Everyone is welcome to the Ban Righ Centre’s Noon hour talks. Count on good company, stimulating conversation and a bowl of hot homemade soup for a small donation! Expand your mind in the comfort of our cozy Jean Royce Lounge.

Wednesday January 14. Emotional Intelligence ~Elspeth Christie: Learning Strategies Outreach Coordinator

Emotional Intelligence has nothing to do with IQ, or how clever you are, but everything to do with how self-aware you are and how you interact with others. Why bother with EI? Recent research has shown that EI is twice as important as IQ in determining future career success. And the really good news is that it can be developed. This talk will introduce you to the components of Emotional Intelligence and suggest strategies to enhance your own Emotional Intelligence.

Tuesday January 20. Veiled Politics: Racializing Islam Post 9/11~ Dana Olwan: PhD Candidate, Department of English.

Dana will examine recent debates on the practice of veiling in Islam. She will address the following questions: What are the politics of the contemporary focus on the veil? How are we to understand this focus in relation to Muslim women's racial difference? How does the racialization of Islam determine the perception of Muslim women? And in what ways has contemporary political discourse surrounding Muslim women been influenced by 9/11 and the 'war on terror'?

Thursday January 22. Queer and Religious, What’s A Girl To Do?~ Leanne Lieberman: Author

Leanne Lieberman is the author of Gravity, a novel about an orthodox Jewish girl who falls in love with another girl. Leanne will read from her novel, and speakabout how she came to came to write it. She will also discuss some Jewish responses to homosexuality.

Thursday February 5. A Summer at Climate Change Ground Zero~Fiona Gregory: MSc. Candidate, Geography

Geography graduate student Fiona Gregory will show slides and talk about her summer of field work studying carbon dioxide exchange in different types of arctic vegetation while living in a remote field camp on Melville Island, Nunavut.

Monday February 9. What Should Women Read?~ Rose DeShaw:Bookseller-Poet

Leading up to International Women's Day, Rose De Shaw: Bookseller/Poet will take a look at Chick Lit versus Snot Lit. Could one exist without the other? Should one exist at all? Women as chicks. Is this a put-down or an opportunity? Books as guilt. Who makes the rules?

Wednesday February 18. Getting to Green - Easy Sustainable Steps~Gerrie Baker: Sustainable Farmer

In this presentation, Gerrie Baker, fondly known to school children as ‘The Worm Lady’ will describe how everyone can reduce their carbon footprint by sending zero organicwaste to landfill. From tiny apartment indoor systems to large scale outdoor home and institutional units the little red wiggler earthworm can effectively manage the organic waste. Never purchase potting soil or fertilizer again, have healthy vibrant plants, learn and then teach the healthy soil food web and feel the joy of being a part of the solution.

Monday March 2. Kuffiyeh Kinderlach~ Pansee Atta:Artist

Pansee’s art work will be displayed in the Jean Royce Lounge (32 Bader Lane) December 11, 2008- March 2.

Few symbols have become more politically entrenched than the kuffiyeh, a simple, checkered, Palestinian scarf. By making visual and political links between seemingly unrelated characters, Kuffiyeh Kinderlach tracks how dramatically the meaning of a symbol can change as context is altered.

Wednesday March 11. My Gift Wrapped in Barbed Wire ~ Lisa Tugnette: Author and Speaker
When Lisa Tugnette was diagnosed with breast cancer on the same day as her mother, she became the fourth woman in three generations of her family to face the cruel disease. In the months that followed, she lost both of her breasts, and as a result, suffered from depression and crippling self-doubt about her femininity and sexuality. Lisa takes you along on a journey ofhope, healing and self-discovery while learning to love her altered body, scars and all.

Tuesday March 17. A Woman’s Artistic and Athletic Journey~ Wendy Moore: Musician, Writer and Triathlete

Musician, writer, and triathlete Wendy Moore will talk about her rather unconventional journey as a successful performing musician, teacher, writer, and triathlete. As founder and lead performer of a multi-faceted educational and entertaining music-focused show for children, The Celtic Rathskallions, Wendy will discuss her career past and present. Visit her web site

Wednesday April 15. The Anxiety of Fear ~ Kim Armstrong: Artist

Kim’s art work will be displayed in the Jean Royce Lounge (32 Bader Lane) March 3 - April 15. Her talk will explore the process of the art work, the notion of the internal conversation occurring within the portraits, and the idea of fear's power via individual anxiety.