- Learning objective (5 pts.)
a. What grade or student population are you planning for?
3rd grade
b. What are the standards or benchmarks you are trying to address (please list them)?
Language Arts Voice: Standard ELA.6 All students will learn to communicate information accurately and effectively and demonstrate their expressive abilities by creating oral, written, and visual texts that enlighten and engage an audience.
Benchmark ELA.11.LE.4 Using multiple media, develop and present a short presentation to communicate conclusions based on the investigation of an issue or problem. Examples include charts, posters, transparencies, audio tapes, videos, and diagrams.
Technology Standard 2: Using Information Technologies. All students will use technologies to input, retrieve, organize, manipulate, evaluate, and communicate information.
c. What should students be able to do and/or know as a result of this lesson?
Students should know more about the English language. Each student song will be different however each student should know more about a grammar concept or the language arts in general.
- Describe the lesson (5 pts.)
a. What will students be doing during this lesson?
The student will begin by stating their name and their grade and the name of the composer of the song they are singing. Next they will say what the song covers and how it relates to the language arts. Finally each student will sign the song they have chosen. The day the assignment is due, they will have to play their song for the class.
b. What support will they need to be successful?
It will need to connect to what they have been doing in class, so they can have some background information on the topic.
Also they will need help when they use the recording program.
c. How will you facilitate the process of students creating their own podcasts? Will they work in groups? Will they work in a computer lab or classroom setting? Will you have extra teachers/adults/older students available to help troubleshoot?
There will be a day when we go down to the computer lab. I will first introduce to software, and then I will show them how to use the program. They will have some time to search for a song that they are going to record. The next day, they will each come to class with the song they are going to sing. We will have talked to the fifth grade class and set up a time where the fifth graders can help the students with the program. Then they will go down to the computer lab with an older student to record their song.
3. The purpose of podcasting (5 pts.)
a. How will podcasting be used to enhance the learning process?
Typically when people think of songs they think of something that is recorded and then played. This will get the students more interested in the topic and thus more engaged in the topic. In this case they will be more engaged in the English language.
b. How will you prepare students so that they can create their podcasts? What do they need to know before participating in this lesson?
They need to know some about grammar in English before they do this project, which is something that we will be learning in class. Also we have time in class to use the recording software.
4. Assessment Plan. (5 pts.)
a. How will you assess student learning in this lesson?
When the student presents their song to the class they will describe what the song is about.
b. How will you know that your learning objective was met?
I will be able to determine if the child has met the learning objective be evaluating the podcast and if it met all requirements.
5. Accurate spelling and grammar (5 pts.)