Brief Report
Training on ERP and Networking for FCBL Operated Depots/ Retails
FCBL was confronted to a growing need for a web-based ERP solution taking into considerations the risks factors in handling of the huge stocks and cash throughout the its distributed warehouse and depots within the country. The capability to generate the relevant and real time information to support the business activities and decisions had become the very need for corporation with the expansion of the business. Therefore FCBL had undertaken the development of the web based ERP to integrate all the business activities and functions under one ERP network in a phase wise manner.
The stock accounting module has already undergone the testing and has been implemented parallel with the existing system at the regional offices for quite some time now and is intended to be implemented across all the FCBL Depots/Farm Shops for which user trainings and education for the end users is considered as one of the most important factor in implementing the ongoing ERP.
Need and Objectives
The training need is based on the technology shift of the corporation towards the centralised web-based technology from the existing distributed database technology and is intended towards the capacity building of the ERP users with the following objectives:
- To make the end-users feel that they are the most important asset of the corporation in discharging the customer service through the use of ERP.
- To impart skills to the end users in the understanding and application of various features, functions and modules of the ERP.
- To successfully decentralise and implement data operations at Regional.
The existing Drukfood Inventory System has limitations in terms of compatibility with the new versions of the MS Windows Operating Systems and is too rigid to accommodate the increasing business funtions like Farm Shops and RNR activities.
Over the years of time of its inception since 2006, the data accumulation and database load has significantly decreased the performance of the system and has become a bottleneck in terms of efficiency and information sharing. Therefore, implementation of the new ERP has become immediate need for the corporation.
Expected Outcome
The following were the outcomes of the trainings.
- Team building amongst the Farm Shop Focal Persons and Farm Shop Data Operators.
- Self-confidence among the end users to take the ERP to next level.
- Hands on input of Stock Opening Balances during the time of training.
- To go back to their respective regions and start the application of stock accounting through the new ERP.
- Integrated business functions and real time information sharing across all FCBL Locations
The participants were the Depot managers and relevant users across all FCBL Regions. Total of 30 participants attended the training, which consisted of 13 males and 17 females.
Venue and Hall Set Up
The traning was organised at the FCBL Corporate Head Office Conference Hall. The hall was set up to a local area network (LAN) and a total of 15 laptops/computers were connected to the LAN with the supply of a dedicated 3 mbps internet line. The laptops and computers were arranged by the ICT Division.
Dates and Program Schedules
The training was scheduled for three consecutive working days starting 23rdto 25thMarch 2017. The details of the Training Structure is provided in Annexure-1.
Total Expenses Involvement
The sum of Nu. 180,850.00 (One Hundred Eighty Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty) was spent into successfully conducting the event. The details are as tabulated as below.
Sl. No / Particular / Total Expenses1 / Travel-Incountry Expenses / 124,615.00
2 / Hospitality & Entertainment (Lunch) / 32,025.00
3 / Hospitality & Entertainment Dinner / 24,210.00
Total / 180,850.00
The ICT Divison would like to thank the FCBL Management for sourccing the financial fund support from CARLEP, MoAF for the above trainings. We also would like to acknowledge CARLEP for the fund released without which it would not have been possible to organise the training.
Annexure-I: Agenda
DAY 1Inaugural Session / Resource Person(s)
9.00 - 9:30 AM / Registration of Participants
9:30 - 9:45 AM / Welcome Address /Remarks / Chief Executive Officer,FCBL
9:45 - 10:00 AM / Introduction of new FCBL ERP (Development Platforms, Relational Database and Web-based Architecture) / Mr. Karma Dhendup, CEO, AthangIctech
10:00 - 10:30 AM / Photo Session followed by Tea Break
Technical Session
10:30 - 1:00 PM / Introduction to System Setup, Financial Accounting, Human Resource, Stock Inventory, Purchase of Stock, Costings, Sales of Stock, Reports / Mr.SonamChophel, AthangIctech
1:00 - 2:00 PM / Lunch Break
2:00 - 2:15 PM / Introduction of Stock Inventory / Mr.SonamChophel, AthangIctech
2:15 - 3:00 AM / Practical Demo- Stock Dispatch Receipt / Mr.JitBdr. Biswa, Head ICT
3:00 - 3:15 PM / Introduction of Sales of Stock & End of Sales / Mr.SonamChophel, AthangIctech
3:15 - 4;00 PM / Practical Demo- Sales of Stock & End of Sales / Mr.JitBdr. Biswa, Head ICT
4:00 - 4:15 PM / Introduction of Receipt and Fund Transfer / Mr.SonamChophel, AthangIctech
4:15 - 5:00 PM / Practical Demo- Receipts and Fund Transfer / Mr.JitBdr. Biswa, Head ICT
5:00 PM / Reporting (Stock Movement, Sales Register & Cash Book) / Mr.SonamChophel, AthangIctech
9:00 - 9:20 AM / Practical Demo-Stock Opening Balance / Mr.SonamChophel, AthangIctech
9:20 - 1:00 PM / Input of respective Depot Stock Opening Balances / Respective Depot Incharges
1:00 - 2:00 PM / Lunch Break
2:00 - 4:00 PM / Input of Respective Depot Stock Opening Balances Continues / Respective Depot Incharges
9:00 - 11:00 AM / Verification of Stock Opening Balances / Respective Depot Incharges
11:00 - 1:00 PM / Correction of Data Entries and Finalization / Athang Team and ICT Team
1:00 - 2:00 PM / Lunch Break
2:00 - 3:00 PM / Discussions-Issues & Views form Depot Incharges
3:00 - 4:00 PM / Breifing on the RNR Activities / Mr. Tsheting Dorji (AMSD)
4:00 - 4:15 PM / Vote of Thanks from ICT / Mrs. SonamPemo
Annexure- II: Participant list
Sl.No. / Name / Gender / Location/ Depot1 / LungtenThinley / M / Bumthang
2 / Tashi Wangchuk / M / Dagapela
3 / SonamTobgay / M / Daifam
4 / Sangay Wangmo / F / Damphu
5 / SonamDema / F / Gelephu Bulk
6 / BirkhaBdr. Darjee / M / Gorgon
7 / TshewangTobgay / M / Khangma
8 / Dechen Wangmo / F / Khuruthang
9 / ChimiZangmo / F / Mongar
10 / Tashi Dorji / M / Nganglam
11 / SonamZangmo / F / Nangkor
12 / Phub Dem / F / Paro
13 / DewantiChettri / F / Pling Bulk
14 / Yeshey / M / Pling Bulk
15 / ChenchoZam / F / Pling
16 / PemDema / F / Rangjung
17 / Pema Choidup / M / Sjongkhar Bulk
18 / TashiLhamo / F / Samtse
19 / Dawa Tshering / M / Sarpang
20 / Sangay Dema / F / Babesa
21 / Daza / M / Thimphu Bulk
22 / Rinzin / M / Trashigang
23 / Lemo / F / Trongsa
24 / SonamPhuntsho / M / Wamrong
25 / Dhatrika Devi / F / Wangdi
26 / Tshering Dema / F / Paro Retail
27 / Chime Lhadon / F / Pling Retail
28 / Sunil M Tamang / M / Tyangtse
29 / NgawangChoden / F / Thimphu Retail, Changjiji
30 / Damcho Wangmo / F / Trongsa Retail
31 / Jit Bdr. Biswa / M / ICT division; Resource Person
32 / Chewangdorji / M / ICT division; Resource Person
33 / SonamPemo / F / ICT division; Resource Person
34 / SonamChophel / M / Athang ; Resource Person
35 / Pema Lerab / M / Athang; Resource Person