A meeting of the Parks Advisory Board was held on April 9, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. The regular meeting was held in the conference room located at the Community Center @ 440 West Powell Road.

Staff members present were: Mr. Chip Petersen, Mr. Greg Clark,and Mrs. Sharon Kennedy

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chuck Lesnick, Curt Vaughn, Campbell Hawkins, Rochelle Stevens, Trena Street, Alderman Maureen Fraser, Dr. Dan Lattimore, Steve Madden

MEMBERS ABSENT: Carl Swearingen


The agenda approved as presented.

REVIEW/APPROVAL – March 12, 2013 Minutes

Ms. Street stated she would be bringing a report on the Arts Council to the Park Advisory Board on a regular basis and would like for it to become a part of the minutes.

Motion by Mrs. Trena Street and seconded by Mr. Campbell Hawkins to approve the minutes of March 12, 2013 as presented.

The minutes were approved by a voice vote.



1). Presentation – Recreation Programming……………………………………………..Lisa Gaither

Ms. Gaither provided a Powerpoint presentation detailing the different programs she oversees:

Instructional programming

Senior adult activities

Adult leisure

Special Needs Program

Tennis program

Revenue from all of these programs-$130,000.

Average number of registered participants= 10,000

35 states and 15 countries visited

Some of the classes offered:

Art-Tada, Science /Tech classes, Young Champions Cheerleading, PitnerDrivingSchool, Senior Exercise (average 30 participants per class), Senior Bingo, AARP 55 Alive

Lisa stated that seniors traveled to Key West, Washington, D.C., and China last year.

She said the large trip projected for next year is a trip to Rome, Italy.

Alderman Fraser asked Lisa if she contracted with a tour provider. Lisa replied yes.

Alderman Fraser asked if her fee is covered by the group. Lisa replied yes.

She asked Lisa if it is the same group of seniors that go on the trips each time.

Lisa replied that it varies from trip to trip depending on the location. She noted that sometimes there are predominately females in the group – other times it is predominately couples.

Alderman Fraser asked what was the average age span of people that go on these trips. Lisa replied they range inage from 45-85 years old.

Lisa said that the department mails out a newslettertwo timesa year to a database of about 600 people. She also advertises on the town website, town information channel, press releases, etc.

She addedthat she will normally plan and project trips 6 months to 1 year in advance.

Alderman Fraser asked if other municipalities offer these trips. Lisa repliedGermantown and Lakeland do.

Mr. Lesnick asked if the participants pay the full freight. Lisa replied yes.

Mr. Clark asked Lisa what was the cost for the China trip.

Lisa replied that the cost was $5,000.00 for a 15 day tour which included airfare and everything except optional trips.

Ms. Street asked if you do this by yourself.

Lisa said when the number of participants get up to 40 she tries to take someone with her. Mr. Petersen stated that Lisa has been recruiting and training some other town employees to go as group chaperones.

Lisa stated that Kim & Mike Clark went with a group of seniors on the Washington, D.C. trip last fall for her.

Lisa mentioned that Terry Kirskey, who recently retired from City of Memphis as their director of senior programs, and who now works for Aging Commission, is interested in doing some of the trips for her also.

Ms. Street asked if the trip includes any liability insurance. Lisa replied that it is an option for anyone that wants to purchase it. She encourages the participants to take out this insurance even with the motor coach and the big trips. She added if you get sick or something comes up and cannot make the trip, your fees are reimbursed.

Camp Smile-Special Needs Program

16th year held

12 participants last year

Three sponsors last year

Class location: H.W.Cox, Jr. Annex

Age Average: 10-23

Instructor: Michelle Kelley

CampTimes: Mon- Fri 10am-2pm

Alderman Fraser stated she and the Mayor were approached by someone(who has been involved with Camp Smile) about the Town running a day camp for special needs children year round when they get too old to go to high school.

Greg replied that there is a group down by Southwind that provides that service and that he would forward Alderman Fraser the information.

Ms. Street said Lisa could probably approach the Rotary Foundation about being a sponsor for Camp Smile.

Lisa shared that CampSmile would be the second and third week of July this year.


Lisa stated that since 2007, the department’s tennis has grown significantly. She also provided the following information:

  • The Parks Department is a member of the Unites States Tennis Association (USTA) and the Memphis Tennis
  • 2002-2006 – ColliervilleHigh School started using courts, private lessons picked up
  • Quick Start Program is for 10 years older and under.
  • Ratio – 1 to 9 instructor/participant
  • Projected yearly usage – 24,000 average = Tennis brings in about ½ of revenue for her area which is $60,000

Ms. Street asked if these are all primarily Collierville residents.

Lisa stated that a majority of the tennis instructional classes are predominately Collierville residents but when there is USTA Team Tennis league play, there will be participants from Collierville and other areas of Shelby County playing. The department receives court fees for USTA leagues.

Lisa mentioned that although we have eight courts,in the future, more courts will be needed as Collierville, and specifically tennis, continues to grow.

Mr. Lesnick asked Lisa if we are able to satisfy the existing court needs.

Lisa replied we have to struggle to find space for rainout (make-up) matches and classes because the courts are already heavily scheduled in fall and spring.

Lisa added that in order to host USTA tennis tournaments – eight (8) courts are needed at one location.

Lisa noted that the recreational leagues are not as strong as once were because a lot of people are moving up to the competitive USTA leagues.

Programming -

Dr. Lattimore asked if we are utilizing the Collierville Middle School gym for instructional classes.

She replied she did host a Safesitter’s class there.

The board asked if she utilizes the Harrell Theatre. Lisa replied yes.

Ms. Street praised Lisa for the number of things she does.

Mr. Madden asked Lisa what would be at the top of her wish list.

She replied more tennis courts and building (pro-shop) for the tennis instructors.

One of the board members asked Mr. Petersen where would the department envision new courts. Mr. Petersen replied that one possibility would be Hinton Park.

There was more discussion on the possibility of building more tennis courts.

Mr. Lesnick asked are there any organizations that help municipalities build courts.

Lisa and Greg replied that USTA has funded grants for new court construction.

Mr. Petersen stated that his biggest concern iscourt space for free-play tennis.

Lisa mentioned that the department does not have an individual court reservation systemalthough she has received requests.

Lisa ended her presentation and the board thanked her for what she does for the Town.

DIRECTOR’S REPORT………………………………………………….Chip Petersen

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen and the Parks Advisory Board met earlier in the day in a work-session to discuss Hinton Park and the components of Phase I has been endorsed.

He stated some of the things that included in Phase I concept are:

The park entrance road and access, Hinton Loop, 110 parking spaces, a 2.6 acre pond, walking trail and boardwalk access to Fleming Gardens Subdivision

  • Estanaula Phase #2 electrical work scheduled to begin on Monday, 4-15-13
  • Spray pad for WCJohnson Park bids opened 4-9-13
  • Suggs Off Leash doing really well –sod added andlandscaping going in next week
  • Overlay/greenbelttrails in bid process right now
  • Met with CSA last week and gave them the department’s expectations – would like to go to a 3 year contract. They would prefer a five year contract.
  • Has met with attorney on the changes to the park ordinances discussed at a previous meeting.
  • Fourth of July/Fireworks show approved at the last meeting.

Greg Clark announced the department is working with CHS to host a special needs prom to be held on April 20, 2013.

Arts Council Report- Ms. Street provided the following event dates for the Harrell Theatre:

The Collierville Arts Council

2013 Cultural Arts Events

April 20 – Saturday, 1-4pm – AUDITION WORKSHOP - $30 per participant

Harrell Theatre

April 28 - Sunday, 2-5pm – ‘GREASE’ Auditions-adults12+

Harrell Theatre

May 15 – Wednesday – 5pm – CommunityArtGallery

Deadline for Entries for juried Gallery exhibit of area artists at Morton Museum of Collierville History

May 19 - Sunday, 5pm - Symphony In The Rose Garden

Home of Mary Jean & Bob Smith, 156 W. Poplar, Collierville

June 2, Sunday, 3pm - Mid-South Fair Youth Talent Preliminary Contest

Harrell Theatre

June 29, Saturday, 7pm - ‘Star Spangled Salute’ – a patriotic musical revue

Harrell Theatre

July 19-28, Friday/Saturday – ‘GREASE’ – Harrell Theatre stage production


Sunday, 2pm

August 11, Sunday – 3pm - Mid-South Fair Youth Talent Preliminary Contest

Harrell Theatre

December - TBD- - ‘Miracle on 34th Street’ - a musical theatre production

Harrell Theatre

With Grease if get sponsors to cover the cost, every seat we sell is extra.

Rochelle Stevens told the group about her 23rd invitational track meet to be held on 5/25/13 at St. George’sIndependentSchool.

Being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.


PAB 4-9-13