AAC in Action Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Erna Alant, Michael Ely, Lindsey Ogle, Beth Ahmed, Erin Peabody, Annett Champion, Kim Hurley, Karen Grimmitt, and Shawn Grimmitt

AAC in Action’s Meetings for Spring 2013:

All meetings will be from 1:30-3:00PM in the AAC Lab (IUB School of Education, Room 2026). Please contact Lindsey Ogle () if you have any questions or require any assistance. The meetings for the spring term are scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Upcoming Conferences:

-  ISHA Convention is April 4-6, 2013 in Indianapolis. Beth Ahmed is presenting.

CEC (Council for Exceptional Children) Convention is April 3-6, 2013 in San Antonio, TX. (http://www.cec.sped.org/convention). Erna Alant, Lindsey Ogle, and Wenjing Zheng will be presenting at two sessions on Saturday 4/6 one on Teachers’ Instructional Language Use with Students with Mild and Severe Speech-Language Impairments (10:30-11:30am) and another on Special Educators’ Experiences working with Children with Severe Communication Disorders (1-2pm).

Clinical AAC Conference is September 25-28 at IIDC in Bloomington, IN. This conference will be targeted toward researchers. There is room for about 30 people to attend sessions. There will also be a room for posters and time for poster presentations at breaks.

ASHA (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association) Conference is November 14-16, 2013 in Chicago, IL. Deadline to submit a proposal to present is Wednesday, April 10, 2013 (11:59PM, Pacific). (http://www.asha.org/Events/convention/Call-for-Papers/?utm_source=asha&utm_medium=superfeature&utm_campaign=callforpapers)

Review of Chris Klein’s visit and the screening of “Only God Could Hear Me” on March 4&5, 2013

-  Turn out for both the screening Monday night and the presentation Tuesday morning were great

-  Video of Chris’s entire presentation is being compiled. Scott will contact Erna and Lindsey when DVD is available. Short portions of video will be shown on website with permission from Chris.

-  Chris’s fee of $850 was paid for from the following sources:

1)  $366 in cash and checks from donors at the events and revenue from t-shirt and dvd sales (Chris took this with him when he left)

2)  $300 from IU Speech and Hearing (will be depositing money into an IU account. Erna will mail check)

3)  $200 from Disability Services for Students at IU (will be mailing a check)

-  Lindsey will email out the certificate of attendance once she gets the list of attendees.

Review of Disability Awareness Fair at IU Wells Library 3/7/13

-  New AAC poster was created with help from Katy Pastel

-  Erna, Lindsey, Michael, and Shawn attended

Unity LAMP App and Training and NOVA chat update:


-  The new LAMP App for the iPad is available. It costs $300 to download.

-  The app is free if you take an online course and complete in-person training, then agree to be a contact person for people wanting help. Course is $125, Online course is $25.

-  New NOVA chat will be available this spring

Connecting iPads to the Cloud:

-  Lindsey contacted Laura Karcher on behalf of the AAC lab to see if we could connect our iPads to the cloud to share applications.

Fall 2013 – Who should we invite to present in early fall 2013?

-  Several names were suggested to potentially invite to speak or present including: Tracy Kovak, Charity Rowland, Phillip Schweigert, Linda Burkhart, Carol Goosen, and Caroline Musselwhite

New AAC in Action Website:

-  The School of Education is migrating to a new web format, and our website has changed. The website can now be found through the school of education’s website (graduate degree > graduate programs > special education > AAC in Action Project) or by using the short URL (education.indiana.edu/aac).

-  Michael Ely will be in charge of designing the new website.

Flyers for AAC-in-Action and Ph.D Program in AAC

-  New flyers have been made. Contact Erna to get them for conferences or other activities.

Ideas for IU Student Involvement in Community:

-  AAC Camp at Bradford Woods

-  School supports for individual children

Ideas for Parent Outreach:

-  Family night

-  AAC Day at the Zoo, Museum, or Library

-  Make-it – Take-it Presentation

-  Childcare could be provided by IU students