Media release

9 April 2014

A sparkling evening for region’s youth work sector

Projects and individuals that make a positive difference to the lives of North East youngsters were recognised at a regional awards ceremony last night.

The North East Youth Work Awards, now in their third year,celebrate and acknowledge the hard work and contribution that youth services and individuals across the region have made in their local communities in the past year.

The Awards, which took place at the Stadium of Light in Sunderland, are hosted annually by Youth Focus: North East (formerly the Regional Youth Work Unit – North East),a charity based in Gateshead that works across the region to improve the lives of young people.

Thirteen awardswere handed out to individuals, projects and youth serviceswho work with young people between the ages of 11-25.

Faye Delaney, 23, won the Volunteer of the Year Awardfor her commitment to the ‘Being You’ BU Project, supportinga group of school pupils with a wide range of emotional wellbeing needs in the East of Newcastle. The programme isaimed at children and young people who would like to boost their self-esteem, and gain new skills and knowledge. Faye said: “Winning this award is quite nice! It makes me feel really appreciated, especially as this is my last year working on the project.”

For Outstanding Contribution, this was jointly awarded to Live Theatre’s Education and Participation Team, for combining a safe space, inclusive practice and freedom for self-expression with the rigours of theatre making; and Denise Barna for her work in leading Project Gambia at The Box Youth Project in Sunderland, which saw a group of young people travel out to Gambia to volunteer within local communities in the Gunjur region. Denise said: “This is unbelievable! This award acknowledges the contribution made by all the young people involved in Project Gambia;so really I’m receiving this on their behalf.”

Other awards handed out on the night included:

  • Youth Worker of the Year – Kate Sandberg, 28 from Wallsend, for her work as an unrelenting advocate for young people at Catch 22 and her role in developing the National Citizens Service in Gateshead
  • Youth Work Manager – John Percival, 28 from Newcastle, for his role at Changemakers, supporting cultural organisations to better engage with young people
  • Youth Participation Initiative – Eastern Ravens Trust for its work in supporting and inspiring young carers in Stockton to become their own champions for services that meet their needs
  • Partnership Working – Helping Hands Group for its work with Phoenix Detached Project and North Tyneside Connexions, enabling vulnerable young people with mental health or emotional well-being issues to be involved in campaigns and strategies
  • Youth Work Team of the Year – West Northumberland Youth Service for providing high quality youth work provision across a wide geographical area, incorporating projects such as the Young Families Group
  • Innovative Practice Award – The Box Youth Project for its work with Farringdon Community Academy providing students with the opportunity to engage in a range of social enterprise activities; and Change Your Mind About Young People – enabling young people to have a voice and make real sustainable changes in their local health services
  • Lifetime Achievement – Nigel Voules for his dedication to the work of the National Boys Club and the clubs for young people movement spanning five decades; Sue Davidson for her work at the heart of many communities in Darlington over the past 20 years; and Andy Stubbs, head of Thurston Outdoor Education Centre, for supporting young people from South Tyneside over the past 31 years.

Leon Mexter, chief executive of Youth Focus: North East, said: “Youth work is a profession that, all too often, hides its light under a bushel. Occasions like our North East Youth Work Awards helps to highlight the outstanding and unique contribution that youth workers and youth organisations make to the community fabric of the region.

“Last night, over 170 youth work practitioners and managers came together at the Stadium of Light to celebrate and recognise the cream of youth work provision in the North East - a moment in time to share the outstanding work going on in our region to improve the lives of young people.”

Over 170 guests attended the awards ceremony, with entertainment provided by 15-year old local musician KeiranScaplehornfrom Washington and Irish folk group The Geordie Shamrocks. Ingenius Theatre rounded off the evening with their live vocal performance.

As well as hosting the North East Youth Work Awards, Youth Focus: North East also runs a number of regional programmes around the themes of mental health, intergenerational, media, arts and culture and youth employability.

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Media enquiries:

Contact:Alexis Forsyth, email: or tel: 0191 440 4410

Youth Focus: North East, Design Works, Felling, Gateshead, NE10 0JP. Tel: (0191) 440 4410. Find us at: or

Notes to editors:

About Youth Focus: North East

Established in 1989, Youth Focus: North East (formerly Regional Youth Work Unit – North East) is a regional hub connecting young people and the organisations and professionals who support them.

Progressive and dynamic, our award-winning organisation is rooted in the values of youth work. We support a network of over 1500 organisations and individuals concerned with improving the lives of young people. Supporting the development of quality services – we want young people to have the best from the organisations they access and the professionals who work with them.

We see the potential, not the problems, in young people. We develop responses and demonstration projects that attempt to address big issues in young people’s lives. We also create space for young people to explore different issues and ideas; working alongside them to formulate responses.

Youth Focus: North East amplifies the voice of young people so they can be heard and we open up doors to new opportunities for both young people and professionals across the North East.