11 February 2018
A very warm welcome to our services today.
If you are new to St Luke’s or just visiting please introduce yourself after the service.
Coffee is served after the 9.30 service and before the 11.15 service.Please join us.
Services this month
TodayThe Sunday before Lent
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Common Worship,
Morning Prayer
11.15am Informal Communion
6.30pm Group Evensong
at St Nicholas, Brockenhurst / 14th February
Ash Wednesday
7.00pm Ash Wednesday
Communion Service
18th February
First Sunday of Lent
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Holy Communion
11.15am Informal Service
6.30pm Group Evensong
here at St Luke’s, Sway / 25th February
Second Sunday of Lent
8.00am Holy Communion
9.30am Morning Worship & Baptism
11.15am Café
6.30pm Group Evensong
at St John’s, Boldre
9.30am Holy Communion – every Wednesday
For Your Prayers
Mike Trask, Christopher Browne,
Twins - Darcy & Eden, Agnes (nearing the end of her life), Chris Olden &Max Nelson
The people named above are ill at this time.
Please pray for the families and friends ofAnthony (Tony) Cant andEvelyn Rickmanwho have recently died.
Prayer Diary for February 2018 is now available.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting – APCM:
The Annual Meetings of the Church will be held on Monday 16th April. Two Churchwardens are elected annually. Jonathan has served his 3 year term and will retire this April. Ian has served for one year and is willing to stand for re-election. Lisa Guinness has been nominated for the vacant post.
For the PCC people are normally elected for a three year term. Three positions fall vacant. Ruth Owen and Peter Blick have both indicated their willingness to stand for re-election having served only one year. There is a further vacancy to be filled.
There are two vacancies for representatives to the Deanery Synod. Synod Reps have a place on the PCC.
If you would like to stand for any of these vacancies please speak with the Wardens, Jonathan and Ian or John our Vicar. For all these posts if more stand than the number of vacancies an election would be held.
IMPORTANTLY no one can vote at the APCM, or be nominated to these roles unless you are registered on our Church Roll. Sheila Green is the one to talk to about that.Jonathan & Ian
Welcomers’ Coordinator.
We are looking for someone to take on the role of coordinator for the welcoming teams at the 9.30 and 11.15 Sunday services. The main responsibility is to ensure that these services have an active welcoming team in place. If this is something you think you could help with, please speak to either Jonathan or Ian.
(You do not need to be currently serving as a welcomer.)
May 25 – 26 – 27 - 28
Theme: Musical Shows or Films
There will be an Open Meeting in the church on Saturday 24 February at 10am.
This is a great village event and if you would like to participate in any way please come and see me at this meeting or contact Janet Kirk 682515.
Can you spare one or two hours a week to befriend someone? I have been invited to take a team of lay visitors/befrienders into Gorselands Nursing home in Burley. Although not in Sway, I believe this is a wonderful opportunity for outreach and we do have two ex-residents of Sway in the home, one of whom has just celebrated her 100th birthday. If you think you might be interested and would like to know more, please speak to Ian Burnham.
Next Sunday Rev Sandra Tebbutt from the Bible Society will be speaking at our main morning services. The Bible Society works in over 200 countries to bring the Bible to life for every man, woman and child. We as a church have supported their work over the years and will be presenting a cheque as our latest contribution to their work. Our collections that day will also be in support of the Society’s activities.
A news letter from Ann Moore in Kisiizi is on the board in the Church Rooms – with copies to take too.
Bev, from our congregation, moved to Paraguay last year to serve with CMS as a Pioneer Mission Partner. For those of you keeping in contact note she has a new Paraguayan number - +595 981 256 144 – she always welcomes contact from Sway. Do pray for her involvement with a new mission outreach Simply The Story (STS) Oral Bible Schools (OBS). Think ‘Open The Book’ in Spanish. Her latest news is on the Mission Board in the Church Rooms.
SAVE THE DATE -Friday 16th March: Lent Lunches – a Change in tradition:
Traditionally we have held a series of Lent Lunches – this year things will be different as we will be holding a Lent Supper – on Friday 16th March. Like our lunches all are welcome. This year we will ask for donations towards the Deanery Lent appeal in support of Gahini Hospital in Rwanda. John & Helen, Jonathan & Rosemary and Ian visited Rwanda in January and they will be talking about their experiences of our link parish and the institution of an African Bishop. It will be a great evening. Further details nearer the time.
Lucy Parratt is in training for the London Marathon
She is fundraising for three charities and your support and prayers in the lead up to the 22nd April would be gratefully received andfor a non- runner she is finding this a big challenge!!
To donate please follow the instructions from the links below:
Arbonne Charitable Foundation - The Arbonne Charitable Foundation’s mission is toprovide supportfor programmes and opportunities thatpromote the development of confidence andselfesteemin teenage girls and boys.
WWF-UK- The worlds largest conservation organisation
Hoopers Africa Trust
(Please note this is for Lucy’s Marathon 2018 when donating) – providing secondary education for deprived girls in Kenya
Burns Supper: Thank you to all who came to enjoy the Traditional Supper.I’m sure you’ll all agree it was a jolly good evening and the Team are delighted tosay, we have been able to hand over £1,039 to St Luke’s Church funds.Diane
This week at St Luke’s
See: for more information
Mon 12 February8.30amSt Luke’s Prayer Meeting
(in Church)
Mon 12 February7.00pmPCC Meeting
Tues 13 February10.30amOpen House Coffee Morning
Wed 14 February9.30amHoly Communion
Wed 14 February7.00pmAsh Wednesday Communion
*** For your diary ***
New Forest Filling Station
14 February – 7.30pm
(refreshments available from 7pm)
Brockenhurst Village Hall
Roy Crowne, Executive Director ‘HOPE Together’
15 February – Sway Over Sixties Club
Northern Corsica – the scented isle
an illustrated talk by Eric Watson
2.15pm. Church Rooms. Visitors welcome.
For further information,
please contact Jennifer Clarke ( 682363)
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday 17February, 8:45 for 9:00
Church Rooms
Chris Guinness will be speaking about his colourful life as an urban vicar in South London and his recent role in the film Spitfire Boy, shot in Sway.
Please let the office know if you plan to come so we have enough bacon and eggs for everyone!
Donations: If you wish your donations to the church today to be gift-aided and you are a tax-payer, white envelopes are always available at the back of church. Please ask one of our welcoming team.
Weekly News is for you to take home and keep for reference.
Church Office 01590 682358 or email: