A. Which screen name is best to have??

1. Cheergirl9393

2. ChrisP1990

3. SandySmith999

4. Horseluvr01

5. TPHSCheergrl

B, While surfing the Internet, you get an error message from your Internet provider, and it says it will delete your account unless you type in your password again, should you send the information?

1. Yes.

2. No.

C.  If someone online tells you they are a sophomore in high school, and taking driver’s education classes, they are probably how old?

1. 15

2. 16

3. 35

4. There’s no way to tell!

D.  If you have been talking on the Internet to a person for a long time, and they want to meet, which is okay to do?

1. Meet them, as long as you bring a friend.

2. Meet in a public place.

3. Tell someone where you will be before you go.

4. Ask your parent or guardian first and have them go with you.

E.  If someone online sends you a message that is insulting or obscene, you should:

1. Erase them from your friends list.

2. Delete the message.

3. Insult them back

4. Tell a responsible adult

F.  You are talking to someone online, and they know some of the same people you know. Since they have

many of the same friends as you, is it ok to give them your phone number if they ask?

1. Yes

2.. No

G.  It is okay to send someone online your picture when:

1. They send you theirs first

2. You send them an old picture

3. As long as you don’t send them your address too

4. Only if a parent or guardian is with you and says it is okay

ANSWERS: A. 4 B. 2 C. 4 D. 4 E. 4 F. 2 G. 4

(Adapted from