra 2Trig/Pre-CalcProb & StatsAP Calc / Math:GeometryFormal GeomAlgebra 2Trig/Pre-CalcProb & StatsAP Calc
Social Studies (3 credits) / World History or Geography: World HistoryWorld History H / U.S. History:US HistoryAP US History / American Government:Am Govt
Science (3 credits) / Science:BiologyChemistryChemistry (H) / Science:ChemistryPhysical SciPhysicsEnvironmentalEarthAnatomy / Science:BiologyChemistryChemistry (H)EnvironmentalAP BiologyAP PhysicsHuman Anatomy (H) / Science:BiologyChemistryChemistry (H)EnvironmentalHuman Anatomy (H)AP BiologyAP PhysicsForensic Science
PE (2 credits) / PE:PE 1PE .5ROTC 1ROTC .5 / PE:PE 1PE .5ROTC 1ROTC .5 / PE 1PE .5ROTC 1ROTC .5 / PE 1PE .5ROTC 1ROTC .5
Health (.5 credit) / Health:YesNo, thru ROTC / YesNo, thru ROTC / YesNo, thru ROTC / YesNo, thru ROTC
Principals of Business & Marketing (1 credit) / Computer Lit / Computer Lit / Computer Lit / Computer Lit
Foreign Language (2 credits)
Academy /
Electives ( 6 credits*)
Total Cumulative Credits: / (Minimum 5 credits) / (Minimum 11 credits) / (Minimum 17 credits)
Summer School/ CBE or BYU

Post-High School Options – Make a Plan!

Trade School / 4-year College/University / Work/
Apprentice / Community/
College / Military/
National Service / Liberal Arts / University / Focused
 A program of learning that is completed in the workplace. Young people acquire skills & knowledge and meet qualification to progress in the profession or the industry.
Check Here if this applies to you. / 1. Serves as a bridge from high school to college by providing courses for transfer toward a B.A. or B.S.
2. Prepares students for the job market by offering entry-level career training as well as courses for workforce advancement. Associate degree or certificate options
Check Here if this applies to you. /  Training and education through the military.
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
U.S. Coast Guard
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Navy
  • Nat’l Guard
Check Here if this applies to you. /  Community colleges may have certificate options that provide intensive training in a specialized field like food-service technology or paralegal studies. Certificates take 6 months to a year to complete.
 Proprietary schools also offer career training.
Check Here if this applies to you. /  Offer a broad base of courses in the humanities, social sciences, & sciences.
 Many are private and focus mainly on undergrad students.
 Classes tend to be small.
Check Here if this applies to you. /  Larger than a college and offers more majors and research facilities. Class size reflects institutional size; some classes may be taught by graduate students.
Check Here if this applies to you. /  Offers education for a targeted major, i.e. engineering or technical. Examples are Georgia Tech, Colorado School of Mines, MIT.
 Offers more limited liberal arts courses
Check Here if this applies to you. /  Go to work at once. On-the-job-training
may develop
necessary skills
  • Consider options such as church mission, travel
Check Here if this applies to you.

My Post High School Educational & Career Goals: