A Webquest on Genetic Engineering

To be…or not to be Modified

That is the question!”

  1. Artificial Selection:
  • Define Artificial Selection. What is another term for it? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • What are some examples of artificial selection? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  1. Recombinant DNA:
  • Which human hormone can be made using genetic engineering processes? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • Before genetic engineering was used to help diabetics who could not produce or use their own insulin, what was being used to treat their diabetes? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • List the seven steps involved in producing insulin using genetic engineering. Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  1. Cutting DNA:
  • At what base sequence does Eco R1 cut? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • What are "sticky ends"? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  1. Genetically Modified Foods and Organisms:
  • What are Genetically Modified (GM) Foods? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • List three benefits and three controversies surrounding this scientific technology. Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  1. The Quest for the perfect tomato:
  • Click on first picture –Identify and explain how farmers in the past were able to grow desirable crops. Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • Click on second picture – What is genetic modification? How is it used to create tomatoes that can withstand the cold? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • Click on “Food for Thought” List 2 examples of genetic modification in use and identify 1 benefits and negatives aspect of each.Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  1. Using Genetically Engineered Animals
  • What is the name of the first drug approved by the FDA that was genetically engineered from an animal? What does it do? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • How do the scientists make blood thinners from genetically engineered goats? Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  1. Gel Electrophoresis: (Extra Credit)
  • Where was the DNA placed inside the gel?Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • How are the DNA strands pushed through the gel?Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • List the 5 steps of the gel electrophoresis technique. Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • What are the materials needed for step 1- making the gel?Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • What are the materials necessary for the gel apparatus?Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • How can you see the pattern on the agarose gel?Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit
  • Estimate the size of the 3 bands in the DNA sample.Answer in complete sentences to receive full credit