Hope everyone is well and looking forward to a long weekend with Monday off from school. A nice break, especially since we haven’t had any snow days. 

A special thanks to Lisa and William Dull for organizing Reynolds Revue. They did a fabulous job. It was a very informative evening and a great celebration of all the good news at ReynoldsHigh School. All the performers did so well and the student panel shined as always. We thank Dr. Paschal, counselors, teachers and coaches for staying late to talk with new and current students. Thank you to everyone for the role you played to make it a great night celebrating RJR!

Congratulations to sophomore Elizabeth Wallace for winning the student contest to list the top ten reasons why RJR is great. Elizabeth did a great job presenting her list at Reynolds Revue. The audience loved it!

Registration for next year’s classes continues to move forward. Students received their registration booklets on Monday. Parents, please make sure your student knows when their scheduled appointment is with their counselor. It is very important for students to come prepared to meet with their counselor.

On Tuesday, the PTSA celebrated Valentine’s Day by setting up a special soup lunch for our teachers in the foods room. The room was transformed into a café complete with decorations and homemade soups, desserts and more. Many thanks to Sue Evans for coordinating the effort and the 40 plus volunteers who contributed!

Spring sports started this week while winter sports are winding down. Both the boys and girls basketball teams qualified for the state playoffs. Congratulations basketball coaches and players – let’s keep these great seasons going!


Jean Anne and Scott Semke

PTSA Co-Presidents

This week, our PTSA volunteers in the spotlight are Gina and Mark Caudill. The Caudills do so very much at Reynolds it is impossible to list all their volunteer efforts. Much of their work is done out of the spotlight and behind the scenes, including Gina, who graciously proofreads the electronic newsletter every single week! They support the track team in many ways and last year they served as Legacy Campaign chair couple. These are just some of the ways the Caudills contribute their time and talents to RJR, but there are many, many more contributions. They are the proud parents of three daughters – RJR graduate Christian (’10), Anna, a junior and Virginia who will be in the freshman class this fall. Thank you Gina and Mark for your tremendous support of all that goes on at RJR. You work to improve the school for ALL Reynolds students and we are very appreciative of your efforts!

The staff at Reynolds will be getting a new email system. While their addresses will not change, the installation of the system will take place Feb. 17-Feb. 21. During this period not only will the staff not have access to email, they will never receive an email sent in that four-day period. Please wait until Feb. 22 to email a staff member. Thank you.

The deadline for purchasing yearbooks has been extended.You may purchase one by going online to YearbookOrderCenter.com or by calling 1.866.287.3096. The order number is 10595 and you will need this for either option. Order your copy of the RJR yearbook today!

Your gift makes a difference…and every gift counts!

Teachers….thank you for your SIT requests! On Monday, February 13th, the R.J.ReynoldsSchool Improvement Team met for the fourth time this school year and once again, we were able to provide our teachers with the tools they need to enhance our students’ learning and creative experiences! Check out all the “Valentine’s Day” wishes that were granted – more than $13,000 in all!

Computer speakers / Physical map of the world / Flip video recorders
Science lab equipment and supplies / Classroom periodic table / Whiteboards for math students
Pencils and markers / Wireless network adaptors / Classroom CD player
Paper trimmer / Pencil sharpener / Ink & paper for printers
Ink cartridges for printers / Printer for ESL classes / 3-hole punch
Educational conference and class fees to enhance our teachers’ skills / Funds to be used for new performance uniforms for our outstanding choruses / DVDs to enhance and supplement required reading
“Action” and “Choices” magazine subscriptions for the Family & Consumer Science classes / Multiple classroom libraries for both English and Spanish classes / Six 5-gallon containers of wallpaper paste for those awesome art projects you see around the school!

We are so thankful to our many, many generous donors who made it possible for us to “grant” these wishes!

We’re also thrilled to announce our new total….

$119,730 from 244 donors!

We are SO close to $120,000! Send in your donation TODAY…it could literally be the one that gets us to our new goal!

Please contact us at if you have any Legacy questions!

--Lisa and Greg Carter


It's still NOT too late to get organized... Agenda books are NOW FREE, while supplies last!We also have plenty of the RJR cookbook, “Amid the Pines” for only $12.Remember…we are open Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:00 to 2:00. If you are interested in working in the shop, please contact Lisa Rowell at .

The RJR Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following slate of officers for the 2012-2013 school year:
Presidents:Lisa and William Dull
1st Vice Presidents: Lisa and Greg Carter
2nd Vice Presidents: Jean Anne and Scott Semke
Treasurer: David Hinton
Secretary:Tara Jolley
The slate was approved by the PTSA Board at the January meeting and was voted on at the general PTSA meeting during the Reynolds Revue.
Thanks to the nominating committee for its work in creating the slate of officers and to the parents for being willing to serve.

Congratulations to R.J.ReynoldsHigh School Student of the Week Joan Benedictos.Joan is being recognized by Coach Hayes for her "determination to succeed." Congratulations, Joan, and thanks for making RJR great!

Congratulations to R.J. Reynolds Teacher of the Month Ashley Hurst. He is being recognized for demonstrating the commitments that RJR teachers have adopted which include: Model professional behavior. Maintain an environment that promotes learning. Provide productive, challenging instruction that engages all learners. Collaborate and communicate with you. Expect greatness.

Registration is off to a great start! In fact, it is better than
great! We are so thankful to our parent volunteers and cannot thank
them enough for their time and dedication. Thank you especially to
Lisa Dull and Shannon Rainey. We have met with over 200 students and thus have registered over 10% of our student body. Hopefully, you are seeing your students' schedules as they bring them home.

Several of you have accompanied your students to their appointments and I hope you have found the experience to be informative and efficient. Please continue to encourage your students to come to their appointments. The students are well-prepared and thank you for helping them in advance with the process. Remember - the final date for changes to schedules is March 16th!

February 24-25:All-District Band Clinic at Appalachian StateUniversity

March 1st: WSFC Band Preview Concert at ReaganHigh School at 4:45

March 2-4: Western Region Orchestra Clinic at Appalachian StateUniversity

March 14th or 15th: North Carolina State Music Performance Adjudication event in Hickory, North Carolina

March 29th - April 4th:Disney/Universal Studios Trip

February 23rd:2nd Payment due

March 14th: Final Payment due

Questions? Please contact Mr. James at .

A free ACT strategy session will be offered to juniors only who are taking the March 6 ACT at Reynolds on Monday, February 27 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the RJR media center. To sign up, email Kim Jackson at .

On March 17, a practice ACT will be offered to any Reynolds student who is interested. Space is limited, so please contact Kim if you are interested in signing up or have questions.

The 2012 RJR Academic Team is coached by the following teachers:

Science - Tim Scott (RJRadviser)

English - Nikel Bussolati

Math - Sue Freitag

Social Studies - David Friedman

General Knowledge - Scottie House & Nicole Beale

Matches begin at approximately 4:20 in the library and last 1-1.5 hours. Come and see our talented students. Schedule is as follows:

2012 Academic Match Schedule
Date / School (visitor) / School (HOME) / Score Results
1-Feb / RJR vs / W. Forsyth / Won : 251-166
8-Feb / Glenn vs / RJR (HOME - Library) / Won: 287-156
15-Feb / RJR vs / Parkland / Won: 249-204
22-Feb / Atkins vs / RJR (HOME - Library)
29-Feb / Reagan vs / RJR (televised from Educ Bldg)

ATTN Students taking AP exams in May 2012 - on Feb. 13th the School Board amended the former AP grading policy: Students only need to pay for & take their first 3 AP exams in order not to drop a letter grade in their AP courses (i.e. A student is taking 6 AP classes, but elects to only take 3 AP exams. That student will not be penalized a letter grade in any of their AP classes). Also, if a ReynoldsHigh School student can not afford their AP exam fees, but wants to take the AP exams, please contact Dr. Amy Williams at 336-703-4146 or via email: . There are some funds available for students with documented financial need.

A group of parents is working tirelessly on having a stadium built for RJ Reynolds High Schoolat HanesPark. Your support is needed!

The group has partnered with the Winston-Salem Foundation while completing its own non-profit status.

Development of a website is in the works and should be rolled out in the next few weeks.

If you cannot donate financially, your donations of time or resources are just as important and helpful.

The group is looking for people who have all types of skills and experiences including writing grants, working on websites and contacting RJR alums who have moved away from Winston-Salem.

If you would like to donate, you can contact the Winston-Salem Foundation and refer to the RJR Home Field Advantage account.

Feb. 20V Boys/Girls Basketball Playoffs, Location/Time TBD

Feb. 22V Baseball Scrimmage vs. Parkland, 5:00
JV/V Soccer Scrimmage @ Page, 6:00

Feb. 24V Soccer Scrimmage vs. FCDS, 5:30

Feb. 25V Softball Scrimmage @ Parkland, 9:00
V Baseball Scrimmage @ West Stokes, 12:00

Feb. 27V Softball vs. Page, 5:00

Feb. 28JV/V Tennis vs. Cardinal Gibbons, 4:00
V Baseball @ East Rowan, 5:30
V Softball @ Dudley, 6:00

Feb. 29V Tennis @ Broughton, 3:30
JV Tennis vs. East Forsyth, 4:30
V Soccer vs. West Stokes, 5:30

JV Baseball vs. East Forsyth, 6:00

JV Soccer vs. Walkertown, 7:00

March 1JV Baseball vs. Walkertown, 6:00

JV/V Girls Lacrosse vs. Charlotte Latin, 5:00/7:00

March 2V Track @ MountTabor, 4:45

JV Baseball @ Carver, 6:00

V Baseball vs. East Forsyth, 6:00

March 3JV/V Boys Lacrosse vs. LakeNorman, 5:00/7:00