A Thousand Splendid SunsStudy Materials

Chapter 1

Bazaars / Culpable / Demurely / Endearments / Harami
Illegitimate / Jinn / Kolba / Loathsome / Relic
Sufi / Surmise
  1. How old is Mariam at the beginning of chapter 1?
  1. Describe Nana’s reaction to Mariam’s breaking the bowl? Do you think she over reacts? Why/Why not?
  1. Why does the speaker assert that the haramiis innocent?
  1. How does Nana react after Jalil told Mariam about the pistachio tree?
  1. Describe Jalil’s family and business life?
  1. What happened to Nana after she became pregnant? What does Nana wish her father had done?
  1. What does the quote mean: “Like a needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always. You remember that, Mariam.”

Chapter 2

Dohol / Henna / Penance / Recrimination / Shahnai
Suppress / Tandoor / Wistful
  1. Why had Nana refused to live in Herat?
  1. When Nana was fifteen, she almost got married. Why was the wedding called off?
  1. According to Nana, why did Jalil build the kolba instead of hiring someone?
  1. Contrast Nana’s and Jalil’s versions of Mariam’s birth. Which do you believe?

Chapter 3

Akhund / Arbab / Coveted / Dishlemeh / Gaunt
Kindle / Quinces / Scuffled / Turban
  1. What chores do Nana and Mariam enjoy together?
  1. Who is Mullah Faizullah? What indicates that Mariam and Mullah Faizullah have a close relationship?
  1. What does Mariam tell Mullah Faizullah she wants?
  1. When Mullah Faizullah asks Nana to permit Mariam to attend school, she says to Mariam, “What’s the sense in schooling a girl like you? It’s like shining a spittoon.” What does Nana’s simile mean?

Chapter 4

Fretting / Mashallah / gauging
  1. Describe the anxiety Mariam feels as Jalil’s visit approaches.
  1. What characteristics of Jalil indicate that he is of a different socio-economic class than Mariam?
  1. When Jalil tosses Mariam in the air, Nana says that one day he will drop her. What does this imply about Nana’s feelings for Jalil?
  1. Why do you think Nana behaves civilly when Jalil visits?

Chapter 5

Aggrieved / Ample / Articulate / Consoling / Disillusionment
Dousing / Foreboding / Forlorn / Grievances / Hookahs
Muted / Opaque / Reproach / Sprightly / Stricken
Treacherous / Wretched
  1. At the beginning of chapter 5, how old is Mariam?
  1. What tactics does Nana use to keep Mariam from going to visit Jalil? List as many as you can.
  1. After Nana’s emotional outburst, mariam wishes she could tell her mother certain things. What does she want to tell her but does not?
  1. What does Mariam assume when Jalil does not arrive on time? What does she d0 instead of waiting for him?
  1. The driver returns Mariam to her house, but at the last second, he yells, “Go Back! No. Don’t look now.” To what is he referring?

Chapter 6

Amiable / Assurances / Caracul / Chapans / Conviction
Grimacing / Impassively / Insincerity / Shrouded / woebegone
  1. After the death of her mother, how do Mariam’s feelings for Jalil change?
  1. Mariam watches the “comings and goings of Jalil’s daily life” from her bedroom window. How does she feel now that she knows what his life is like?
  1. Mariam feels guilty about her mother’s death. Why and how does Mullah Faizullah try to comfort her?

Chapter 7/8

Concede / Embodiment / Nikka / Reeling / Scandalous
Sinuous / Gabled roof / Mirthless
  1. What shocking news do Jalil’s wives tell Mariam at the beginning of Chapter 7? What is Mariam’s reaction?
  1. Describe Rasheed.
  1. Find and list three similes in this chapter.
  1. Describe the process of marriage.
  1. Re-read the part describing Rasheed and Mariam’s wedding. Find and list one example of foreshadowing. What event do you think is being foreshadowed?
  1. How does Mariam respond when Jalil tells her he will visit her in Kabul? How does Jalil then react to her response?