University of Essex
Leave of Absence: Guidelines for Applicants
All applicants should read these guidelines carefully.
Applications for leave of absence should be submitted to the Human Resources Section not less than six months and normally not more than 15 months before the first day of the proposed leave. Applicants should discuss their proposed application with the Head of their Department as early as possible. The Head of Department may put forward a deadline for receipt of applications.
Members of staff holding a Work Permit or Tier 2 Certificate of Sponsorrship should ensure they are familiar with current UK Border Agency regulations relating to unpaid leave of absence and secondary employment before making an application.
Members of staff are reminded of the relevant provisions of Ordinance 40 which are set out below.
Any queries or requests for further information should be addressed to the Human Resources Section in the first instance.
Ordinance 40: Research Leave and Leave of Absence
This Ordinance applies only to those Academic Staff (‘eligible Academic Staff’) who have a contractual requirement to carry out research.
1. Each member of eligible Academic Staff employed as a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader or Professor has an entitlement to research leave. The fundamental purpose of research leave is to enable eligible Academic Staff to undertake research that contributes to the University’s mission and research strategy and to the further development of the individual as a scholar.
2. The entitlement is one term of research leave with full salary for each six terms’ service as a member of the full time eligible permanent or probationary Academic Staff. Temporary Academic Staff are not entitled to research leave. However, if a member of the temporary Academic Staff becomes permanent or probationary, he or she can count his or her length of service as a member of the temporary Academic Staff for the purpose of accruing entitlement to research leave, provided that he or she is eligible for research leave. Part time Academic Staff who are eligible for research leave are entitled to research leave on a pro-rata basis. A term of research leave will start half-way between the end of the preceding term and the start of the term to be taken as research leave, and will end half-way between the end of the term taken as research leave and the start of the term in which duties re-commence. If more than one term of research leave is taken consecutively then the research leave will end half-way between the end of the final term and the start of the term in which duties re-commence.
For the purpose of accruing entitlement to research leave, time spent on maternity leave will count towards entitlement. Time spent on paid leave of absence (funded, for example, by a Research Council or academic foundation) which results in research that contributes to the University’s mission will also count towards entitlement. Time spent on unpaid leave of absence, research leave or extended sick leave will not count towards entitlement. However, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) may agree to the counting of time spent on unpaid leave of absence or sick leave if this is clearly in the interests of the Department concerned.
3. Providing an eligible academic member of staff has accrued the necessary entitlement then research leave will be granted subject to the following conditions:
(a) that the work to be undertaken during a period of research leave is of benefit to the University, the Department and the individual member of staff;
(b) that the application has been signed by the Head of Department (and, if appropriate, the Dean and/or Area Director) who will comment on whether he or she approves the application in relation to content and timing;
(c) that the research leave will be spent on the work specified in the application for leave;
(d) that the member of staff submits a report on the study undertaken at the end of the period of research leave which indicates how far the stated objectives of the research leave have been achieved. In certain circumstances a member of staff may for good reason change his or her plans provided that a case has been made to his/her Head of Department.
(e) A satisfactory report on the research undertaken during a period of research is required before further applications for research leave can be approved.
4. Application for research leave for a particular term or terms shall be made by the member of staff, using the appropriate form, at least two terms before the first day of the term from which research leave is requested.
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) will be responsible for approving research leave applications. If the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) does not approve an application he or she will give the reason(s) to the individual.
5. During a period of research leave a member of Academic Staff shall not be required to undertake teaching or administrative duties.
6. Members of staff are reminded that the purpose of research leave is to enhance the research profile of the University and the individual. It is not intended to function as an indirect subsidy for the research output of other universities. For that reason special provisions apply where a member of staff tenders his/her resignation immediately before or during a period of research leave. Following discussions with the member of staff, the University reserves the right to withdraw approval of research leave at the point where a member of staff tenders his/her resignation. The options to be discussed with the member of staff will be:
(a) To allow the member of staff to continue with his/her research leave where the planned programme of research is agreed to be in the interests of the University, the Department and the individual member of staff.
(b) To terminate the research leave and require the member of staff to undertake such teaching, research and administrative duties as reasonably allocated by the Head of Department.
(c) To waive the notice period in order to allow the member of staff to leave his/her employment with the University early and take up his/her new post.
In the event that neither (a), (b) nor (c) above are agreed and the member of staff does not return to work, the University will stop pay during what will then be deemed a period of unauthorised absence.
Notes on completing the application form
Applicants should complete Sections 1 – 5 and sign and date the form
Heads of Department should complete Sections 7, 9 and 12
Departmental Research Director should complete Section 8 and 11
Faculty Deputy Dean (Education) should complete and sign Section 10 if teaching cover is required for Faculty-based courses
The completed form, with the signature of the Faculty Deputy Dean (Education) where appropriate, is to be sent, by the department, to the the Human Resources Section.
Section 4
Applicant: provide a concise statement of the purpose of proposed leave of absence.
Section 5
List, in Part A, research students, for whom you are the supervisor, and who are not expected to have completed by the time of the proposed leave and, in Part B, the member of staff who will be taking over supervision.
Section 10
When the applicant teaches on a Faculty-based course, the Faculty Deputy Dean (Education) should sign approval of the arrangements made. The department (e.g. Head or Departmental Administrator) is responsible for ensuring that this signature has been obtained when necessary before an application is submitted.
Research and Enterprise Office (smp) 11/04/2014 Page: 1 of 4
University of Essex Application for Leave of Absence
1. / Name / Department2. Precise dates of the proposed period of leave of absence
From: / To:3. Financial terms on which leave of absence is sought (i.e. with or without salary and, if the former, how the salary is to be funded)
4. Concise statement of purpose of leave of absence, including details of any period of employment by another institution (100-150 words)
5. Research student responsibilities
Supervisor / A: Student / B: Replacement
6. I am aware of the provisions of Ordinance 40 and I apply for leave of absence.
(signed) ...... (date) ......
Data Protection Act 1998
The University of Essex is registered under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 to enable it to hold and process personal data about members of staff for the purposes of research administration, monitoring and promotion. These data will be kept secure and accurate and will only be disclosed to people who have a need to know in accordance with the University's registration under the Act.
7. Arrangements made to cover teaching and other duties of applicant (including teaching on Faculty-based courses)
8. Comments by Departmental Research Director on behalf of the Department Research Committee/Executive on the planned use of the leave of absence with reference to the departmental research strategy
9. Comments by Head of Department on the application for leave of absence
10. Approval by the Deputy Dean (Education) of arrangements made to cover teaching on Faculty-based courses if applicable (please attach any comments on a separate sheet).
(signed) ...... (date) ......
(Deputy Dean (Education))
11. (signed) ...... (date) ......
(Departmental Research Director on behalf of Department Research Committee/Executive)
12. (signed) ...... (date) ......
(Head of Department)
The completed form, including signatures, should be sent to the Human Resources Section by the department (e.g. the Head of Department or the Departmental Administrator).
For Human Resources Section use:
Authorised by ...... (date) ......
(Faculty Executive Dean)
Copy to Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) before returning to the Human Resources Section.
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