2018 National Navajo-Churro Sheep Association Annual General Meeting Schedule

All events to take place at the Lewis-Arriola Community Center, 10 miles North of Cortez CO.

Visit our website for more information on travel, lodging, area information and event details at . We prefer that you contact us by e-mail at with questions. You may also call Andrew Schafer at970-749-2148or Cindy Dvergsten at 970-882-4222 if necessary. Note: Details on the sheep and wool show will be available by August so please wait until then with your questions. The agenda may change. For details and updates follow us on Facebook page: Navajo-Churro Sheep Association.

Thursday, Sept 20th-
10am-5pm: Spin-off Hosted by Dine Be Iina – The Navajo Lifeway. Open to everyone. Bring your favorite fiber arts or crafts activity and work around other fiber enthusiasts. Depending on who is present, you may learn about spinning, weaving, felting, braiding, carding and washing. Bring your own lunch. Have fun learning from each other. An informal “potluck” BBQ and gathering follows in the evening.

7pm – 9 pm: Learn about Navajo Churro Sheep History and Production. Dr. Lyle McNealCarnegie Professor; Livestock & Range Specialist at College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at Utah State University and Founder of the Navajo Sheep Project will speak about the significance of Navajo-Churro Sheep and his experience in conserving this breed.

Camping is open starting Thursday afternoon for those traveling with sheep and vendors who have outdoor booths. Parking lot space is available for people bringing sheep and who want to camp. You will be 100% responsible for providing safe enclosures.Please note that the property is not fenced! All sheep from outside of Colorado must have a health certificate. All sheep must have proper scrappies ID ear tag. Water, bathrooms and an outdoor cooking area are available. Camping fee $10 per night per vehicle. You are responsible for cleaning up after your animals! Campers must be out by 10 AM on Sunday. No dogs are allowed! Also,no alcohol is allowed on the premises.

Vendors may set up starting at 2PM on Thursday. Outdoor spaces available. Indoor table spaces are very limited, please ask. Vendors fee is $15 per day. Visit our website or contact us for details on how to reserve a space. Vendors must be selling or providing services and information related to sheep, wool, fiber arts and crafts, fiber processing, farming, ranching, livestock breed conservationand sheep production.

Friday, Sept 21st

9:00 am Doors Open & Welcome Message, refreshments served by vendor(s).

9:30 am Introducing the new N-CSA Registry Data Base

10:30 am Travel through time with Zefren Anderson of Zefren M-Weavings, as he explores “Weaving of the Four Corners: From Cotton to Wool.”

11:00am Entries for the N-CSA Juried Fleece Show will be accepted. Check-in for fleeces will begin at noon Friday. All entries will be eligible for silent wool auction that follows the show. (Guidelines and pre-registration forms will be available on our website and on Facebook by August.)

12: 00 pm We plan to have vendor(s) serving food. Or you may bring your own lunch.

1:00 pm Juried Navajo-Churro Fleece Show and Clinic. First, second and third place awards will be presented for each class as well as grand champion ram and ewe and best of show awards.

3:00 pm Enjoy informal mini-workshops, demonstrations, and discussions. Visit with friends. Shop vendors booths and the N-CSA Silent Auction. Please bring unique donation items for the N-CSA general silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Association.

5:00 pm Silent Wool Auction opens and will run through the evening. (Fleece auction details and Pre-registration forms will be available on our website starting in August.)

5:30 pm Enjoy dinner featuring Navajo-Churro Lamb and locally raised produce. The cost is $15.00 per plate.

NOTE: You must RSVP to assure there will be a plate for you. To RSVP, please e-mail You may also call Andrew Schafer at 970-749-2148 or Cindy Dvergsten at 970-882-4222 if necessary. We will accept payments at the door.

Friday, Sept 21st continued

7:00 pm Keynote Speaker Dr. Alison Martin PhD, Executive Director of the Livestock Breeds Conservancy,will discuss the work of her organization and significance conserving rare and endangered livestock breeds with a focus on sheep. Anyone interested in heritage breeds will enjoy this presentation.

8:30 pm Fleece Silent Auction ends.You must be present to claim your fleece.

Saturday, Sept 22nd

7:30 am Breakfast – enjoy blue corn pancakes and locally raised meat, eggs and fruit. The cost is $5.00 per plate.

NOTE: You must RSVP to assure there will be a plate for you. To RSVP, please e-mail You may also call Andrew Schafer at 970-749-2148 or Cindy Dvergsten at 970-882-4222 if necessary. We will accept payments at the door.

8:00 am Annual General Membership Meeting led by NCSA Board of Directors.

9:00 am Dr. Allison Alison Martin, Executive Director of the Livestock Breeds Conservancy will present on Genetics and Best Breeding Practices for livestock breed conservation with a focus on Navajo-Churro Sheep.

11:00 am Check-in for N-CSA Juried Sheep Show will begin.(Guidelines and pre-registration forms will be available on our website and on Facebook starting in August.Contact us for details on how to enter.

11:30 am We plan to have vendor(s) serving food. Or you may bring your own lunch.

12: 00 – 3:00 pm Enjoy watching our Juried Navajo-Churro Sheep Show. First, second and third place awards will be presented for each class as well as grand champion ram and ewe and best of show awards.

12:00 pm Also enjoy informal mini-workshops, demonstrations, and discussions. Visit with friends. Shop vendors booths and the N-CSA Silent Auction. Please bringunique donation items for the N-CSA general silent auction. All proceeds benefit the Association.

3:00 pm The N-CSA general silent auction ends. You must be present to claim your item!

3:30 pm Sheep Registration Clinic. Breeders can bring sheep to get registered. Great learning opportunity for breeders and the public.

5:30 pm Members Roundtable Discussion and Closing Comments

6:30 pm Informal Potluck BBQ – no alcohol is allowed on the premises.

Sunday, Sept 23rd

Campers must be out by 10 am.

8:30 AM Sunday: Enjoy an “Open Gate” Farm tour sponsored by Holistic Management International. We will be visiting at least two Navajo Churro Sheep producers to learn about how to plan and manage grazing to create healthy land, happy animals and strong economies. Contact us at info@wholenewconcepts.comfor details on how to register. A small fee will be charged to cover lunch and materials.