Church and Marketplace Re-Formation Conference
Conference ReportVer. 3.2
Foothills Conference Centre, Melbourne
5-7 February 2015
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About Us
Operations Team
Revival or Re-formation?
Church and State Re-Formation
Conference Template
Template Tool
2015 Conference Reports
Prayer and Worship Teams
Arts/Ent. Domain
Business Domain – 1
Business Domain – 2
Business Domain – 3
Church - 1
Church – 2
Education Domain
Government Domain
Health Domain
Justice Domain
Media Domain
NFP/Welfare Domain
Sport and Recreation Domain
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About Us
Global Marketplace Exchange (GME) is a coalition of Kingdom Partners (KP) dedicated to glorifying Jesusin every domain of our city and nation (John 17:18-23, Colossians 1:15-20).
Kingdom Partners are nodes in the net of the kingdom of God spread across church and marketplace domains. We work by relationship and referral as distinct to independence and competition. Every partner is committed to the success of every other partner under God.
GME builds relationships that collaborate in the exchange ofideas, referrals, connectivity, experience, resources and mutual support.
GMEis a pioneering contributor toChurch and Marketplace re-formationto bless our nation under God (Gen 1:28, Psalm 33:12).
Operations Team
Founder/Director: Capt. Peter Kentley
Conference Facilitator: Edmund Koza
IT Architecture: Stuart MacLean
Learning & Development: Dr Albert Haddad
Planning & Logistics: Ian Pattie
Contributing Coordinators:
Adelaide: Mark Mudri
Business: John Lockwood
Church: Dr Sean Morris
Congress WBN: Peter Njoroge
Perth: Ps Margaret Court
Prayer: Terry Slater
Purpose & Vision: Ps Asoka Perera
Quo Vadis: Ken Fish, Los Angeles
Strategy: Dr Elijah Low, Dallas
Around 180 leaders attended this first GME conference from all States and Territories of Australia except the NT. These included:
Director of Christian Artists Factory and representatives of Candlelight.
Some 40 leaders from key Christian business groups across the nation including: Kingdom Builders, Kingdom Investors, FGBA, ICCC, and Congress-WBN.
Leaders from Southern Cross Network, International Network of Churches, Casey Pastors Network and apologies from Ps Margaret Court (VLC churches in 23 countries) and many others.
Some 30 Christian leaders including principles of two Bible Colleges. Workshop coordinator: Dr Neville Carr.
Director of Focus on the Family.
Local parliamentary representatives, VIC Director of Family Voice and some 20 other involved parties.
President of Vic Branch of the Christian Medical & Dental Fellowship of Australia, and the Director of Medicine with Morality.
Vic President of Christian Legal Society, other key lawyers from ADL and CBR.
CEO of Christian Media Australia
Director of Teen Challenge,ED Delgarno Institute.
Director of Sports Chaplaincy Australia.
Appendix- The Bounty Story.
In this conference the term “domains” can be read synonymously with parallelterms such as Gates, Cultural Mountains, Sectors or Spheres of Influence. Where a domain of society honours the supremacy of Christ it becomes a King’s Domain or kingdom where “your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt 6:10, Col 1:15-20). Similarly the terms “State” and “Marketplace” are usedinterchangeably in thisconference.
Revival or Re-formation?
History tells us that revivals are relatively short lived and often leave communities in worse shape than before they began (Matthew 12:43-45). Unless there is re-formation where the culture is cleaned up and occupiedby kingdom people (Gen 1:28) the culture of the marketplace revertsto disorder and overwhelms the church.
Church and State Re-Formation
By this we do not mean a continuation of the reformation started byMartin Luther’s 1517 ninety five theses. That protest is now over with the 1999Lutheran World Federation and Catholic Church's joint declaration on the doctrine of justification.
The re-formation we are seeking comes out of the reality that the western church is losing the battle with culture over the pre-eminence of Christ in our cities and nations (Col 1:15-20). When an army is losing a battle it needs to withdraw and re-form by re-arming, bringing in fresh troops and re-strategisinghow to win the war. And winwe will because it is written:Daniel 7:21-22, Rev 13:7 and 17:12-14. Thisbattle plan of re-formation drives the conference.
But re-form to what? The answer to this critical question is foundin re-discovery of what Jesus meant in the establishment of his “ecclesia” in Matt 16:13-20. Theecclesia of Jesus -
- hear and understandthe Great Command, the Great Commission, the Lord’s Prayer and Jesus’ prayer of John 17;
- commit to live according to these principles.
- committo work together to provide everyday leadership based on these principles of the Kingdomso as to produce good fruit that lasts (Matt 13:23, John 15:16).
Conference Template
20 Year Vision
Discover your organisation’s domain purpose in the context of a 20 year vision where we imagine that Christ has returned. What would your domain look like as a King’s domain rather than a secular sphere? Write a 200 word descriptor of this vision as a work in progress.
Current Year Objectives
What are two current year domain objectivesthat your organisation is working towards in the context of your 20 year vision?
Convergence Objectives
What are our two highest priority national objectivesthat can only be achieved if three of more domains work in collaboration?
Domain Cultural Influence
What is the peak body to which yourgroup must become a respected contributor if it is to bring kingdom influence to your domain?
Who, When, Where
Nominate a team of three leaders from your domain who will represent your group as conference representatives. Make a plan to determine who, when and where they will meet to catalyse and pursue with clarity and perseverance your:
- domain objectives
- convergence objectives
- proposals to the annual conference.
Template Tool
PPotential Key Objective:what are you working towards as an organisation?
RRewards: who wins, outline the benefits, what fruit does the kingdom produce?
IImplications: who should be involved and whatare the resourcesand +/- risks?
SSolutions: what is your joint approach to achieving your objective(s)?
MMovement:who does what, where and when?
2015 Conference Reports
Prayerand Worship Teams
Convenor Observations
This conference account is intentionally led by the prayer and worship report to reflect the way the armies of the Lord enter battle.
From the convenor’s perspective this was the best prepared and prayer covered conference in his experience. The time, dedication and passion for prayer was outstanding both before, during and after the event. There were guidance, healing, releasing and reconciliations throughout the conference. Hearty thanks and congratulations to the prayer co-ordinator and every member of this fantastic team.
On Friday night the worship intentionally changed the focus from strategy to worship. This was the plan of the conference for a symphony in three movements: Thursday story-telling and support; Friday seeking practical strategy under the leading of the Holy Spirit; Friday night and Saturdaystrategic feedback, discovery, prayer and worship.
From the Heart of God – by Jill Curry
There are three things from the conference that I felt came from the heart of God via the hearts of people that we must not lose sight of but continue to address and pray into:
- The cry from God’s heart onabortion that culminated in the prophetic act of forming an arrow with the blowing the shofar at the head of the arrow. This needs to be taken up by the health sector with others supporting (Ex 2:13, Lev 20:1-4, Jer 1:5, Ezek 16:20.21 &36, Ezek Ch9, Matt 5:17-21, John 10:10).
- The cry from the heart of an attendee whose son had been caught up in a homosexual relationship. This needs to be taken up by the family sector with others supporting.
- The cry from the heart re the importance of putting Israel into its rightful place in God’s perspective of His end-time movements in the earth. The church should be carrying this burden but it is not in a position to do this where it follows replacement theology. We need continuing prayer for a shift in the wider churches understanding on Israel. In the meantime this is carried by thosewho share this burden.
Dr Elijah LowGrow World
The overall GME was a success at:
- Bringing a diverse group of Christian leaders together from the domains.
- Seeding a vision of transforming Australia
However, some changes will be needed to improve on its ability to:
- Create cross domain synergistic groups
- Create strategic objectives
- Create strategy around those objectives
- Structure the groups going forward
The changes suggested draws upon two successful innovations that uses synergistic cross functional teams: The Bionic Ear and the Convergence research at the Weiss Foundation, Harvard University.
Objectives and strategy should not be created within the domains. This became hugely evident in the church domain group where the members got into a huge debate around the objectives. It is not the debate that is concerning, but rather the process that demonstrates that the debate itself doesn’t produce a better outcome. At best you will end up with a compromise set of objectives that will neither inspire nor improve the world and at worst it will undo the unity of the convergence. Objectives and strategy require a cross functional team to develop. For example, a team of doctors could not develop the organ-on-a-chip innovation but rather, it needed a cross functional team of doctors, IT, Engineering, and other skills to develop objectives and strategy around its development.
Objectives should be compatible with the revelation of the vision the Lord has given for the new earth (Isaiah 65). Otherwise we can end up with a list of problems that needs fixing. Christian need to become known for progressing vision towards a better world rather than just being against policy.
Elijah’s proposed structure for conference process are outlined in a separate document.
You are invited to click the following link to listen to Dr Low’s insights on a Kingdom basis for long term economic and spiritual development:
Arts/Ent. Domain
Dee KaylockCAF Network/Sounds of the Nations
It was great to have met with over 40 leaders in the Arts Domain at a National Arts Summit December2014, and I was able to introduce a couple of the vision statements developed from that conversation. I believe in the idea of the exchange and think we need to ensure we get more of those with a Kingdom mindset around the table. I gave the group a choice of 4 Point statements and they chose one to work on (arts and justice). They reworded it to their satisfaction to make it more closely aligned to those gathered around the table without losing the essence. The following is the result and we ended up with 2 streams from the one point.
The first stream is Entertainment and refers to artists creating high quality issue based work in multiple mainstream forums. These forums include Theatres, Studios, & broadcast channels. This stream is where the general public come face to face with their humanity, poverty of spirit, and soul (or the flesh).
The second stream is Community Development and refers to artists engaging with marginalised groups or communities and assisting them in creating platforms to have their story heard and respected. It sits more in a sociological & therapeutic model where the community dreams of a new reality and begins a process of redeeming their identity through life, hope, and wholeness. Both require artistic excellence and engagement and both require the other. A good example is the Choir of Hard Knocks.
P –Potential Key Objective
Integrating Arts Practitioners into local and global community development at all levels to engage equip and empower people to express their gifts and transform their communities in sustainable ways as an expression of their identity in Gods Kingdom.
R - Rewards
- Engage mainstream audiences in transformational thinking through high quality work
- Shifting public perception away from helplessness to hopefulness and action
- re framing the meta narrative through the telling of stories in all art forms
- Changing the perception of the church from distant charity to active engagement
- Artists are funded to invest appropriate amounts of time and energy into developing quality work/projects with measurable outcomes.
Community Development
- Empowerment of the marginalised groups within our society.
- The development of a “culture of others” nurtured and embedded in churches and artists.
- Community - self determination
- Healing and restoration of God given identity.
- Change of conduct in community-transforming a township, subculture or people group.
Belonging - being nurtured and developed which leads to believing and encounter with the Father.
I – Implications
- Education through the arts as an expression not a weapon.
- Artists understood as missionaries into culture.
- Church restored as patrons.
- Businesses committing part of their annual budget to measurable cultural/social justice outcomes i.e. Bendigo Bank.
Community Development
- Improved sustainability.
- Education for all stakeholders.
- Reallocation of time and resources.
S – Solutions
- Church & Businesses partner with artists in development stages
- Development of a culture of honour.
- Excellence in processes and product
Community Development
- Church & Businesses partner with artists in development stages.
- Must be a relational.
- Understanding of a long term process.
- Understanding of transformation and redeeming imagination to envision a different future.
- Impartation rather than an Import mindset.
M – Movement
Entertainment & Community Development
- Artists need to be trained up in both Skills and Spiritual/theological principles
- Education of the churches in Cultural engagement (speak the language of culture)
- Networking across all domains - business, Govt, Ed, Media, Health, Justice etc.
- Identify and establish relationships with like-minded key stakeholders such as church leaders, artists, community based organisations, (Australia Together, Grasstree, Surrender, TEAR)
- Education of artists through existing organisations: VCA, NICA, CAF, SOTN, CP, Whitely, Tabor, MST, 3 Darts.
- Identify key funding bodies for seed and development funding.
Business Domain– 1
Dave HodgsonCEO Paladin Group
Overall Objective
To help Australia achieve her destiny to be a “Sheep Nation” in ten years (Matt 25:53).
Broad Description
It is critical that business people understand exactly where they are going to contribute to the future of this nation. There can be no vagaries or ambiguity with something so important. They will need to be able to defend and promote their vision to the secular world. They will need to fight to dislodge Babylon which has held dominion and remained largely unchallenged in the marketplace for three thousand years since the days after Solomon in the 10th Century, BC. They will need to defeat this entrenched enemy and replace it with the economy of the Kingdom of God. Above all they will need to OCCUPY the territory they take so that Babylon is utterly ousted (Principle: Matt 12:43-45).
Further to this we took some time to describe the enemy that holds this territory. Quite literally the vast majority of Christian business people have no idea what the enemy looks like and as such they are part of the problem.
To this end we discussed the concept as portrayed by Jesus in Matt 25, and by the Prophet in Isaiah 58:3-12 whereby there existed a world withoutthe hungry (starvation, disease from malnutrition), the homeless and the naked (destitution, poverty, unemployment, prostitution), strangers (refugees of which there are now many millions), falsely accused (political prisoners, religious prisoners, prisoners as a result of corrupt leaders), the abused (sex slaves, human trafficking, violence, crime, domestic violence, drugs, substance abuse, suicide.)
We agreed that this is the kind of society where all of the social and moral infrastructure that the Lord has longed for, for thousands of years, had been ushered into the earth - so that we had a model of the Kingdom of God which could be used as a benchmark for other nations.
Isaiah 58 and Australia
We explored why this haschange needs to happen in Australia:
- because Australia is a very significant nation in the developed world
- it is the 12th economy on earth
- it has the 6th most traded currency
- it is the closest ally to world’s greatest power
- it is a world leader in sport and many other domains
- And yet we are only 23 million people.
Therefore in order to reach a tipping point to create a change in culture we only need to win over around 6% - in other words less than 1.5 million domain people.
There are other countries with small populations which could be change, but they are not as significant as Australia and it would be unlikely that they would be viewed as a benchmark by the larger nations who must also be won over once the “proof of concept” has been established in Australia.
We agreed that the “Kingdom of God” simply means “doing things God’s way” and therefore if “Your Kingdom come”, and “Your will be done”, then business people would need to do business God’s way for a Sheep Nation to be developed.
Finally to achieve this objective we needpeople who believe it is doable and that we have no other option – THIS MUST BE DONE. This was agreed in our round table group.
P – Potential Key Objective
To create Sheep nation per Matt 25:31-33.
R- Rewards
If we can build a sheep nation all residents of this nation will benefit - unemployment down to 1%, unfunded liabilities down to zero, homelessness down to zero, domestic violence eliminated, sex slavery and human trafficking eliminated, crime reduced, substance abuse reduced, suicide eliminated, etc.
I – Implications
The current “Babylonian” system of economics is broken. We all felt a foretaste of this in the 2008 GFC. This failed system is combined with a Western Church built on Greek Philosophy rather than Hebraic roots. Only a re-formation of church and marketplace can usher in the Kingdom foundations of a Sheep nation that prepares the way for the return of Christ.