Utah Valley University Department of Public Safety / 1104
Prisoners / Effective:
12-20-2007 / Supersedes:
Approved By:
John C. Brewer, Chief of Police

A.  Vehicle Inspection

1.  All Patrol officers will inspect their vehicles at the start and end of each shift checking for the following:

a)  The safety screen is securely in place and undamaged.

b)  All windows are intact and outer door latches in proper working order.

c)  Rear-seat door handles and window controls are deactivated.

d)  The interior thoroughly searched to ensure no weapons or contraband have been left behind or hidden within the vehicle.

2.  The vehicle will be searched again prior to and after transporting a prisoner.

B.  Handcuffing/Use of Restraints

1.  All prisoners shall be handcuffed (double-locked) with hands behind their back, palms outward.

2.  Prisoners may be handcuffed to their front or with other approved restraints when the prisoner is obviously pregnant or has physical handicap/injuries that could be aggravated by standard handcuffing procedures.

3.  Discretion may be used in handcuffing young juveniles; however authorized restraints will be used when necessary to control unruly or potentially violent juveniles regardless of age.

4.  When transporting three or more prisoners, at least two officers shall complete the transport.

5.  Three or more prisoners transported together shall be bound with leg chains as well as handcuffs. Leg chains will not be used on prisoners with leg injuries or who are pregnant.

6.  Additional approved restraint devices may be used to secure a prisoner who violently resists arrest or manifests mental disorders and pose a threat to themselves, the officer, or the public.

7.  Officers are prohibited from transporting restrained prisoners in a prone position.

8.  Prisoners shall not be handcuffed to any part of the vehicle during transport.

9.  While it is not possible to guarantee that handcuffs are not too tight during a stressful application, the tightness of handcuffs should be checked before the suspect is placed in a vehicle.

a)  Handcuffs should easily move up and down the wrist but tight enough to not slide over the hands.

b)  When suspect complains of handcuff tightness, it will be checked when safe to do so.

C.  Transport

1.  Prior to releasing prisoners to another employee or jail personnel, the officer will notify receiving personnel of prisoners who are combative, suicidal or posing security risks (e.g. prior arrests for escape, assault, murder, mental illness, etc.). Information on these special conditions must be marked prominently on the Arrest/Booking Record.

2.  Prisoners transported to jail shall be accompanied by the proper paperwork.

3.  Prior to transport, all prisoners shall be thoroughly searched for weapons or contraband using extreme care - prisoners are potentially dangerous regardless of the charges against them. Prisoners will again be searched prior to being placed in a holding cell or booked into jail. All property, including smoking materials, will be removed from prisoners before placing them in a police vehicle.

a)  A search must be thorough and should not be stopped when one weapon is found as the subject may have more than one. The same is true for narcotics or other contraband.

b)  Officers’ searches will not be limited as a result of comments from suspects, e.g., complaints of pain, embarrassment, etc. Officers will give orders clearly, simply and with a voice of authority.

c)  The search should be conducted by an officer of the same sex as the prisoner. Where this is not practical, officers shall conduct a limited “pat-down” search of the prisoner.

d)  Transporting officers should search the prisoner regardless of searches that may not have been previously conducted by arresting officers.

4.  Prisoners of the opposite sex can be transported together only if a physical barrier separates them. In extreme circumstances prisoners of the opposite sex can be transported together without separation if they were arrested as co-participants in the same incident and can be transported without jeopardizing the safety of either prisoner.

5.  Juveniles shall not be transported in the same area of a vehicle with adult prisoners.

6.  Special precautions shall be used when transporting high-risk prisoners:

a)  Waist chains and leg chains should be used in addition to handcuffs.

b)  Another prisoner will not be transported in the same vehicle as a violent/hostile prisoner.

c)  Rival gang members should not be transported together.

7.  Prior to initiating the transport, the officer shall notify Communications of the following:

a)  Arrest location and destination of transport.

b)  Time and mileage reading before and after transport of a prisoner of the opposite sex.

8.  Prisoners shall be transported in a manner that allows for constant visual observation. Seating of officers and prisoners should conform with the following:

a)  When the vehicle has a security screen and only one transporting officer, the prisoner shall be placed in the back seat on the right-hand side of the vehicle.

b)  One transporting officer should not attempt to transport any prisoner in a vehicle without a security barrier, but should request transport assistance.

(1)  Prisoners will not be transported in an unscreened vehicle except when authorized by a supervisor and for a specific purpose (e.g., detective’s investigation).

(2)  Only one prisoner will be transported in an unscreened vehicle; two officers will be assigned in such instances.

(3)  The prisoner in an unscreened vehicle will be seated on the passenger side of the back seat. The passenger officer will sit on the driver’s side of the back seat.

c)  Leg restraints shall be used when an officer believes the prisoner has a potential for violent behavior.

d)  All prisoners shall be secured in the vehicle by a seat belt when its use will not jeopardize officer safety.

9.  Prisoners shall not be left unattended during transport.

10.  While being transported, prisoners should not be allowed to communicate with anyone other than police or fire personnel. Co-conspirators should be transported separately to avoid communication between suspects.

11.  Transporting officers will not make unnecessary stops during transport and will not be available for calls for service.

a)  Officers shall not engage in enforcement activities while transporting prisoners unless failure to act would risk death or serious bodily injury to another. In non-life-threatening but serious situations, officers should call for backup assistance and remain at the scene until such assistance has arrived.

b)  Officers transporting prisoners will not make personal or administrative stops when transporting prisoners (e.g., stopping for food or gas, stopping at an ATM machine, dropping off or picking up paperwork, etc.).

c)  Officers shall not transport prisoners to personal meetings, such as funerals, visiting friends or family in the hospital, etc.

12.  All firearms shall be secured prior to entering a jail facility or holding area.

13.  Restraining devices shall be removed from prisoners just prior to placing them into a holding cell.

D.  Prisoner Escape

1.  If a prisoner escapes, these procedures will be followed:

a)  The officer will notify Communications of direction of flight, escapee’s description, and their charges. If recapture is not immediate the following may be used:

(1)  An attempt to locate issued to surrounding agencies,

(2)  Assemble additional officers to aid in recapture

(3)  Request air support if available.

(4)  Other options deemed appropriate by a supervisor.

b)  The shift supervisor shall be notified.

c)  Circumstances of the escape and apprehension shall be documented in a DR under a new report number. If the escapee is immediately recaptured, new charges will be added to the booking sheet. If the escapee is not immediately captured, applicable charges shall be filed.

d)  The report shall be routed to the Chief of Police for review.

2.  The physical well being of prisoners shall be monitored during transit. Particular attention shall be directed to persons suspected of being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol or who have a history or propensity for violence.

E.  Prisoner Illness/Injury

1.  The following guidelines are for reporting prisoner injuries:

a)  All injuries or complaints of illness involving persons in a police incident will be documented in the DR and verbally communicated to receiving personnel.

b)  The prisoner’s complaints should be recorded in the prisoner’s own words as closely as practical.

c)  All pertinent observations as to the prisoner’s appearance, symptoms and/or behavior should be recorded.

d)  Photographs will be taken of the prisoner’s alleged injury even if no obvious injury is visible.

2.  The responsibility to provide care is as follows:

a)  If a prisoner in custody appears to be suffering from an illness or injury, or complains of illness or injury prior to booking, that employee will be responsible for taking appropriate action.

b)  If the prisoner is at a county jail, the jailer will take appropriate action.

3.  If a prisoner becomes ill or injured while in custody, the nature of the illness or injury will be determined. The paramedics will be requested and proper medical care obtained.

4.  Prisoners requiring time-critical emergency treatment will NOT be transported to jail prior to being taken to the hospital.

a)  A doctor must sign a release advising that the prisoner can be incarcerated.

b)  The prisoner will be accompanied by an officer when the prisoner is transported to a hospital in an ambulance. The guarding officer must remain with the prisoner at the hospital until properly relieved.

(1)  Officers will follow Utah County jail policy and procedures in regard to handling injured or sick prisoners.

5.  If incarceration is NOT medically authorized and the offense involved is a:

a)  Misdemeanor: Cite and release at the hospital. If the citation cannot be signed due to injuries, citations will not be issued. The necessary reports to obtain a complaint will be completed.

b)  Misdemeanor involving domestic violence or interfering with judicial proceedings by violating an order of protection: Accompany the ambulance with the prisoner to the emergency room and determine from the attending physician if injuries or illness require admittance. If the prisoner must be admitted a supervisor must be notified.

c)  Misdemeanor involving a DUI offense: Hospital personnel shall be requested to take two (2) vials of blood from the subject using blood collection kits. Blood samples will be forwarded to the Crime Lab via regular procedures. Cite and release.

d)  Felony: Approval shall be obtained from a supervisor to transport to the emergency room or to release the suspect and forward the report to the county attorney for a complaint.

6.  When a person is arrested for a misdemeanor offense and is suffering from a pre-existing illness, medical condition, and/or injury, a doctor's release will not be sought and the person will either be cited and released at the scene, or released and the necessary reports completed to obtain a complaint. The following exceptions apply:

a)  The arrested person will not be released at the scene if the misdemeanor involves domestic violence or DUI.

b)  The arrested person may be retained in custody with supervisory approval if the potential exists that the person would pose a substantial threat to himself or others if released at the scene.

7.  Obviously pregnant prisoners should be field released with the approval of a supervisor. The prisoner will be cited and released or a long form complaint filed after photos and fingerprints are taken. If a prisoner is to be booked and later indicates that she might be suffering a miscarriage or going into labor, paramedics will be called; they will make arrangements for an ambulance, if needed. A supplement shall be completed by the arresting officer.

8.  Diabetic prisoners shall be examined by paramedics. If it appears that the diabetes is not under control, the prisoner shall be released and transported by ambulance to a hospital for examination. NOTE: Persons suffering from diabetes may have an appearance commonly associated with intoxication from alcoholic beverages.

9.  If the prisoner has a blood alcohol reading of .30 or higher, paramedics will be called regardless of the suspect’s physical status. A doctor’s examination and release will be completed prior to booking. If it is a cite and release situation, the person to whom the suspect is released will be advised that medical attention should be sought due to the high alcohol level.

10.  Violent mentally ill prisoners who are a danger to themselves or others shall be taken directly to the Utah Valley Regional Medical Center for evaluation.

11.  If a prisoner becomes ill or injured while in the station, the officer will immediately request paramedics for treatment and notify the supervisor who will:

a)  Investigate the circumstances of the illness or injury.

b)  Assess the desirability of releasing the prisoner pending a complaint.

c)  Complete a report and forward a copy to the Chief of Police.

12.  If it is known that a prisoner is suffering from a highly contagious or potentially life-threatening disease they will not be brought to the police department. If their condition does not require immediate medical attention, the following guidelines should be used:

a)  Misdemeanor prisoners: Cite and release with supervisory approval after photographs and fingerprints are taken.

b)  Felony prisoners: Contact the Utah County jail for instructions.

c)  Officers should use caution in handling such prisoners and wear protective gloves when handcuffing and searching them.

d)  Officers will obtain as much information as possible about the prisoner’s condition (type of disease, potential for contracting it, etc.) and complete a memo to their supervisor documenting the circumstances of the contact.

13.  Physically handicapped prisoners will be transported in a car with a screen.

a)  Aids (wheel chairs, crutches, prosthetic devices, medication, etc.) will be handled as prisoner property. Such items should be transported with but not in the possession of the prisoner.

b)  Restraints, if used, will be consistent with the potential for violence and/or capability of escape of a handicapped prisoner.

14.  Information and Billing of Prisoners

a)  Costs for receiving emergency medical treatment are the prisoner’s responsibility. The University does not guarantee payment. An officer shall not say or sign anything that incurs a financial responsibility to the department or University without specific authorization. The University will not accept financial responsibility for any prisoner injuries that occurred prior to the arrest.