A Wise King for Israel


1 Kings 3: 16-28

Memory Verse

Students select their own (computers)


Children will look up Solomon on Bibleland.com and complete a worksheet. They will choose a favorite wisdom saying, and work on it using Cal and Marty’s Scripture Memory Game


  • Children will have a basic understanding of Solomon’s life
  • Children will know the story of two women in 1 Kings 3
  • Children will memorize a favorite wisdom saying of Solomon

Programs Used


Cal and Marty’s Scripture Memory Game

Other supplies needed

Computer worksheets (attached)

Newsprint and markers


Be familiar with both programs being used today so you can help children, particularly the verse editing of Cal & Marty which students will be using for the first time.


Tell the children they have one wish. God will give them anything in the world they want. What would it be? Write their answers on newsprint.

Explain that God gave such a wish to a man named Solomon. He asked for wisdom. Ask children if for a definition of wisdom.

Main Activity

Complete computer worksheet for Bibleland.com

Discuss the story of the women and the baby from the “An Example of Wisdom” page. What do you think of Solomon’s solution to the problem?

Invite children to select their own memory verse for Cal and Marty, and practice it.


Allow children to share and quote their memory verse.

Ask them if they thought wisdom was a good gift to ask for. Why or why not?

Conclude with a prayer thanking God for our many gifts.

Adjustments for age and ability

Pair first graders with a youth helper to assist with reading and writing.
Computer Worksheet -- Solomon

(1) Bibleland.com


Insert disk

Open My Computer from Start menu

Right click D: and select Open

Click on Bible 16


Select Search

Select People

Select Rulers

Select Solomon

Fill in the blanks and answer the questions about Solomon

Main/Home Page

Solomon is the son of ______(father) and ______(mother). His oldest brother, ______plotted to overthrow the king. His mother and the prophet, ______, told him what was happening and he had Solomon ______and ______.

Solomon was called the ______man who ever lived, but Solomon said it was not his ______, but God’s.

Solomon had hundreds of ______.

He built a very important building, the ______.

Prayer (of Wisdom) Page

Draw a picture of the story “An Example of Wisdom”

What was the problem?

What did Solomon say?

How did this solve the problem?

LISTEN to Solomon’s Prayer of Wisdom. Pray along with the reader if you’d like.

Proverbs Page

Listen to the proverbs listed on this page.

Pick one you really like, and write it here: Proverbs ___: ____ “______




Exit Bibleland.com. Use this scripture in Cal & Marty’s Scripture Memory Game

(2) Cal & Marty’s Scripture Memory Game

From desktop select smiley face

Select Verse Editor

Select Edit Memory Verse Set

Select Proverbs

Select Add New (bottom left corner)

Reference: type in your verse (Example Proverbs 5:16)

Verse:type in your verse. Be careful to spell and punctuate correctly!

Comment: say why you chose this verse, and sign your name(s)

Double check your information !!

Select Save


Back on main page, select Verse Sets

Select Proverbs.txt

Select your verse

To play the game, you will have 30 seconds to memorize your verse. Then the program will scramble the words and it is your job to put them in the right order.

Your score is based on how fast you unscramble the verse.

If you get stuck Cal and Marty can help you – but it will penalize your final score.

Cal will give you the first word – he will only help you once.

Marty will give you a randomly chosen word – he will help you as often as you need it.

You can check your score at the end of the game. Then play again to improve your score.

If you want, you can try some other memory verses and challenge other students to beat your scores.

First Score ______

Second Score ______

Third Score ______

A Wise King for Israel– Moved by the Spirit


Ask children if they can figure out one or more of these puzzles by asking you yes/no questions, or come up with your own:

1)A man wants to build a house with all four walls facing south. How can he do it? (Answer: If he builds it at the North Pole, all four walls will face south.)

2)A man came across a cabin in the woods. There were about 50 people inside of it all sitting in seats facing the same direction, all of them had died in the same way. What happened to them? (Answer: the cabin is an airplane “cabin.” The plane crashed.)

3)In the story of the flood, the animals came on the ark two by two. Exactly how many pairs of animals did Moses bring with him on the ark? (Answer: None. It was Noah)

Explain that those problems were tricky. Some things we can figure out because we learned them, for example 12X12=?. Many other problems are things we have to figure out for ourselves. It is this ability to figure things out that explains how really smart someone is.

Today we are going to learn about a problem that came before King Solomon. It was a tricky problem, one that required wisdom to figure out. As we learn the story, see if you can think of another way Solomon could have resolved the problem.

Main Activity

Children will act out the play “Court BC” (Court TV) in which Solomon determines the true mother of a child. Children will discuss wisdom and learning and its importance in Solomon’s reign and in their own lives.

Alternative: Have some actors tape the script onto a tape. Play the tape and have children act out the play using puppets.

When the play is over, read the story in the Bible to see what 1 Kings 3:16-28 to review the actual story.


What made this a tricky problem?

Can you think of another way Solomon could have resolved the problem?

How is wisdom different from knowledge?

Why do you think Solomon asked God for wisdom instead of money or other things?

If God told you you could have anything you asked for, what would you ask for?

Court BC

King Solomon – small speaking role

Court Reporter – major speaking role

News Anchor – major speaking role, off stage

Bailiff – small speaking role

Mother #1 – small speaking role

Mother #2 – small speaking role

Baby – non-speaking role

Crowd – small speaking roles


Set up like a courtroom or throne room with Solomon seated in the middle and the two women and baby coming before him. The court reporter should be set in the middle of the action with the News Anchor off to the side or off stage.

Costumes and props

Your choice of Biblical costumes or modern dress. Solomon can be dressed as a king, or in a black robe as a more modern judge. Solomon will also need a sword for the dramatic scene where he decides to cut the baby in two. The baby should be wrapped in a blanket. The Court Reporter will need a microphone.

With Younger Children

Have youth or adults read the parts for the Court Reporter and News Anchor which have longer parts.

Scene 1(Introducing the Claimant and Defendant)

News Anchor:Court BC case #101, Court BC year one of the rule of King Solomon 961 BC. These are the claimants

(mother #1 enters and faces the audience) The claimant. She gave birth to a son four days ago while living in a house with the defendant. Her claim? That the defendant, who gave birth yesterday, rolled over on her own son, killing him, and then switched the babies. She is petitioning King Solomon to have the child which is rightfully hers returned to her. (mother #1 enters courtroom)

(mother #2 enters with baby and faces the audience) The defendant. She is accused of swapping her dead child for the claimant’s live child. She has submitted a counter-claim of defamation of character.

Who will prevail? It will be all decided here at Court BC. Here’s our court reporter ____ (name of reporter).

Court Reporter:Quite a drama before us today. Two mothers, two newborn infants, and no witnesses. Both mothers claim to be the rightful mother of the living child and both accuse the other of accidentally laying on and smothering her own child and then laying claim to the living child. How will the king decide? Let’s go inside and see.

Scene 2(Courtroom Scene)

Bailiff:Here ye, here ye, all rise for the venerable and wise King of Israel, Solomon.

Solomon:You’ve both been sworn in and I’ve read your complaint.

(to mother #1) You say that this woman (pointing to mother #2) switched her dead baby for your living baby in the middle of the night while you slept.

Mother #1:Yes, your honor. I got up to feed my son. I noticed he was dead. But then, when I looked more closely, I saw it wasn’t my baby at all.

Solomon:Is this the way you remember it?

Mother #2:No, your honor.

Solomon:What’s your story?

Mother #2:I woke up to her screaming that her baby was dead. My baby was with me all the while.

Solomon:(to mother #2) And you say you didn’t switch babies?

Mother #2:Never, your honor.

Solomon:(to mother #1) Are you sure it wasn’t your son who died? Babies look a lot alike and they were almost the same age.

Mother #1:A mother knows her own baby, your honor.

Mother #2:Yes, a mother does, and I know THIS baby is MINE!

Mother #1:He’s mine!

Mother #2:MINE!

Mother #1:You stole him!

Mother #2:You are making up a crazy LIE!

Solomon:(to both) SILENCE! Okay, I think I have all the information I need right here to make my decision. I’ll be back in a moment with my judgment.

Court Reporter:We’ll be right back after the break.

Scene 3 (Court Reporter – polls the crowd outside)

Court Reporter:What do you think Solomon’s decision will be.

Crowd 1:Pick the mother that most looks like the baby.

News Anchor:All babies kind of look alike to me. What if the baby doesn’t look like one of the mothers at all? We don’t know the father because the women were prostitutes.

Court Reporter:That’s a good point. What do you think?

Crowd 2:See if there was a doctor or a midwife at the birth.

Court Reporter:I believe the complaint says that they were the only two people in the house. No one else has ever seen the children.

Crowd 3:I think they should take some blood samples for DNA evidence.

News Anchor:____, what exactly is DNA?

Court Reporter:I’m not sure, but I believe it is a future technology which won’t be available for 2,963 years.

News AnchorHmm, that could pose a problem.

Crowd 4:Give them a lie detector test.

News Anchor: Is that another future technology?

Court Reporter:Yes, I believe so. I seriously doubt that King Solomon will wait that long to come to a decision.

News Anchor:Yes, the baby would be almost 3,000 years old by that time.

Court Reporter:Wait, the king is reentering the courtroom. Let’s go in and here the results.

(NOTE: Teachers may choose to stop the drama here and discuss what has happened so far and get children’s input as to how Solomon might settle this dispute.)

Scene 4(Courtroom Decision)

Bailiff:Here ye, here ye, all rise for the venerable and wise King of Israel, Solomon.

Solomon:(Enters and sits) I have come to my decision. Bailiff, bring the child to me.

Bailiff:(brings baby to Solomon)

Solomon:since I can’t determine by the testimony which woman is the child’s real mother, and since there are no witnesses, I have no choice but to divide the child up equally. Bailiff, hand me my sword.

Bailiff:(brings the sword)

Solomon:I will cut the child in two!

Baby:WAH! WAH”

Mother #1:(screams and throws herself down at the king’s feet) No, your majesty NO! Let her have him. I withdraw my suit. Let her have him. Don’t kill the child! Anything but that!

Mother #2:That sounds like a good idea.

Solomon:Enough. (hands the child to Mother #1) I will give YOU the child. You must be the real mother. You cared more about the child than about getting your own way.

(to both mothers) You may go now.

Mother #1:Thank you your honor. (She hugs baby, then she and baby exit courtroom).

Mother #2:Exits grumbling.

Scene 5(Outside Courtroom Interviews)

Court Reporter:(to Mother #1) Ma’am do you have any words to say about the king’s decision?

Mother #1:I’m just SO HAPPY. The king is very wise. I was so scared when he talked about cutting my little one in two. But now I know he only did it so he could find out the truth.

Court Reporter:We’re all happy for you. I believe you have some papers to sign. (mother #1 and baby exit)

(to mother #2) Ma’am do you have any words to say?

Mother #2:No comment. (pushes him out of her way.)

Court Reporter:There you have it, another wise decision by King Solomon.

News Anchor:Thank you, ___. (to audience) And thank YOU for watching. Tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of Court BC. Bye now.


Do you think King Solomon was really going to slice the child in two?

Why do you think he said this?

If you had been King Solomon would you have thought of this solution?

Why do you think the second mother switched babies? Do you think she should have been punished? Why?

Can you think of a modern situation where we might need a judge with Solomon’s wisdom?