By: Sally Brewer
You have been reading the novel Belle Prater’s Boy by Ruth White. It is a fiction book set in the 1950’s in Coal Station, Virginia. The main character, Gypsy, has come down with the disease called the measles. Have you ever known anyone with the measles? Probably not. Fortunately there is a measles vaccine to prevent the spread of this potentially deadly disease. So, why did Gypsy contract the measles, and why haven’t you? By the time you finish this webquest, you will know the answer to this question.
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Parents in your school district would benefit from more information about the measles, the MMR vaccine, and the requirements for immunization. Your group is going to develop an informative brochure about measles using Microsoft Publisher. Each person in your group will assume a different role and responsibility. The doctor will be the expert on the disease, the schoolnurse will be the expert on the vaccine, and the graphic designer will be in charge of the design, pictures, and graphs.
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- You will be working in groups of three. Each person needs to start off by learning some background information about the measles. Go to the following website:
Get out a piece of paper and a pencil so that you can take notes! Each team member will have to
turn in this “fact sheet” that lists all the things you discovered and learned as you did your
- Here are some questions for each of you to think about as you’re doing your research. Continue to fill out your fact sheet.
How does a person get the measles?
What are the symptoms of the measles?
How long do the measles last?
Is there a treatment or cure for the measles?
Who is your audience going to be?
School Nurse
What is the MMR vaccine?
When was it invented?
Are there any side effects?
At what ages should children receive this immunization?
How much has the introduction of the measles vaccine reduced the number of measles cases in the United States?
Who is your audience going to be?
Graphic Designer
Are there any graphs/data to illustrate the occurrence of measles or the effects of the vaccine?
Are there any pictures to illustrate this?
What should be the layout of your group’s brochure?
How can you make your brochure visually appealing?
Who is your audience going to be?
- Doctor, Nurse, Graphic Designer -- It’s time to come back together as a group! Share all the information you have learned (as indicated on your fact sheet). Listen closely to each other and ask questions if there is something you’re unclear about. Then individually take the 5 question quiz at the following website, and report your results to the teacher:
- With the graphic designer acting as the leader of your group now, decide which information will go in your brochure, where it will go, etc. Keep in mind who your audience is going to be. Please use the rubric as a guide since this is how you will be evaluated!
- Once you have collaborated on the specific layout and content of your brochure, please see the teacher. The teacher will send your group to the computer lab so that you may type your final product using Microsoft Publisher.
- When your brochure is complete, remember to save it to your file. Please revisit the rubric to be
sure that this is your best work! Turn in your final brochure and your fact sheet.
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Measles information
Measles in 1999
Measles in 2000
Measles Incidence
Measles History/Outbreaks
Department of Human Services – Immunizations
Recommended Childhood Immunizations
MMR Vaccine
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“Gypsy’s Germs” Rubric
Novice1 / Apprentice
2 / Proficient
3 / Distinguished
4 / Score
Fact sheet and quiz / Student submits a fact sheet with little or no information about the measles and his/her area of expertise. Quiz score is 0 or 1 out of 5 correct. / Student submits a fact sheet with a few useful items of information about the measles and his/her area of expertise. Quiz score is 2 or 3 out of 5 correct. / Student submits a complete, useful fact sheet about the measles and his/her specific area of expertise. Quiz score is 3 or 4 out of 5 correct. / Student submits a complete, detailed fact sheet about the measles and his/her specific area of expertise. Quiz score is 4 or 5 out of 5 correct.
Role Responsibilities / Student doesn’t follow through with his/her responsibilities as the doctor, nurse, or graphic designer. / Student shows some effort to obtain necessary information and develop brochure ideas as the doctor, nurse, or graphic designer. / Student obtains all necessary information and develops
brochure ideas effectively as the doctor, nurse, or graphic designer. / Student is very resourceful in obtaining excellent information and developing useful ideas for the brochure as the doctor, nurse, or graphic designer. Student may utilize resources beyond those provided in this webquest.
(as observed by teacher observation and group evaluations) / Student does not communicate with group members OR he/she doesn’t cooperate with the group. / Student displays some effort to collaborate with the group to make the brochure. / Student participates willingly with the group in sharing ideas/information and making the brochure. / Student participates fully with the group in sharing ideas/information and making the brochure. He/She acts as an encourager with other group members to promote teamwork and a quality brochure.
Brochure / The brochure presents little information about the measles and it is not organized. The sense of purpose and audience are non-existent. / The brochure is somewhat organized but lacks creativity and shows minimal effort. Some evidence of purpose and audience are present. / The brochure is very informative and organized. It contains some graphics and headings. There is a clear awareness of purpose and audience. / The brochure is very informative, organized, and appealing. It contains useful graphics and headings. There is a definite awareness of purpose and a specific audience.
Written by Sally Brewer, last updated 7-25-02
You should now understand why the main character Gypsy may have contracted the measles. You have become experts on this disease, the MMR vaccine, and the making of a brochure. It took teamwork, time, and a great deal of effort, but you did it! Congratulations on your success with the webquest.
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White, R. (1996). Belle Prater’s Boy. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell.
National Health Standard number 1:
Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention.
Kentucky’s Practical Living Core Content:
PL-M-1.3.2 Knowledge of the transmission and prevention of communicable diseases and personal illnesses contributes to the health of the community.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for this webquest, feel free to email me:
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