GRADE 6 - 8

Time Required: 30-45 minutes

Content Standards:

AA.S.7 Students will acquire the knowledge, attitudes and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.


AA.PSD.8.7.01 Model a positive attitude toward self as a unique and worthy person.

AA.PSD.8.7.15 Establish and/or revise long short term and long term goals through reflection and self- assessment.

GOAL: Students will recognize and change stinkin’ thinking to a more winning attitude.

Activity Statements: Students will learn about using the brain’s RAS (reticular activating system) to assist in strengthening our attitudes to achieve our goals.


Handout 1 Winning Attitude: Strengthen Your RAS


1. Ask for two volunteers to come to the front of the room and sit back to back without looking at each other. Ask each student to name the other student’s eye color, shirt color, type of shoe, whether they are wearing a watch, whether they have on jewelry. They probably won’t get much of the information correct, since they haven’t really paid attention to each other.

2. Have them study each other for one minute, taking note of what you had asked them to describe. Have them sit back to back again and ask the same questions. Correct answers should increase dramatically. Thank the two students and have them return to their seats.

GRADE 6 - 8

3. Explain that we have a special part of our brains that helps us reach our goals. It’s called the Reticular Activating System, or RAS for short. It’s a network-like set of cells that acts as a screen that lets in information we need and filters out what we don’t need.

4. Use another example of listening to announcements over the intercom. We may only pay

partial attention until we hear our name or bus number called.

5. Ask for someone to describe how the RAS works when we are looking for specific items in a

grocery store (if we are looking for Hot Fudge Sundae Pop Tarts, our RAS screens out

Strawberry, Vanilla Crème and other varieties and focuses on finding our goal).

7. Ask students how the RAS can help them develop a winning attitude (answer: it can help us focus on positive thinking and people and filter out negative/stinking thinking).

8. Pass out Handout 1 Winning Attitude: Strengthen Your RAS to reinforce this concept.


1. What did you learn about RAS in this lesson?

2. How can changing your thinking change your attitude?

3. Are there some areas where you need to change your thinking? If so, what are they?

4. What was the most important part of this lesson? Why?

Additional Resources:

·  Website for developing a positive attitude and information on the RAS

·  Scientific article on the RAS:

·  Article on the RAS and winning attitudes:

Extension Activities:

·  Hold a scavenger hunt; this is a great example of using our RASs.

·  Other activities as assigned by advisor.

Adapted from:

Chicago Public Schools (9-12) 30 Advisor/Advisee Lessons - Grade 10 Lesson 22


Missouri Comprehensive Guidance Center - Grade 9 Unit 1 Lesson 1

GRADE 6 - 8

Students may pair and share or complete the exercises individually.

Look at each goal and determine which statements strengthen the RAS and which ones are stinkin’ thinking. Put an up arrow (5) beside a RAS strengthener and a down arrow (6) beside a stinkin’ thinking example.

GOAL: To earn honor roll this grading period

__ I’m not a good reader. __ I can get help from a teacher, parent or friend.

__ I attend class every day. __ I can’t take the time to study.

GOAL: To graduate high school

__ I’m not as smart as other kids. __ I can see myself walking in my cap and gown.

__ I’ve got better things to do. __ I am able to balance free time and studying.

GOAL: To manage my anger safely.
__ Nobody messes with me and gets by with it! __ I won’t give anybody my self-control.
__ I can get through this and keep my cool. __ It feels good to hit her! She deserves it!
GOAL: To be at my best in a game or competition
__ I see myself making a great play. __ He looks much tougher than me!!
__ I am well-rested and ready to go! __ I’m gonna freeze up and miss it.
GOAL: To communicate better with my parents or caretakers
__ I don’t have to listen to what they say! __ I am learning to be patient.
__ I feel better when there is less tension between us . __ I can’t stand these rules!

Developed by: Shauna Jones, WV Children’s Home School (2009)